XXX. An act for more effectually fupplying the export trade of this kingdom to Africa, with fuch coarfe printed callicoes, and other goods of the product or manufacture of the East Indies, or other places beyond the Cape of Good Hope, as are prohibited to be worn and ufed in Great Britain; for encouraging the importation of bugles into this kingdom; for the better fupply of the export trade thereof; and for discontinuing the boun-ty payable in Great Britain, and all bounties and allowances in Ireland, upon the exportation of corn, grain, malt, meal, and flour, from thence to the Isle of Man. XXXI. An act to discontinue, for a limited time, the duties upon wheat and wheat flour imported; and also the bounty payable on the exportation of wheat and wheat flour. XXXII. An act to enable his Majefty, with the advice of his privy council, to prohibit the exportation of wheat, wheaten meal, flour, bread, biscuit, and starch, during the next recess of parliament, at fuch time, and in fuch manner, as the neceffity of the time may require, and he, in his wifdom, fhall think convenient and needful. XXXIII. An act to amend and render more effectual, in his Majefty's dominions in America, an act paffed in this present feffion of parliament, intituled, An act for punishing mutiny and defertion, and for the better payment of the army and their quarters. XXXIV. An act for applying the money granted in this feffion of parliament, for defraying the charge of the pay and cloathing of the militia of that part of Great Britain called England, for one year, beginning the twenty fifth day of March, one thousand feven hundred and fixty five; and for punithing militia men for neglecting their duty. XXXV. An act for granting to his Majefty certain duties on the exportation of coals; and of feveral Eaft India goods; and upon policies of affurance for retaining, upon the exportation of white callicoes and muflins, a further part of the duties paid on the importation thereof; and for obviating a doubt with refpect to ftamp duties impofed upon deeds by two former acts. XXXVI. An act to explain, amend, and enforce the several laws now in being relating to the raifing and training the militia within that part of Great Britain called England. XXXVII. An act for laying certain duties upon Gum Senega and Gum Arabic imported into or exported from Great Britain, and for confining the exportation of Gum Senega from Africa to Great Britain only. XXXVIII. An act to continue part of an act made in the thirtieth year of the reign of his late majefty King George the Second, intituled, An act to render more effectual the feveral laws wow in being, for the amendment and prefervation of the publick bighways and turnpike roads of this kingdom; and for making further provifions for the prefervation of the faid roads. XXXIX. An act for more effectually preventing the mischiefs arifing to the revenue and commerce of Great Britain and Ireland, from the illicit and clandeftine trade to and from the Isle of Man. XL. An act for granting to his Majesty a certain sum of mo ney ney out of the finking fund; for applying certain monies therein mentioned for the fervice of the year one thousand seven hundred and fixty five; for further appropriating the fupplies granted in this feffion of parliament; for allowing to the receivers general of the duties on offices and employments in Scotland a reward for their trouble; and for allowing further time to such perfons as have omitted to make and file affidavits of the execution of indentures of clerks to attornies and folicitors. XLI. An act for the relief of insolvent debtors. XLII. An act for redeeming one fourth part of the joint flock of annuities eftablished by an act made in the third year of his prefent Majesty's reign, in respect of several navy, victualling, and tranfport bills, and ordnance debentures. XLIII. An act for the better fecuring, and further improvement, of the revenues of customs,excife,inland and falt duties; and for encouraging the linen manufacture of the Isle of Man; and for allowing the importation of several goods the produce and manufacture of the faid island, under certain reftrictions and regulations. XLIV. An act for repealing the act made in the laft feffion of parliament, intituled, An act for vefting the fort of Senegal, and its dependencies, in the company of merchants trading to Africa; and to veft as well the faid forts and its dependencies, as all other the British forts and fettlements upon the coast of Africa, lying between the, port of Sallee and Cape Rouge, together with all the property, eftate and effects of the company of merchants trading to Africa, in or upon the faid forts, fettlements and their dependencies, in his Majefty; and for lecuring, extending and improving the trade to Africa. XLV. An act for more effectually fecuring and encouraging the trade of his Majefty's American dominions; for repealing the inland duty on coffee, impofed by an act made in the thirty fecond year of his late majesty King George the Second; and for granting an inland duty on all coffee imported (except coffee of the growth of the British dominions in America); for altering the bounties and drawbacks upon fugars exported; for repealing part of an act made in the twenty third year of his faid late Majefty, whereby bar iron made in the faid dominions was prohibited to be exported from Great Britain, or carried coaft wife; and for regulating the fees of officers of the customs in the faid dominions. XLVI. An act for altering the stamp duties upon admissions into corporations or companies; and for further fecuring and improving the ftamp duties in Great Britain. XLVII. An act for encreafing the fund for payment of the fums of money directed, by an act made in the thirty fecond year of the reign of his late majefty King George the Second, to be applied in augmentation of the falaries of the puifne judges in the court of King's Bench, the judges in the court of Commer Pleas, the barons of the coif in the court of Exchequer at Weftminster, and the juftices of Chester, and the great feffions for the counties of Wales for the time being; and for applying certain fums in augmentation of the falaries of the faid judges and juftices, and of the judges in the courts of feffion and exchequer in a 3 Scotland, Scotland, for a certain time previous to the commencement of the augmentations established by the said act, XLVIII. An act for prohibiting the importation of foreign manufactured filk ftockings, filk mits and filk gloves into Great Britain, and the British dominions; and for rendering more effectual an act paffed in the third year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, for explaining, amending and rendering more effectual an act made in the nineteenth year of the reign of King Henry the Seventh, intituled, Silk works. XLIX. An act to prevent the inconveniencies arising from the prefent method of iffuing notes and bills by the banks, banking companies, and bankers, in that part of Great Britain called Scotland. L. An act to enlarge the powers of, and to render more effectual the feveral acts paffed in the fecond, third and fourth years of his present Majefty's reign, for paving, cleansing, lighting and otherwife regulating, the fquares, ftreets and other places, within the city and liberty of Westminster, and other parts in the faid acts mentioned; and for extending the provifions of the said acts to the Surry fide of Westminster bridge; and for enlarging the powers of the faid acts with refpect to squares. LI. An act for repealing feveral laws relating to the manufacture of woollen cloth in the county of York; and also so much of feveral other laws, as prescribes particular ftandards of width and length of fuch woollen cloths; and for fubftituting other regulations of the cloth trade within the weft riding of the faid county, for preventing frauds in certifying the contents of the cloth; and for preferving the credit of the said manufacture at the foreign market. LII. An act for repairing and widening the road leading from the town of Wadhurst in the county of Suffex, to the turnpike road at Lamberburst Pound and Pullen's Hill, in the county of Kent; and from the top of Pullen's Hill, through the parishes of Horfmonden, Marden, Yalden, and Weft Farley, to Weft Farley Street, in the faid county of Kent. LIII. An act for continuing the terms of several acts, and for giving further powers for repairing the road from Chatteris-Ferry, to Hammond's Eau and Somerfham Bridge, and for amending and widening the road from Somerfham Bridge to the Sheep-Market, in Saint Ives; and alfo the road branching out of the said road near Stocks Bridge through Needingworth, to Earith, in the county of Huntingdon. LIV. An act for repairing and widening the road from Dunbam-Ferry, to the fouth end of Great Markham Common, in the county of Nottingham. LV. An act to continue the term, and to vary and enlarge the powers, of an act paffed in the twenty fifth year of his late Majefty, for repairing the road from Wallingford in the county of Berks, to Wantage, and from thence to Farringdon, and also from Wantage to Idfon, in the faid county, fo far as the fame relate to the road leading from Wallingford to Wantage, and from thence to Farringdon; and for difcontinuing the faid term and powers, fo far as the fame relate to the road leading from Wantage to Lafon; and > and for repairing the road leading from the north east corner of Nuffield Common, by the parish church of Nuffield, otherwise Tuffield, in the county of Oxford, to the commencement of the faid turnpike road leading from Wallingford to Wantage. LVI. An act for repairing and widening the road leading from Porthaethwy Ferry to Holyhead, in the county of Anglefey. LVII. An act for continuing the term, and altering and enlarging the powers of an act paffed in the thirtieth year of the reign of his late majefty, For amending, widening and keeping in repair the roads leading from the village of Milford in the county of Surrey, through Petworth, to the top of Dunckton Hill, and from Petworth to Stopham Bridge, in the county of Suffex. LVIII. An act for repairing, widening and keeping in repair, several roads in and near Great Torrington, in the county of Devon. LIX. An act for repairing and widening feveral roads leading from the quay at Lymington, in the county of Southampton. LX. An act for continuing and rendering more effectual, two acts paffed in the twelfth year of King George the First, and the twentieth of his late Majefty, for repairing the feveral roads therein mentioned in the counties of Effex and Suffolk; and for repairing and widening feveral other roads in the counties of Effex and Hertford. LXI. An act for repairing, widening and keeping in repair, seve ral roads leading to and from Crewkerne, in the county of Somerfet. LXII. An act for enlarging the term and powers of two acts of the thirteenth of George the Firft, and of the fixteenth of his late Majefty, for repairing several roads leading from the town of Warminster, in the county of Wilts; and for amending fe veral other roads near the faid town; and for repealing fo much of an act made in the first year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, for repairing feveral roads therein mentioned, in the faid county, as relates to the road within the town of Heytefbury; and for other purposes therein mentioned. LXIII. An act for repairing and widening the roads leading from the turnpike road at Kipping's Crofs in the parish of Brenchley, in the county of Kent, through the parishes of Brenchley, Horfmonfden and Goudhurst, by the left hand fide of Iden Green, to the turnpike road on Willey Green, in the parish of Cranbrookes and from a place near Goudhurst Gore, through the parish of Marden, to Stile Bridge in the faid parish,and from Underden Green, in Marden aforefaid, to Wanfbutt's Green, in the county of Kent. LXIV. An act for repairing, widening, and keeping in repair, the road leading from the turnpike road on Hurst Green, in the county of Suffex, through Etchingham and Burwash, to the extent of the faid parish of Burwash, in the faid county. LXV. An act for rebuilding the parish church of Alhallows on the Wall, in the city of London; and for rebuilding the houfe belonging to the rector of the faid parith; and for purchafing feveral pieces of ground and tenements thereon, to render the paffages to and from the faid church and houfe more commodious. LXVI. An act to continue the term, and enlarge the powers, of an act passed in the second year of the reign of his prefent a4 Majesty, Majefty, for repairing and widening the road from Mullens Pond, in the county of Southampton, to the eighteen mile stone from the city of Salisbury, and feveral other roads in the faid act mentioned; and also for repairing and widening several other roads leading out of the faid roads, and for other purposes therein mentioned. LXVII. An act for amending the road from the Pinfold in Balby, in the county of York, to Workfop, in the county of Nottingham. LXVIII. An act for repairing, widening, and keeping in repair, the road leading from the turnpike road at Wrotham Heath, in the county of Kent, to the turnpike road leading from Croydon to Godstone, in the county of Surrey. LXIX. An act for repairing and widening the roads from the fouth end of Newton Abbott to the paffage way in Kinfwear, oppofite Clifton Dartmouth Hardness, and from the end of a lane leading out of the turnpike road between Newton Abbott and Totnes, towards Abbotts Kerfwell, to Five Lanes; and from Langvers Barn to the said turnpike road, between Newton Abbott and Totnes; and from Galmpton Warborough to Monks Bridge and Brixham Quay; and from Langvers Barn to the north end of Paington town, all in the county of Devon. LXX. An act for repairing and widening the roads from Keyberry Bridge to the paffage at Shalldon; and from the faid bridge to the pier or harbour of Torkey, in the county of Devon. LXXI. An act for repairing and widening the road from Tonbridge to Maidstone, and from Watts Crofs to Cowden, in the county of Kent. LXXII. An act for amending and widening the road from the fign of the Coach and Horfes in Birftol, to the turnpike road at Nunbrook; and from Bradley Lane to the town of Huddersfield, in the west riding of the county of York. LXXIII. An act for repairing and widening the road from Great Grimsby Haven, at or near a place called the Upper Sand End, to Wild Newton Church; and from Nuns Farm to the Mill Field, in the parish of Irby, in the county of Lincoln. LXXIV. An act for enlarging the powers of feveral acts for repairing the road from Stump Crofs to Newmarket Heath and the town of Cambridge, and from Foulmire to Cambridge, and other roads adjoining thereto, fo far as the fame relate to the road from Foulmire to Cambridge, and the faid other roads adjoining thereto. LXXV. An act for enlarging the term and powers of so much of an act made in the twenty feventh year of the reign of his late majesty, for repairing feveral roads in the counties of Dorfet and Devon, as relates to the road from Penn Inn, in the county of Dorfet, to the work-houfe at the east end of the town of Honiton, in the county of Devon, and to the road from the intrenchment on Afkerwell Hill to Penn Inn, and from Bridport to Beamifter; and for repairing and amending feveral other roads therein mentioned in the counties of Dorfet and Devon. LXXVI. An act for repairing, widening and keeping in repair, feveral roads leading from Kidwelly, in the county of Carmarthen; and alfo feveral roads leading from Llandilo,in the faid county. LXXVII. An |