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ments of public joy, obliged to remain apparently more calm in the limits of its duties, is not less a partaker in the universal sentiments of the people.-Your Royal Highness will read in our hearts, through the reserve of our language-each of us, as a Frenchman, has joined in those of feeling and profound emotions, which have


lessly for France, a monstrous greatness, | 14.-Monsieur has received to-day, at [540 the weight of which fell back upon you, eight in the evening, the Senate and the as upon the rest of the world. So many Legislative Body.-The Senate was prethousand brave men have been but the in-sented to his Royal Highness by the Prince struments, and the victims of a force with- of Benevento, its President, who said———— out prudence, which wanted to found an Monseigneur-The Senate brings to your empire without proportion. How many Royal Highness the offer of its most rehave died unknown to increase the renown spectful submission.-It has invited the reof one man! They did not even enjoy turn of your august House to the throne of that which was their due. Their families, France. Too well instructed by the preat the end of a campaign, could not obtain sent and the past, it desires, in common the certainty of their glorious end, and do with the nation, for ever to found the themselves honour by their deeds in arms. Royal authority on a just division of power All is changed; you will no more pe- and on public liberty, which are the only rish 500 leagues from your country for a securities of the happiness and liberty of all. cause which is not her's. Princes born-Monseigneur-the Senate, in the moFrenehmen will spare your blood, for their blood is yours. Their ancestors governed yours. Time perpetuated between them, and as a long inheritance of recollections, of interests and reciprocal services, this ancient race has produced Kings, who were named the fathers of the people. It gave us Henry IV. whom warriors still call the valiant King, and whom the country peo-accompanied you ever since your entrance ple will always call the good King.It into the capital of your ancestors, and is to his descendants that your fate is con- which are still more lively under the roof fided. Can you entertain any alarm for it? of this palace, to which hope and joy are They admired in a foreign land the prodi- at length returned with a descendant of St. gies of French valour; they admired while Louis and Henry IV.-For myself, my they lamented their return was delayed by Lord, allow me to congratulate myself on many useless exploits. These Princes are being the organ of the Senate which has at length in the midst of you; they have chosen me to be the interpreter of its senbeen unfortunate like Henry IV.; they timents to your Royal Highness. The Sewill reign like him. They are not igno- nate, knowing my attachment to its memrant that the most distinguished portion of bers, has been pleased to reserve for me a their great family, is that which compose delightful and honourable moment, The the army; they will watch over their first most delightful, in fact, are those in which children.- -Remain then faithful to your we approach your Royal Highness, to restandards. Good cantonments shall be al-new to you the expressions of our respect. lotted to you. There are among you young and our love.". warriors who are already veterans in glory; their wounds have doubled their age. These may, if they please, return and grow old in the places of their nativity with honourable rewards; the others will continue to follow the profession of arms, with all the hopes of advancement and stability which it can offer.Soldiers of France! let French sentiments animate you-open your hearts to all family affections-keep your heroism for the defence of your country, not to invade foreign territories; keep your heroism, but let not ambition render it fatal to yourselves: let it no longer be a source of uneasiness to the rest of Europe."

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In the Moniteur of the 14th inst. the following detail is given of what took place that day in the Senate:-"PARIS, APRIL

decree of the Senate:-The Senate comThe following is the mits the Provisional Government of France to his Royal Highness the Count D'Artois, under the title of Lieutenant-General of the kingdom, until Louis Stanilaus Xavier de France, called to the throne of the French, shall have accepted the Constitutional Charter. The Senate resolves, that the decree of this day, concerning the Provisional Government of France, shall be presented this evening by the Senate, in a body, to his Royal Highness the Count d'Artois.-The President and Secretaries, The Prince of BENEVENTO. Count De VALENCE. Count De PASTOret."men-I have acquainted myself with the His Royal Highness answered-" Gentle- * Constitutional Act, which recals to the throne of France the King, my august bro-

ther. I have not received from him the | his talents, but I am sure of having his power to accept the Constitution; but I heart and love for the French."-After know his sentiments and his principles, and the Senate, the members of the Legisla I do not fear to be disavowed by him, tive Body who were at Paris at the time of when I assure you, in his name, that he the happy event which restores us our will admit the basis of it.-The King, in King, and the deputies of the neighbouring declaring that he would maintain the ac- departments, who have eagerly repaired to tual form of Government, has then ac- Paris, were admitted to an audience of his knowledged that the Monarchy ought to Royal Highness. Mr. Felix Faulcon, the be balanced by a Representative Govern- Vice-President, spoke as follows,-"My ment, divided into two Houses. These Lord-The long misfortunes which have two Houses (Chambres) are the Senate oppressed France, have at last reached their and the House of the Deputies of the De- period; the throne will now again be filled partments; that the taxes shall be freely with the descendants of that good Henry, granted by the Representatives of the Na- whom the French people are proud and tion; public and private liberty secured; delighted to call their own; and the Lethe freedom of the press respected, under gislative Body is happy in expressing this the restrictions necessary for public order day to your Royal Highness, the joy and and tranquillity; the liberty of worship the hopes of the nation; the deep wounds guaranteed; that property shall be invio- of our country cannot be healed but by the lable and sacred; the ministers responsi- tutelary concurrence of the will of all. ble, liable to be accused and prosecuted by NO MORE DIVISIONS, your Royal Highthe Representatives of the nation; that the ness has said, at the first step you took in judges shall be for life; the judicial power this capital; it was worthy of your Highindependent, no one being hable to be tried ness to pronounce these sweet words, which by any other than his natural judges; that have already re-echoed in every heart."the public debt shall be guaranteed; that Monsieur expressed his happiness at being pensions, dignities, military honours, shall in the midst of the Representatives of the be preserved, as well as the new and the French people. We are all Frenchmen,* ancient nobility; the legion of honour said his Royal Highness; 'we are all bromaintained, the King will fix its insignia; thers. The King will soon arrive among that every Frenchman shall be capable of us; his only happiness will be to secure the military and civil employments; that no happiness of France, and to make its past individual can be called to account for his misfortunes forgotten. Let us think only opinions and his votes; and that the sale of on the future. I congratulate you, Gennational estates shall be irrevocable.- tlemen of the Legislative Body, on your These, Gentlemen, are, it seems to me, courageous resistance to tyranny, while the basis which are essential and necessary there was great danger in it. At length to ensure all rights, trace all duties, secure we are all Frenchmen.'-The speech of the continuation of all existing institutions, his Royal Highness was followed by uniand guarantee our future situation."- versal acclamations. The Deputies of the departments will relate to their fellowcitizens the lively impressions which they have experienced in addressing, for the first

After this discourse his Royal Highness added-"I thank you in the name of the King, my brother, for the share you have had in the return of our legitimate Sove-time, the wishes of France to a descendant reign, and for having thus secured the hap- of our Kings, in the Palace of Louis XIV." piness of France, for which the King and all After Monsieur had taken upon himself his family are ready to sacrifice their blood. the exercise of the Royal Authority, the -There can be no longer any difference Moniteur of the 17th gives the following of sentiments among us; we must no particulars "Paris, April 16.-Monsieur, more recal the past; we must from hence-Lieutenant-General of the kingdom, has forward be a nation of brothers. During the time that I shall have the power in my hands, which time I hope will be very short, I shall employ all my efforts in labouring for the public happiness"-One of the members of the Senate crying out, "He is a true descendant of Henry IV.""His blood," said Monsieur," really Bows in my veins: I should wish to have

appointed the following persons to be members of the Provisional Council of State; Messieurs to Prince of Benevento, the Duke of Cornegliano, Marshal of France; the Duke of Reggio, ditto; the Duke of Dalberg; the Count de Jaucourt, Senator; General Count Bournonville, Senator; L'Abbe de Montesguiou; General Dessolles-General Vitrolles, Provisiopal

Secretary of State, will perform the func- Bonaparte is not only to retain his title of tions of Secretary to the Council.The Emperor, but, it would seem; that there Members comprising the Sections of the has been some misunderstanding between Council of State, have had to day an au- the Allied Powers and us respecting the dience of Monsieur.-Count Bergin ad- final arrangements with Napoleon." It dressed his Royal Highness as follows:- is said, that on the 11th instant, the date "My Lord-The Council of State is happy assigned by the Paris Papers to BONAat 'seeing the return of your Royal High-PARTE's act of abdication, a treaty was ness to the capital, and the palace of your actually signed between him and the ancestors.-At length the descendants of Allied Powers, England excepted, by which St. Louis and Henry IV. are restored to us. he is to keep, notwithstanding his abdicaOur hearts belong to the King and his tion, the title of Emperor:"I am inclined august family, and our thoughts, our zeal, to think there is some truth in this stateour homage, are his due. Our decrees, ment, which is only a repetition of what my Lord, are to be serviceable to the appeared a few days ago in a morning paSovereign and the country, to see the per. Well, then, the Emperor Napoleon, wounds of France healed, which is at last be- as we are again permitted to call him, has come the common country of its Monarch at last set out for the island of Elba. The and his subjects, and to behold our august Empress, had an interview with her father Monarch happy in the happiness of his at Little Triannon onthe 16th, but whether people." Monsieur was pleased to make she is, or is not, to accompany her husa most gracious reply to this speech in band in his exile, has not yet transpired. which, among other expressions, he de- It is said that she is to retire to the Duchy clared that he partook of the sentiments of Parma, which she is to receive as a pawhich the members of the Sections of the trimony, and to which the young king is to Council of State had just expressed to him, succeed on her decease. But if, as I have and that the King and his Royal Highness been informed, she really entertains a sinhad never doubted of their attachment and cere attachment for Napoleon, T do not their zeal for the service of the State: suppose that any consideration will induce On the same day, the following act of the her to give him up. government was announced ." We, Charles Philip, of France, Son of France Monsieur, brother to the King, LieutenantGeneral of the Kingdom, make 'known; -The circumstances which have passed, had made it requisite that we should give in the name of the King our august brother, commissions more or less extensive. Those who were charged with them have fulfilled them honourably; they all tendedto the re-establishment of the monarchy, of order-and of peace. This re-establishment is happily effected by the union of all hearts, all rights, all interests. The Gory; but few or none of them are willing vernment has assumed a regular course: all kinds of business must be henceforward done by the Magistrates, or others to whose departments they belong. The particular commissions are therefore become useless -they are revoked, and those who were invested, will abstain from making any further use of them.-Given and sealed at Paris, at the Palace of the Thuilleries, April 16.(Signed)-CHARLES PHILIP. MONSIEUR,-Lieut. Gen: of the Kingdom.plained that they are not regularly served with -The Provisional Secretary of State;(Signed)-Baron VITROLLES."

THE EMPEROR NAPOLEON.-If the following article, which appeared in the Courier of the 21st instant, is correct,

OCCURRENCES OF THE WAR.-I did not expect to be again obliged to adopt this title; but some circumstances have occur red which still render it necessary. At Thoulouse and Bayonne several serious affairs have taken place between our troops and those under the command of Marshal Soult, and, although the official accounts have not arrived, the loss on both sides seems to have been very great, A good deal is said, in our newspapers, about these contests having been occasioned by treach

to admit, that the determined manner in which the French troops have so recently fought in this and other quarters, affords a proof that Napoleon might have succeeded in rallying another powerful army, and perhaps have overcome his opponents, had he not preferred the interests of France to the glory of continuing to reign over her, acquired at the expence of a civil war.

NOTICE. Several Gentlemen having com

the Register, the Public are again; respectfully informed, that it is published every Saturday Morning at 10 o'clock, and that all unnecessary delay in the delivery, may, in fature, he prevented, by ordering the Register from MR. MORTON, the Publisher, No. 94, Strand.

Printed and published by J. MORTON, No. 94, Strand.


VOL. XXV. No. 18.] LONDON, SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1814,

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[Price 1s.


this same metropolis rejoiced at the arrival TO THE KING OF FRANCE. of the embassador of Napoleon at the After twenty two years of exile, of slight, peace of Amiens; with what delight they of abandonment, your Majesty is, I per- attended his steps; how chearfully they ceive, receiving congratulations, applauses, drew him in his carriage, supplanting his shouts of joy at your approach; your way horses in their functions; how they enis strewed with garlands and with laurels, twined his tri-coloured flag with the flag and your smile and your nod sought after of Great Britain; how they exhibited his as aniongst the choicest of blessings; and portrait in the attitude of shaking hands all this in a country, where you have been with our King; how the Lord Mayor of suffered, for many years, to live in obscu- that very City of London, who has lately rity as if you had been no more than an addressed you in terms of such ardent unfortunate manufacturer or merchant. friendship, had, at his grand annual festiYour Majesty's late entry into, and depar- val, the flags of Napoleon and of Great ture from, the capital of this kingdom, Britain waving over his head, while "Na+ must have given rise, in your mind, to re-poleon" was the second toast at the festive flections and sensations to possess which board. It will not be necessary to remind upon paper, and in an authentic form, your Majesty of these things, nor, surely, would be a treasure to the world... Your of the circumstances, more closely affect-> procession in the royal carriage, drawn by ing yourself and family, arising out of that our King's eight cream-coloured horses; treaty of amity with Napoleon. Your your being accompanied by the Prince Majesty will not want to be reminded, Regent and his great officers of state; the neither, of the treaties of Campo Formio; splendid guard of honour attending and Vienna; Berlin; Tilsit, and others. Your surrounding you; the numerous and gal- many journeys from country to country; lant nobility and gentry on horseback, who your observations on the actions, motives, thought it an honour to be permitted to and characters of men, and of women too,~ move in the cavalcade; the thousands of must have rendered unnecessary any encarriages, and the hundreds of thousands of deavour to awaken your recollection to the people, assembled in and near London, past. It is, as to the future, upon which I' the object of which assemblages was to am about to address you. Addresses of bail and congratulate you; the white congratulation you have received, and will cockades and white flags and fleur de lis, receive, in abundance. It is my object to which, as it were, in forests, met your eye offer you my advice; and, especially to in all directions; your entrance into the caution you against being led into meapalace of our Queen, the embrace, à la sures, which would produce misery françoise, of our Regent, and the truly amongst the numerous and brave people, kind and cordial reception by his royal whom you are now called to govern, and mother; all these must have produced who deserve well of all the nations of upon your Majesty's mind an eflect pro- the earth for the sacrifices which they portioned to the astonishing greatness of have made in the cause of freedom. the contrast between these circumstances, A great soldier has been conquered; the and those which have attended your exist-most skilful and brave captain that ever ence so many years last past. But, your lived has had a crown torn from his brow; Majesty, who have now had a great deal he has been bereft of his power; but, the of experience in the world; who have had principles of freedom have not been extinan opportunity of appreciating the real guished, and have undergone no alteration value of congratulations and applauses, or change. If your Majesty resolves to will not need to be reminded of what has govern upon those principles, your restopassed. It will not, therefore, be neces-ration will be a blessing to the world; if' sary for me to relate how the people of you do not, it will be still a greater mise


fortune to yourself and your family than to the world; for sooner or later, those principles must triumph.-The mind of man knows nothing of retrogade motion. What men have learned they cannot unlearn; and, there exists now not a single wellinformed man in Europe, who believes that nations were made for their rulers. It is now a maxim, settled in the minds of all people, that rulers, be their title what it may, derive their authority solely from those, over whom, and for whose benefit, that authority is exercised. You return to a people, in whose minds these principles are deeply implanted. It is, in fact, a new mind in France that you have to manage; and history will tell your Majesty, that restorations are not, any more than revolutions, unassailable by the workings of the popular mind.--Your Majesty will not, I fear, want men to counsel you to endeavour to make your restoration the restoration of all those things, which were the efficient causes of the tragical end of your brother, and the long exile of yourself and the other members of your House. They will tell you, that the ancient regime existed for many centuries without being shaken by popular commotion; that this, therefore, is the regime proper to prevent another revolution; that to govern upon the principles of freedom, would be to give your countenance and approbation to the acts of the republicans and regicides; that your only true friends are the unqualified royalists; the preachers of divine right; and that it would be ingratitude towards those who have never deserted your cause, to act as if you freely forgave those who have fulminated, or approved of, decrees levelled at the authority and the lives of your family.If your Majesty had the means and the heart to destroy, utterly to kill, and put an end to, thirty millions of people, there might be some reason in this advice. But, not supposing you to have the will, I know you have not the power to do this terrible deed; yet, without such power, the counsel of these inveterate and malignant foes of freedom must be destitute of sense; and, to act upon it, must produce new convulsions, and, in all likelihood, bring new miseries upon yourself or your descendants.

-You return to a people very different in disposition and character from that people whom you formerly knew in France. Before the revolution, the French people were an object of our scorn and mockery. If we wanted to represent in human shape

any thing the most cowardly and contemptible, we always chose a Frenchman. We called them slaves; it was proverbial amongst us, that they were a starved, shirtless, feeble, cowardly race of beings. They have wiped away this stigma. They, without kings or nobles to guide them, have forced us to respect and fear them. It was worth a revolution to produce this change in the opinions of the world. When our authors, who live by flattering the vain glory of the ignorant part of the people, now want to depict feebleness and cowardice, they do not choose Frenchmen for their subjects.The French people might, while under the awe of a foreign force, seem to acquiesce in the re-establishment of the ancient order of things; but, that awe, if you be really a Sovereign, cannot last long, and, the moment it is remov ed, the people will resume their rights. It is not the same people who, so long, submitted to the old regime. It is a different people; a people who have tasted of the sweets of liberty; a people who have long been accustomed to discussion; a people who have seen what they are able to perform; a people who have imbibed a contempt, a most profound contempt, for all the pretensions of birth and rank; a people who have before them the most ample experience of their being able to defend themselves against all Europe, without the aid of hereditary valour or wisdom. ——As to giving your countenance to the acts of the republicans, you must give these acts your countenance, if you agree to what the Senate has proposed; for, in that proposition is contained a ratification of the laws of Napoleon, and those laws, as far as they are good, are little more than a confirmation of the republican decrees. You must give your countenance to the republican acts, therefore, or you must reject the proposition of the Senate; you must remount the throne, not in consequence of the invitation of the Senate, but under the mere influence of a foreign force in possession of the capital of France, and in defiance of the people of France, upon whose good will you and your family must, after all, depend for your continuance in power.— We are told of the extreme joy, which prevails, in all parts of France, upon the subject of your restoration. We are told, that this feeling is the universal feeling. We are told, that the people evidently love you and your family. We are told, in authentic documents too, that there is not a dissenting voice. But, is it not rather


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