Abbildungen der Seite

feated under the walls of that town: ask of them if they did not see the army fly before our victorious troops, if they have not seen the trophies of our victory, consisting of 50 pieces of cannon, of numerous caissons, and

some thousand prisoners? And it was, besides, only a part of the army entrusted to my command which gained this decisive victory, while another part made themselves masters of St. Quentin, where they took 45 pieces of brass cannon, and while the grand army, after having on the 3d and 4th defeated near Troyes, the corps opposed to it, is advancing on the other side towards

quire whether this proclamation is genuine or not, I shall subjoin the French official account of what happened on the 9th and 10th, which, perhaps, will enable us to form a more correct opinion on the subject:

THE EMPEROR NAPOLEON AND HIS ARMY." Our armies are at present more numerous It is now to be hoped that those who and finer than ever," and told them," in so very lately believed in the total annihi- order to judge of the events of the war, lation, the complete defeat of Bonaparte's you have only to enquire of the inhabitants army by Blucher,, will, at least, acknow-of Laon, concerning what happened on the ledge that they were somewhat mistaken; 9th and 10th of this month, on which days that, instead of the French Emperor having the French army, commanded by the Emdisgracefully fled, first to Paris, and after-peror Napoleon in person, was totally dewards to Normandy with only 15,000 troops, and without any chance of ever again recovering himself, he neither retreated from the scene of action, nor was worsted in the field of battle; but, on the contrary, kept possession of the ground, in spite of the superior army which was opposed to him, and was only induced to suspend his operations in the North, that he might drive back the Austrian army which had again advanced in the South. The reader will recollect, when the subject of Napoleon's military exploits was last under consideration, in the Register of the 19th, ult., at which period the people of Eng-your capital."Without stopping to enland were rejoicing over his fall, and celebrating the event by discharges of cannon, that I did not hesitate in advancing an opinion directly opposed to that which was then almost universally received; that I frankly avowed my disbelief of the intelli- "On the 9th, at day break (says the gence which had been promulgated; that I French bulletin), we reconnoitred the eneregarded the battle of the 9th, if any was my, who had joined the Prussian corps. fought on that day, as a mere partial affair; The position was such as to be deemed unand concluded my observations with this attackable. We took a position. The remark, that whether "Blucher engaged Duke of Ragusa, who had slept on the 8th the French on the 9th or not, I have no he- at Corbone, appeared at two in the aftersitation in saying, that the result of this noon at Veslud, overthrew the enemy's adbattle, even admitting the loss to be as vanced guard, attacked the village of Algreat as stated, will, in my opinion, have thies, which was carried, and was successlittle or no effect on the grand scale of ope- ful during the whole day. At half-past rations upon which Napoleon now appears six he took up a position. At seven the to be acting.". -The result, at least as enemy made a dash of cavalry, one league far as things have yet gone, has shown that in the rear, where the Duke of Reggio had I was not altogether mistaken in my opi-a park of reserve. The Duke of Ragusa nion. Dispatches having been received from Colonel Lowe, containing details of the affairs before Laon, to the 12th ult., it appears from these that, though there had On the same day General Charpentier, been a good deal of hard fighting, during with his division of the young guard, carwhich, he says, the Allies were in part ried the village of Clacy. On the next successful; yet that, at the close of the day the enemy attacked the village seven contest, Blucher remained on the heights times, and were seven times repulsed. of Laon, while the French army occupied Gen. Charpentier lost 400 prisoners. The the plains below, almost close to the walls enemy left the avenues covered with his of that place." The fires of his bivouack dead. The Emperor's head-quarters were (says Colonel Lowe) were apparent along on the 9th and 10th at Chavignon.-His a very extended line at the beginning of the Majesty, judging that it was impossible to night; but in the morning it was discover-attack the heights of Laon, fixed his headed he had retired."-Marshal Blucher quarters on the 11th at Soissons. The Duke addressed a proclamation to the French of Ragusa occupied on the same day Bery from Laon on the 13th, in which he said, au Bac.". -I shall say nothing here of the

proceeded thither quickly, but the enemy had time to carry off 15 pieces of cannon. A great part of the personnel was saved.

proceeded next day in person to that city, from which he drove the Prussians, who lost "22 pieces of cannon, 5,000 prisoners, and 100 artillery and baggage waggons.' Meanwhile, the grand army, as it is called, under Schwartzenberg, taking advantage of the absence of Bonaparte, made a movement, in advance, towards Provins and Nangis. Immediately on receiving intelligence of these operations, Napoleon set out for the South; passed the Aube and the Seine on the 19th; and reached Arcis-surAube on the morning of the 20th, the Russians and Austrians flying in all directions on hearing of his approach. The head quarters of the Allied sovereigns, which were at Arcis-sur-Aube on the 16th, were transferred, in all haste to Troyes, and thence to Bar-sur-Aube, where by the last official accounts, they took up a position on the 18th. Thus we find that Na

vast difference in the above two accounts as | reasons, you considered it the best policy to the number of cannon lost by the French; not to risk a general engagement at Laon, nor shall I make any remarks upon the the moment may again arrive when you statement of Blucher, who asserts, that the shall have an opportunity of humbling your French army was commanded by Bona- haughty opponent, as effectually as you parte in person, though Napoleon express- humbled him at Leipsic.But while the ly says, that his "head-quarters were on gallant Marshal was thus endeavouring to the 9th and 10th at Charignon." But if, intimidate the people of France, Bonaparte as Marshal Blucher says, his army was was employed in following up his successes. more numerous and finer than ever, how Learning that a division of Blucher's army came he to shut himself closely up in Laon, had surprised and taken possession of and to decline marching this fine and nu-Rheims on the 12th, the French Emperor merous army against the French, who were confessedly inferior in every respect? According to our accounts, Blucher's force amounted to 90,000 veteran troops, while the French had only 60,000 raw undisciplined conscripts. With such a superiority of force, one would have expected that the redoubted, the valiant, and the enterprising Blucher, would have carried every thing before him; would, in reality, have annihilated the unskilful, the cowardly Bonaparte, and made good his march to Paris. But no; instead of descending to the plain, and punishing the audacity of his insignificant rival, he considered it more advisable to remain snug within the walls of an impregnable fortress, and wisely preferred security and safety, in the protection afforded by the cannon which bristled on the ramparts with which he was surrounded, to vain-glory in the field of battle, of which he did not stand in need: instead of wield-poleon has driven the Allied armies much ing the sword to destroy "the enemy of the human race," and restore enslaved Europe to its former happy condition; instead of wasting his time on the "vile caitiff," the "bastard Corsican," he manfully seized the pen, and sent forth an address to the people of France, to make it known, "that the towns and villages whose inhabitants shall dare to take up arms against our troops, or oppose our military operations, SHALL BE BURNT, painful as it will be to me, to be compelled in this manner to punish the innocent with the guilty." Humane and feeling old man! No one can doubt that a vengeance so exemplary, was painful to you: No one will suppose, that you could be driven to the dire necessity of thus outraging you tender feelings; of lacerat ing your kind and benevolent heart, but by circumstances which you could neither for see nor controul your case is indeed a hard one; but there is one source remaining, to which you can still apply for consolation, and it is this,-that "the race is not always to the swift nor the battle to the strong." Though, from the most profound

farther from Paris than he had done at any period since he set out to command his army. Blucher was 80 miles north, and Schwartzenberg was fully 120 miles south of the French capital. The Courier, with its usual confidence, tells us that "another blow has been dealt by the hand of the venerable and heroic Blucher, and it should seem as if it were ordained that the humbling of the coarse oppressor of Prussia, was especially reserved for that high spirit which could never brook that oppression, and which remained erect amidst the prostration of his country.". "This intelligence (continues the same writer) has been confirmed by accounts received by government." But if government had received accounts of this other blow," is it to be believed that they would not have given them to the public in one form or another?

The fact is, this is the era of hoaxing, and those connected with the Courier, who perhaps know more of the late Exchange affair, than is generally believed, wished very probably to have another slice of the Omnium before it fell below their notice.

-This sort of Stock which was lately so ---------Mr. Vansittart replied, that with rehigh as 334 was on Wednesday down as gard to the second question, he should have low as 12 per cent. In the morning it had thought that the Honourable Member would opened at 16; but its rapid decline having have been aware, that in the present situabeen perceived, an attempt was immedi- tion of affairs it would not be fit to give any ately made to counteract this.A report answer upon the subject. On the first inwas industriously circulated, that the Allies quiry we understood the Right Honourable had defeated Bonaparte in a general en- Gentleman to put a negative; but the low gagement, and the Courier stopped the tone of voice in which he spoke would not press at an early hour, to announce the in- permit what he said to be distinctly heard telligence in the following paragraph:- in the gallery."The Times of the same "Courier Office, Two o'clock.It is day, reported the conversation as follows: reported in the City, but we have not been" Mr. Brand wished to ask the Right able to trace upon what authority, that Honourable Gentleman opposite, if any neBlucher gained a great victory over Bona- gociation were now carrying on with the parte, in which the latter lost 25,000 men, ruler of France.The Chancellor of the in killed, wounded, and prisoners."-This Exchequer (as far as we could collect) denew attempt to impose upon the credulity clined to answer the question, upon prinof the public, was, however, soon detected, ciples of public duty."It is clear, from and the Omnium market closed at a pre- both these statements, that the negociations mium of 12 per cent. Considering that have not made that progress which the the head quarters of Bonaparte and of the country were long ago led to expect, partly Allies were little more than thirty-five in consequence of the frequent prorogations miles from each other when the last ac- of Parliament, and partly from the statecounts came away, it is very probable wements of the Courier, which has asserted, may soon hear of some important results from that quarter, providing the Allies do not, as they have hitherto frequently done, decline the battle offered them by Napoleon, and seek for safety in a precipitate retreat. If a general engagement takes place, it is my opinion that it will have a very different termination from that reported by the Courier. But if there has been no battle, no general affair, it is difficult to say, according to the present mode of conducting the war, when it may be brought to a conclusion.

more than once, that the preliminaries were actually signed, and on their way to this country to be ratified. It is some time since it was known, that the conferences for an armistice had failed, in consequence of the terms proposed by the Allies having been considered by Bonaparte as unjust." We were agreed (said the French Emperor) upon the points of occupation in the North and East, but the enemy wished not only to extend his line upon the Soane and the Rhone, but to inclose Savoy in it. We replied to this unjust pretension, by proposing to adopt the status quo, and to leave PEACE OR WAR ?The prospect of the Duke of Castiglione and Count Bubna peace seems to become the more distant as to settle it upon the line of their advanced the parties advance in the negociation. posts. This was rejected." I have no have uniformly stated, that this was not a doubt that the line of demarkation agreed matter which could be so soon or so easily upon in the North and East, was on the settled as most people imagined. In the German side of the Rhine. But be this as House of Commons, on Wednesday even- it may, I cannot help thinking, that it was ing, the following conversation, as it ap-rather asking too much, for the Allies to depeared in the Morning Chronicle of Thursday, took place on this interesting subject


“Mr. Brand rose for the purpose of putting two questions to the Right Honourable Gentleman (the Chancellor of the Exchequer), to answer which he hoped there would be no objection. First, whether Government had sent out, or was about to send out, a ship to convey the Duke of Berri to Bourdeaux ?-and, Secondly, whether Negociations were still carried on at Chatillon between the Ambassadors of the Allies and of the Emperor of France ?

mand, that their troops should be allowed to extend their line on the South; that they should be permitted to enter territories which they had not been able to overrun; and which, it is more than probable, if the war continues, that they never will. Nothing could be fairer, in my opinion, than to leave the generals opposed to each other in that quarter, to settle the boundary “upon the line of their advanced posts." This was the proposal of Napoleon; but it was rejected, and with this rejection terminated all conferences for air armistice. The Cou

layed. That we may control it, reinforcements are arriving from all quarters. Thousands have flocked to my standard from Bohemia and Hungary, and others are hastening from Belgium and from Holland, from Prussia, and from every district of Germany. Entertain, then, no fears for the result; that is obvious and certain; and in the painful interval be assured that no means shall be neglected for your consola

rier has since published the following bulletin, respecting the negociations for peace: "We understand the Preliminaries of Peace are in substance agreed upon. France is to be reduced to her ancient boundaries -those of 1789.- But the Allies insist upon certain fortresses in Old France being given up to them as securities till a definitive treaty of peace. These are, Strasburgh, Metz, Valencieunes, Lisle, Bay onne, and Perpignan.Upon the question, while you remain in a state in which tion of the surrender of these fortresses alone, if not entirely, we understand, the signature of Preliminaries stands over.―― It is said that Bonaparte is willing to surrender some of them; the Allies, of course, to retire to the frontiers of Old France.'

you must necessarily be exposed to many of the miseries of war."- -To this I shall only add the following extracts from a proclamation of the Duke of Dalmatia (Scult), which, though dated the 10th of March, may be read as an answer to the above; -Now, upon this statement, I would and then leave the reader to form his own remark, that if the Allies have really gone opinion on the subject." Soldiers, you so far as to demand of Bonaparte the pos- are called to new combats: there will be na session of any of the fortresses in Old France, repose for us, whether we be the assailants as securities till a definitive treaty, it is or the assailed, till this hostile army, formimpossible they can be sincere in their pro- ed of such extraordinary elements, shall be fessions of peace; or that Napoleon will annihilated, or till it shall have evacuated ever listen to their terms. If he held it to the territory of the empire, whatever be its be an unjust pretension in the Allies to wish numerical superiority, and whatever proto extend their line upon the Soane and the gress it may make. It does not suspect the Rhone, which may be considered mere dangers which surround it, nor the perils frontier rivers, how much more unjust must which await it: but time will teach this he consider it in them to insist on the posses- army, as well as the General who comsion of several strong holds in the very heart of mands it, that it is not with impunity that this kingdom?—The demand is, indeed, of so parts of our territory are invaded; that it arrogant a nature, that one does not know is not with impunity that the French howhether to treat it with contempt or with nour is insulted."" As for us, our duty ridicule. I cannot believe that the Allies, is marked out: honour and fidelity that after the declaration which they published is our motto, To combat to the last the at Frankfort, in which they sanctioned the enemies of our august Emperor, and of our claims of France to a greater extent of ter- dear France; to respect persons and proritory than she enjoyed under her ancient perty: to pity the misfortunes of those who kings, would, so soon after this, have pre-are for a moment subjected, and to hasten sumed to demand the possession of any part of old France as the guarantee of a general peace. But though I do not subscribe to this absurdity, it appears to me that terms have been proposed to Napoleon which, if not departed from, will create a rupture in the negociation. How and where the proposal has originated, it is not for me to say; but when I consider the high and hostile tone which has been assumed of late in the proclamations of the Generals commanding the opposing armies, I have little doubt that it is only the sword which can put an end to the contest. Let those who think otherwise read the following extracts from a proclamation addressed to the French, by Prince Schwartzenburgh, on the 15th ult. :"We will secure your happiness at the hazard of our own lives, and peace shall not be denied to you, although it may be de

the instant of their deliverance; obedience and discipline, implacable hatred to traitors, and to the enemies of the French name, interminable war to those who should attempt to divide in order to destroy us, as well as to the wretches who would desert the Imperial eagles to range themselves under any other standard.-Let us have always in our minds filteen ages of glory, and the innumerable triumphs which have rendered our country illustrious. Let us contemplate the prodigious efforts of our great Emperor, and his signal victories, which will eternize the French name; let us be worthy of him, and then we may bequeath to our posterity, without a stain, the inheritance which we have received from our fathers. Let us be Frenchmen, and let us die with arms in our hands rather than survive our dishonour."

OCCURRENCES OF THE WAR.The by the expectation of the immediate arrival of King Ferdinand, who, it is well known, was lately advised to return to his kingdom by Bonaparte. It is even said, that he reached Madrid on the 17thult. Whatever may be the ulterior views of Napoleon in promoting this measure, it is certain that a strong persuasion exists, both in Spain and Portugal, that he calculates upon effecting our expulsion from these countries, by the re

great length to which the important case of Lord Cochrane and the Hon. Cochrane Johnstone extended in the last Number of the Register, having excluded the usual notices under this head, it becomes necessary that they should be here introduced. Marquis Wellington, before effecting the passage of the Adour, attacked the French army under Marshal Soult near Orthes, and obtained over it a signal vic-storation of the former dynasty. The foltory: the battle was fought on the 27th of lowing extract of a letter from Lisbon, February, and was contested for sometime dated the 26th February, to a gentleman with great obstinacy. "The enemy (says in London, may give some idea of the feelthe official dispatch) retired at first in ad- ing of the public mind upon this subject. mirable order, taking every advantage of I have seen the original, which never has the numerous good positions which the coun- been published:-"The news from Spain try afforded. The losses, however, which is bad to-day, as the nobles and clergy they sustained in the continued attacks of want to ratify Ferdinand's treaty with Bony; our troops, and the danger with which they and the Cortes and people are against it. were threatened by Lieut.-Gen. Sir Row- There will be some trouble in that country. land Hill's movements, soon accelerated The Portuguese here are very jealous of the their movements, and the retreat at length | English, in consequence of the loss of the became a flight, and their troops were in Brazil trade, which the English have althe utmost confusion."--No account has most monopolized, and from that trade (the been published of the extent of the enemy's Brazilian) the Portuguese principally de-· loss. Ours has been stated at 1,610 men rived their revenues. Lisbon has dwindled killed and wounded, among which there away very much in a commercial view; the were 14 officers killed and 104 wounded. The number of English merchants are diminishPortuguese lost 70 killed and 500 wound-ed one half.”- -To show that the writer ed. On the 1st of March, part of our troops passed the Adour, while Soult retired, first towards Agen, and then to Tarbis, leaving the road open to Bordeaux, which was afterwards occupied by a division of our army under Marshal Beresford. Lord Wellington, however, did not cross the Adour, but remained at Aire; and, from a dispatch of his Lordship's, dated at that place on the 14th ult., it appears, that Soult had effected a junction with the army of Catalonia, commanded by Suchet, and was collecting" a considerable force in the neighbourhood of Couchez," a small town in the rear of Lord Wellington, and only a few miles from Aire. It is probable, therefore, that we may soon hear of another engagement having been fought in that di


Accounts from Spain mention, that a very general interest has been excited there

of this letter cannot be charged with jacobinism, I have subjoined the following extract:" As I shall deviate one point from the line of conduct I have chalkedTM out, I can only do it for your advantage, being a patriot—that is, before you again censure what you consider a flaw in the British administration, just take a voyage, and see the conduct and management of other countries, and, take my word, you will consider it your greatest pride to call yourself an Englishman."


The next Register will be published at No. 94, Strand, where all communications and orders (post paid) are requested to be forwarded in future, addressed as usual.

Published by G. BAGSHAW, Brydges-Street, Covent-Garden.
LONDON: Priated by J. M'Creery, Black-Horse-Court, Fleet-street.

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