Abbildungen der Seite

tannic majesty's envoy-extraordinary and minifter-plenipotentiary. It only remains, therefore, to agree upon the place at which the plenipotentiaries fhall meet, which will doubtless be eafily fettled. In order to facilitate the intercourse of the plenipotentiaries with their refpective governments, his majesty thinks that it would be advifeable to give the preference to fome place nearly central, fuch as Schelftadt, Luneville, &c. or fome other, with refpect to which, in order to fave time, the French government might come to an understanding directly with the British government. According to the declarations which, by his majesty's exprefs orders, I have now the honour to tranfmit to your excellency, and according to the equally pacific difpofitions which his Britannic majefty has teftified, it will henceforward depend upon the French government alone to accelerate the happy moment of the restoration of repofe to Europe, fo cruelly mangled by a destructive war. (Signed)


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ceived from this mark of confidence on the part of his imperial and royal majefty. The underfigned does not delay, after the authority which he has juft received, to declare that his Britannic majefty, delirous at all times of giving to the emperor and to all Europe the cleareft proofs of his perfect and cordial union with his imperial and royal majefty, and of the value which he attaches to the conftant prefervation of the intimate concert and friendship which are fo happily established between their crowns and their fubjects, is difpofed to concur with Auftria in the negotiations which may take place for a general pacification, and to fend his plenipotentiaries to treat for peace in concert with his imperial and royal majefty, as foon as the intentions of the French government to enter into a negotiation with his Britannic majefty fall be known to him.

The underfigned eagerly feizes this occafion of renewing to his excellency the affurance of his most diftinguished confideration. (Signed)

Vienna, Aug. 9, 1800.


General Kleber, Commander-inchief of the French Army in Egypt, to his Excellency the Kaimakan of the Sublime Porte, ilJuftrious amongst the great, the enlightened, and the wife; may God grant to him a long Life, full of Glory and of Happiness. Health and Friendship.

Your excellency has, without doubt, been informed of the progrefs and refult of the negotiations which I had concluded with his highnefs the fupreme vizier Youffef Pacha; and according to the affurances to that effect which I have received from perfons of diftin&tion


of your nation, I have reafon to think that the treaty of El Arifch has obtained the approbation of his majefty the emperor, Selim the Second. Several articles of this treaty had already been executed, and the French army in particular was faithfully fulfilling its engagements.

I was upon the point of evacuating Cairo, when I received from lord Keith, commander-in-chief of the English fleet in the Mediterranean, a letter, which excited the furprise and, above all, the indignation of all the French. I herewith annex a copy of it. This paper, which evinces the moft perfect ignorance of my fituation, and the neglect of every thing due to allies, rendered illufory not only the convention of El Arisch, but also of every kind of treaty which I might thenceforward conclude with the Sublime Porte. With regard to the injurious conditions contained in that letter, your excellency will readily perceive that the French army in Egypt can never be reduced to fubfcribe to them..

I had communicated thefe obfervations to the grand vizier, and I propofed to him to poftpone the evacuation of Cairo until this unexpected difficulty fhould be removed. I could not demand a more moderate pledge of the execution of our conventions; his excellency refused to confent to this proposal, and chofe rather to expofe to the fate of a battle the poffeffion of a country which was abfolutely affured to him. This battle took place on the 29th of Ventofe, and heaven, protecting the juftice of my caufe, conferred victory on me. Nevertheless, the fincere defire which I have always had to re-establish the ties of friendship and of intereft, which during fo many centuries

have united the two nations, is not, altered by that event. The Sublime Porte will still find me difpofed to: deliver up to him the poffeflion of Egypt upon the conditions ftipu-, lated at El Ariích, with the excep-. tion of fome modifications, which the exifting circumstances have rendered neceffary. Thus all motive for a fresh effufion of blood would be obviated, and a regular negotia tion (the effect of which would no longer be prevented by unforeseen orders) would reftore to the Ottoman empire thofe provinces of which it would be in vain to attempt to deprive us by force of arms. If your excellency fhares thefe- fentiments of peace and concord, you will communicate them to his majesty the emperor Selim the Second, and without doubt you will obtain orders to refume, without delay, thofe conferences which would conduct us to the object which we are equally defirous of attaining. I beg your excellency to believe in the high confideration I entertain for you.

(L. S.) Signed, KLEBER. Cairo, the 20th Germinal, year 8th of the French republic, 10th of April, 1800, which answers to the 14th of the month of the moon Zyskade in the year of the Egira, 1214.

At the Camp at Faffa, April 15, 1800. Baudot, firft Aid-de-camp to general Kleber, Commander-in-chief of the French Army in Egypt, to the firft Interpreter of the Sublime



In all my converfations with you, I have continually repeated to you, that the firm and clearly expreffed intention of general Kleber has always been fcrupulously to execute the treaty of El Arifch. I add, with confidence, from my know


ledge of the loyal and open character of that general, and the general with which he has to give to the fupreme vizier the moft pofitive proofs of his good faith, that, whatever may be the fortune of war, the French army fhall evacuate

Egypt immediately after the arrival of the neceffary paffports from the English government, and of the number of veffels ftipulated for the tranfport of the troops. I have the honour, &c. (Signed)




Paffed in the Fourth Seffion of the Eighteenth Parliament of Great Britain.


October 12, 1799.

a certain fum

AND and malt bills. Act for railing a by loan or exchequer bills for 1800. To amend the income act.

To reduce the duties on fpirits diftilled from fugar, and prohibiting the diftillation of fpirits from wheat.

To allow the warehoufing of British plantation fugars, and certain drawbacks on fugars exported. To extend the terms of the landtax redemption act.

To prohibit the making of low wines or fpirits from wheat, barley, malt, &c. in Scotland.

To continue the act for preventingand punishing attempts to feduce perfons ferving in his majefty's forces: alfo the act to empower his majesty to accept the fervices of militia regiments offering to ferve in Ireland: and the acts relative to the admiffion of merchandize in neutral fhips; the regulation of the trade of the Cape of Good Hope; the establishment of courts in Newfoundland; theimportation of goods in neutral hips; the importation and exportation of corn; and the importation of other articles of provifion, without payment of duty.

To empower his majefty to fhorten the time for the meeting of parliament in cafes of adjournment. Feb. 20, 1800.

[blocks in formation]

An act to continue the act em- fertion.

To prohibit the ufe of wheat in difembodied non-commiffioned of making ftarch,

April 4.

To extend the time for the redemption of the land tax,

ficers of militia.

To perpetuate the act fecuring duties upon glafs, and to continue feveral laws relating to British and

For granting bounties on the im- Irish linens exported, linen, yarns, portation of grain.

April 24.
A&t for appointing commiffioners

of the land-tax, &c.

For indemnifying the volunteer corps from the hair-powder tax.

May 1.

For the iffue of exchequer bills. For granting a bounty on the importation of oats.

To enable courts of equity to compel a transfer of stock in fuits, without making the governor and company of the bank, &c. party thereto,

To permit the importation of goods from America in neutral Thips. May 16.

For repealing the act refpecting the warehoufing of falt-petre. For defraying the pay and cloathing of the militia.

To enlarge the powers of the directors and guardians of the poor.

To increase the rates of fubfiftence to be paid to inn-keepers and others on quartering foldiers.

For explaining and amending feveral acts of Henry VIII. and Elizabeth, refpecting ecclefiaftical leafes. For the better obfervance of Good Friday.

May 30.

For repealing the duties on fugar and coffee exported, and regulating the average and drawback.

For eftablishing new rates and fares of hackney coaches.

An act to confirm the agreement granting an annuity to the duke of Richmond, in lieu of the duty on coals.

For granting an allowance to

fail-cloth, &c. fees of the customs, &c. in America; encouragement to the fisheries of Newfoundland, Greenland, &c.

For recovery of small debts.
June 20.
Lottery act.

For amending of the income act. For granting a bounty on the importation of rye.

For regulation of blubber, duties on opium, turpentine, &c.

For the regulation of public ac


To amend the act respecting the falaries of the judges.

To extend the provifions of the vagrant act.

June 30.

To remove doubts with refpect to the Eaft-India warehoufing act, To allow the use of fugar in brewing of beer.

To revive the act refpecting the diftillery from molaffes or fugar.

Corn importation act continued,

For permitting the importation of lint-feed and rape cakes in neutral fhips.

To continue feveral acts relating to the admiffion of certain articles in neutral fhips.

To repeal part of an act prohibiting the use of horse hides in making of boots and fhoes.

For repealing part of the duties and drawbacks on the importation

of kid fkins.

Act for leffening the duties on wine and fpirits the produce of the Cape of Good Hope, and for landing and warehoufing the fame. July 2.

A&t for the union of Great Bri❤ tain and Ireland,

July 9. For new duties and regulations of the Scotch diftilleries.

To amend feveral laws refpecting the duties on vellum, paper, and parchment.

For extending the appointment of the commiffioners of the land tax.

For repealing the duties on perfumery.


To exempt from duty wafte per imported for the purpose of being re-manufactured.

To make allowances to fubaltern officers of the militia in time of peace.

To indemnify the governors, &c. of the Weft-India islands for permitting the importation and exportation of goods in foreign bottoms. For the fecurity of collieries and mines.

To authorise bakers to fell to his majefty's forces bread which fhall not have been baked twenty-four hours.

To amend several acts regulating the price and affize of bread.

For the recovery of small debts, and to extend the power of the Court of Requests in London.

July 28.

For raifing the fum of 3,500,000l. by loan or exchequer bills.

Another for railing 3,000,000l. Another for the fame fum. A&t concerning the perfonal property of their majetties.

For new duties on foreign hops imported.

To explain and amend the income act.

For permitting the importation of French wines from Guernfey, Jerfey, and Alderney.

For preventing the embezzlement of orduance ftores.

For regulating the duties on hops.
To prohibit the exportation of


For regulating trials for high treafon.

For the fafe cuftody of infane perfons charged with offences.

For regulating the government of the British territories in India.

For restraining all trufts and directions in.deeds or wills, whereby the profits of estates shall be accumulated.

For the encouragement of the British fisheries.

For preventing depredations on the river Thames.

For indemnifying perfons printing for public boards with appending the printer's name.

For regulating the indentures of parish children."

For regulating the bufinefs of pawnbrokers.

July 29.

For a grant to his majefty. For the importation of Swedish herrings.

For regulating the provifions refpecting the combinations of workmen.




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