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volutionists? Where is the justice of this" ation of France and the rescuing of Eusweeping charge of "folly" and "base-"rope" as being completely finished. ness," preferred against those nations of But, there is another question in a state of the Continent, who received with open arms much less uncertainty: namely, whether, the men who came to change their rulers? let the war end when and how it may, we, We call William the Third our "deli- the people of this kingdom, will not find "verer;" and why are we to call the ourselves losers by it.- -Mr. Canning people of the Continent foolish and base, boasts, that, during the twenty years that because they hailed Frenchmen as their he has been in parliament, he has been an deliverers?- -We are told by the hire- advocate for the war. That is to say, lings of the Times and other newspapers, from the first hour of the war to this day. that we can never expect solid peace with -He, then observes, that, as an avowFrance while Napoleon is on the throne, ed advocate for the war, he was chosen by because he is not the lawful possessor of his hearers to represent them. From this, the throne. How, then, are we to expect in order to show how wise they were in a solid peace with Sweden, where the choosing him, he proceeds to draw a conCrown Prince has no other title than that trast between the situation of affairs then of the choice of the states any more than and the situation of affairs now, and to Napoleon has; and where the newly intro- show how much our affairs have been imduced prince is not only not a native of the proved by continuing the war.This country, but a Frenchman. It is true, was unfair. He took the wrong periods as that Louis XVIII. is alive to dispute the subjects of comparison. He, who had sovereignty with Buonaparte. And, is been, and who boasted of having been, an not the poor king of Sweden, our formerly advocate for the war from the beginning of august and eulogised Ally still alive also? it to this hour, and who asserted that the -In short, this talk about "national principles of the war had always been the independence" is, if looked into, mere same, should have gone back to that benoise and nonsense. It is a big-sounding ginning, in order to make the contrast phrase, it is a watch-word, a cry, set up exhibit a proof of the soundness of his by the crafty to astound the ignorant and principles and the correctness of his fore-. inflame their prejudices. The former make sight; in order to show, that his conduct the latter believe, that it was a love of was worthy of approbation, and himself "national independence" that roused the worthy of confidence and support. people of Russia, Germany, and Holland, Instead of doing this, however, he skips to drive out the French. We have no over eighteen years out of the twenty, and authentic accounts of any such rousing. begins his contrast, in 1812, "when," to The cause of what has happened is to be take his own words, "two-thirds of the looked for in the loss of the grand French" ports of the Continent were shut against army in the frosts and snows of Russia, fol- " you; when but one fink, as it were, was lowing upon the heels of an event that no 66 wanting to bind that Continent in a human being could have thought possible," circling chain of iron, which should exthe burning of Moscow by the hands of Russians. To this cause, succeeded by the defection of Prussia, Austria, Bavaria, and Wirtemberg, aided by English subsidies, and by the skill of a Frenchman commanding the Swedish and other troops, also aided by an English subsidy; to these causes, purely physical; to numbers and to money, and not to any moral cause; not to any thing proceeding from the minds of the people of Europe, we must look for the change in the situation of the sovereigns of the Continent. By principles at first, and by force afterwards, France extended her influence and her dominion. By force alone she has been driven back. Whether she be again to advance is a question not yet quite decided, notwithstanding Mr. Canning so loudly proclaims "the humili

"clude you from intercourse with the other "nations of Europe."If there had been, in this assembly of 400 persons, but one single man, endowed with common spirit, to stop him, and to cry out to him: Not so fast! Go back to the outset of your twenty years' war; name to us the port that was THEN closed against us in any part of the world, France herself not excepted, with whom we carried on a commerce more advantageous to England than any she ever knew: and, before you come to your period of 1812, tell us how many thousands of bankruptcies your war produced; how many hundreds of thousands of people it made paupers; how many 'millions it added to our annual burdens; 'what rummaging it made amongst our

account books to get our incomes; how


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or did we not more wisely to bear up,

many, and what laws, before unknown, about libel, sedition, and treason, the" and wait the change?-Gentlemen, I have "said that I should be ashamed, and in "truth I should be so, to use the language "of exultation, if it were the language of " exultation only; but those who have suf "fered great privations have a right to "know that they have not suffered them in "vain; they have earned a claim not


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" conflict brought into the Statute Book; how many 'millions your war added to the national debt; how it banished gold and silver from the land; and how many of our countrymen it caused to perish in battle tell us a little about all this, and explain to us the means, by which we 'were brought to the situation of 1812," merely to consolation, but to something before you proceed to contrast the latter " more. They are justly to be compensated period with the present.'-If there had "for what they have undergone, or lost, or been but one single man, in this assembly" hazarded, by a contemplation of what of 400, to stand up and stop him some- they have gained. We have gained, what in this way, I am of opinion, that "then, a rank and authority in Europe the Orator, though not sparingly gifted" which for the life of the longest liver of in that quality, which is generally typified" those who now hear me, must place this by one of the most obdurate and impene- country upon an eminence which no protrable of metals, would have stood aghast. "bable reverses can shake.-We have True, the state of the country is better now gained, or rather we have recovered, than it was in 1812, or, at least, its war- a splendour of military glory which like situation is better; but what is that to places us by the side of the greatest mithe question of good or evil as relating to litary nations in the world.-Twenty, the whole of the war, for which Mr. Can- nay ten years ago, while there was not a ning boasts that he has been an advocate? "British heart that did not beat with rapIf a foolish, or wicked servant lose or ture at the exploits of our navy, there squander a thousand pounds of mine on were few who would not have been conMonday, am I to applaud his adroitness or tent to compromise for that reputation integrity, and think myself a lucky man, alone; to claim the sea as exclusively our because he has restored to me ten of them" province, and to allow France and the on Saturday? Yet this I must in consist- "other Continental Powers to contend for ency do, if I were to admit the justice of superiority by land.- -Let Portugal, trying Mr. Canning's politics according to now led to the pursuit of her flying conthe principle and mode of reasoning which querors, let liberated Spain, let France he has resorted to in this part of his speech." herself, invaded in her turn by those "whom she had over-run or menaced with "invasion, attest the triumphs of the Bri"lish army, and the equality of her mili

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-But this I cannot do. No: I must go back to the state of my affairs on Monday; and then I shall find, that, though I am ten pounds better than I was on Friday, I am tary with her naval fame.-I do not nine hundred and ninety worse than I was say that these are considerations with a before I was so unfortunate as to trust my "view to which the contest, if otherwise servant with my bag. However, I must "terminable, ought to have been purposely confess, that, after going through all the protracted: but, I say, that upon the cobweb work of the former part of the "retrospect, we have good reason to respeech, followed by the last-noticed skip-joice that the contest was not closed inping contrast and empty boasting, my eye gloriously and insecurely:-when the darted with eager expectation on the follow-" latter events of it have been such as have ing passage, where, perceiving the words" established our security by our glory. I compensated" and "gained," in italic" say we have reason to rejoice :-that characters, "Oh!" said I, to myself, "during the period when the continent was here is something solid coming at the prostrate before France, that especially "close" we are now going to see what" during the period when the continental have gained by this war of 20 years system was in force, we did not shrink "duration." Here, you 400 gaping from the struggle, that we did not make oafs! Take it in again. Swallow it down" peace for present and momentary ease, a second time, while my reader and I divert" unmindful of the permanent safety and ourselves at the sight of your scramble for " greatness of this country, that we did these precious gains: Can we regret 66 not leave unsolved the momentous that we did not lie down and die under" questions whether this country could "the sufferings of the inclement season?" maintain itself unaided and alone; or





"with the continent divided, or with the "continent combined against it; whether, "when the wrath of the tyrant of the Eu"" ropean world was kindled against us with "seven-fold fury, we could or could not "walk unarmed and unfettered through "the flames.These questions, Gen"tlemen, therefore have been solved by our perseverance under difficulties and "discouragements which, when related in history, will appal our posterity more "than the actual suffering of them has "appalled ourselves."

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enemy, have been entirely put out of vogue; and, according to Mr. Canning, they have been replaced by an opinion, founded, on proof, that our soldiers are as good as those of France; and, that we need not fear their power to invade and conquer our country. A mighty gain indeed! A very great object to be obtained by twenty years of war!

The drift of Mr. Canning, in this part of his speech, is, however, in great part, to give Lord Wellington the merit of having effected this glorious change, so advantageous to our reputation, and so powerful in its effects as to our future security; for, in another paragraph of the speech, he says, that, after the peace, the meanest Englishman, walking the streets of Paris, will be pointed out as a member of that nation which has humbled France; will be pointed out as the "compatriot of Wellington."

yet humbled. It is not yet, and, of course, it was not, three weeks ago, time to sell the Lion's skin. And, in the next place, if France be finally humbled, will it have been by England? Will no other nation have had a hand in the work? If she be humbled, will it not have been by the joint efforts of all the other nations of Europe?

So then, wholly and exclusively of military glory, military reputation! And there we stop. This sort of language might have had some sense in it, if addressed to the army; if addressed to military men; if addressed to those who have no other object than that of the credit and profit of the fighting trade in view. But with what Now, in the first place, France is not sense could it be addressed to an assembly of merchants, and dealers, and handicrafts men, who could have not the smallest pretensions, personally, to any share of this sort of gain? But, to this acquisition is, it seems, to be added, a knowledge, or, at least, a confidence which we have acquired by the war, that we are able to defend our country; that we have, within ourselves, the means and the courage, to ensure us against being conquered by foreign nations.. -Was this, then, doubted before the war? Was it ever, before the war, a question with us, whether England was able to defend herself against France? The gentleman says, that that question is now decided. As if the question was ever entertained before this unhappy war began.

Now, says he, our soldiers have a reputation equal to our sailors. And when had they it not? When were we disposed to yield, in this respect, to the French, or any other nation? It is notorious, that, before this war began, it was an opinion grown into a vulgar maxim, that one English soldier was equal to three French soldiers. I grant, that the opinion was erroneous, and the maxim that of the vulgar, imposed upon by crafty men. But, it is undeniable, that the opinion was generally entertained, that the maxim was on every one's lips; and, it is equally undeniable, that, by the events of this war; by our numerous retreats before French armies; by the occurrences at the Helder, at Dunkirk, at Corunna, and in divers other quarters, this flattering opinion of our superior prowess, this maxim so well calculated to excite a feeling of contempt towards our

-And, suppose that an Englishman were to be looked upon in the light that Mr. Canning says he would. Is it any thing new to the world for Englishmen to be thought highly of as soldiers? Just as if Englishmen were nothing in the field before this war; as if Englishmen never set a hostile foot in France till led by this Lord Wellington! As if we ought to forget all about the battles of Poictiers, Cressy, Agiacourt, and many others. Lord Wellington has barely entered France; he is not out of it yet; his campaigns have yet, by their result, to show whether it be likely that Frenchmen will, with fear and trembling, look at his compatriots. But, taking his feats, as they now are, what has he done? Why, with two nations of 13 millions of people on his side, and with an army that has cost us about 20 millions a year, he has, at the end of four years, so far got the better of a mere detachment of the forces of France, as to just poke his nose into the French territory. And this is to cover us with glory, is it? This is an acquisition of military glory to England, with a 20 years' war, and 600 millions of debt, besides six hundred millions more of taxes? Why, Mr. Canning, did we want all this war and expenditure to prove that Englishmen were capable, under such cir

cumstances, to poke their noses into France, when history told the world before, that Englishmen had conquered all France; that they actually held possession of a considerable part of France for centuries; that so late as the reign of Queen Mary, Calais was an English town; that so late as only 140 years ago Dunkirk was an English town. And, did we, after the battles of Marlborough and Wolfe; did we, indeed, want the war; this long, expensive, aud bloody war, to establish the fact, that Englishmen were able to meet Frenchmen in the field. But, Mr. Canning; you talk of the honour and glory that we have gained. You have overlooked little item of this sort which we have lost. Amongst the titles of our king, before this war, was that of KING OF FRANCE. He was, before this war," King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, &c. &c." France is now expunged from his title; a title won by Englishmen fighting in France. It had nothing real in it. Our king was not, in fact, king of France. No; nor was, nor is he, Defender of the Faith of the Romish Communion, as Henry VIII. was styled by the Pope. But, the former, like the latter, made part of his honorary appellations. He was not in reality King of France in 1801, when that part of his title was given up; but, he was in 1801, and he is now, as much King of France as he was before your 20 years' war; and, why has the title been yielded up since the war? I ask you WHY? I have heard it said, that the king gave it up, because it was become a disgrace to be king of such a people! Upon this principle, if they should return to allegiance to the Bourbons, the title may be revived.--No, no, Mr. Canning, that day is gone by. That title will never be resumed. When I was a child my father had to explain to me why our king was called King of France; and, in so doing, he had to relate to me the victorious wars of our English ancestors. You and I, Sir, are saved that trouble. All the old guineas are gone (another happy effect of your war); the old crowns, half crowns, and shillings have followed the same course; our copper coin is new; so that the great, wide-spreading, ever-present record of the gallant achievements of our forefathers are all vanished. Your children and mine have nothing to tempt them to ask us any questions upon that which is now, in spite of all your boasting, a very painful subject. I could here, entering upon matter better suited to your audience, show how

enormous the losses of this nation has been from the war; I could draw a comparison between the state of the country in 1792 and 1814, as to its Debts, its Taxes, its Currency, its Paupers, its Laws, its Liberties, and its Prospects, which, I think, would wring the heart of every real lover of England. But, confining myself to your own topic, to your own view of the matter; taking you upon that ground, which you yourself have selected, and upon which to stand and crow in fancied security, with eyes half shut and plumes expanded; taking you here, I show, I flatter myself, that your promises are false, and that your conclusions are false, even supposing your premises true.It only remains for me to apologize to the reader for having, as I fear, put his patience to too severe a test. But, the poison was so artfully mixed up and kneaded together, that it required time to analyse it and to furnish, as I hope I have, an appropriate antidote.I may deceive myself in the utility of this antidote, but, in case others, who have the means, may be desirous of giving it circulation, a few Numbers extraordinary have been printed this week, in order to afford them an opportunity of so doing.

ROWLAND HILL AND THE DEVIL. The former of these, in imitation of Mr. Canning, has, I perceive, been figuring in a Tavern Speech upon the subject of politics.- -I intend paying my respects to him next week, and to inquire into the justice of his charge against the Prince of Darkness.



-So it has come to this at last-Buonaparté-the beaten, the cowardly Buonaparte; the man whose fate was, only the other day," in the hands of his enemies;" who "bear-like must fight his course;" and whose speedy downfall was pointed at by "the finger of Providence." man, who was universally hated, and the terror of all his subjects, has, notwithstanding all this, been able to raise and discipline a numerous army, and to march at their head against the enemies of France. Can it, then, be believed that Napoleon had ·

fallen to rise no more;" that all Frenchmen were disaffected with his government; or that, from the most consummate general and politician in Europe, he had, all at once, become the weakest and most contemptible of men? Can it be supposed, for a moment, that, after having exhausted

France of men, of money, and of all its estimated much below a million of soldiers. resources, he would have been able, and The Morning Chronicle published a letter that in a few months only, to collect and the other day received from Paris, as equip an army more formidable in point of genuine, in which the army of Napoleon is numbers than all the armies of Europe put said to amount to 600,000 men, and in together? It is impossible to entertain which a variety of other circumstances are such an idea, and at the same time to give stated, all tending to shew that his cause is credit to the tales with which the people any thing but desperate. The publication of this country are every day fed, by a of this letter has put the Courier man into a hired and prostituted press. I never terrible rage; it has lacerated his fine feelings entertained, nor expressed a doubt, as to so much, that nothing will satisfy him but Buonaparté being again able to meet the proscription of all who dare even to rehis enemies in the field, because I never ceive letters from an enemy's country.-But believed that France was exhausted, nor that my readers may judge for themselves could I at any time discover the least as to the facts of the case, I shall here give symptom to justify a suspicion that his the letter as it appeared in the Morning subjects were unwilling to support him. Chronicle, and then subjoin to it the reNot even a single soldier had deserted his marks of the Courier: The letter was standard, nor did a solitary cockade appear ushered in by this paragraph:-"The folin any part of France, indicative of a dispo-"lowing letter, from the French capital, sition on the part of any one to revolt against "reached our hands yesterday. Some of him. It will be recollected, that at the" the statements it contains are probably time Napoleon was in Germany, and heard" overcharged, or exaggerated, or may be of the defection of the Bavarians, a con- "erroneous; but we give them as we rescription of 280,000 additional troops were "ceived them. We can assure our readers voted him by the Senate. After his return "that it is a genuine letter." to Paris, a new levy of 300,000 was called "Paris, Jan. 25.—I have just now refor. It was this last which appalled the turned from seeing the Emperor depart, Allies, and gave occasion to their declaration and all classes express their good wishes to to the French people issued from Frankfort. him with a vehemence which baffles all If to these levies are added 100,000 more, description. The Empress is appointed which, it is admitted, returned to France Regent, and has undertaken her duties with with the Emperor, after the battle of Leip- the solemnity of an oath. Your English sic, this will give an aggregate of 680,000; Editors conjecture that Napoleon has lost and when the armies under Soult, Suchet, all his time in inactivity, but in this they and the numerous garrisons occupying the are grievously mistaken, and in their opidifferent stations in France, are included, nions of the weakness and inefficiency of it will be seen, that the armed force which his armies.-Precisely the contrary is the Napoleon has at present under his con- fact, and the greatest care has been taken trol, cannot be far short of a million of to keep secret the situation and extent of his men. This is no vague speculation. It is forces. Europe will be astonished that founded on facts, which even the enemies France, under her apparent supineness, of Buonaparte know to be true, though should have profited by every expedient to they find their account in misleading the augment her strength, so as to have raised public respecting them. But what, more an army of 600,000 men, perfectly equipthan any thing else, shows the insolent and ped, and ready to take the field. despotic disposition of those who regulate cavalry is the weakest, and yet it is 25,000 the press of this country, is the censure in number, disciplined under Generals which they are ready on all occasions to pro- Pagol and Bordesalt, to whom the Emperor nounce on any attempt to put forth the has condescended to give his thanks, and truth-to unveil their political deception, has otherwise rewarded them for their and to lay before the public a fair re- great exertions.The artillery is perfectpresentation of facts. A most flagrantly restored, and is in the highest condition and barefaced instance of this kind has just occurred in the Courier newspaper, which I consider it my duty to expose, because it fully lays open the base and unprincipled views of these political charlatans. I have stated, that the armies of France cannot, upon a fair calculation, be


as to every branch of that service.
The recruiting has been especially ac-
tive in the Emperor's own army.-Your
Congreve rockets have put the chemists
and artists on the alert, and their ingenuity
has produced a singularly destructive com-
pound; and a great quantity of these devil's

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