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fcription of the ftatutes relating to bankrupts, being intitled to privilege of parliament, and becoming infolvent.

XXXIV. An act to prevent paper bills of credit, hereafter to be iffued in any of his Majefty's colonies or plantations in Arica, from being declared to be a legal tender in payments of money; and to prevent the legal tender of fuch bills as are now fubfifting, from being prolonged beyond the periods limited for calling in and finking the fame.

XXXV. An act for making compenfation to the proprietors of fuch lands and hereditaments as have been purchased upon the fea coafts in the counties of Kent, Suffex, and Southampton, on which forts and batteries have been erected for defence of the faid coafts, in pursuance of an act paffed in the fecond year of the reign of his present Majesty, and for other purposes therein mentioned.

XXXVI. An act to continue an act made in the fifth year of the reign of his late majefty King George the Second, intituled, An act to prevent the committing of frauds by bankrupts,; and for extending the laws, relating to hackney coaches, to the counties of Kent and Effex.

XXXVII. An act for the better establishing a manufactory of cambricks and lawns, or goods of the kind ufually known under those denominations, now carrying on at Winchelfed, in the county of Suffex; and for improving, regulating, and extending the manufacture of cambricks and lawns, or goods of the kind ufually known under those denominations, in that part of Great Britain called England.

XXXVIII. An act for allowing further time for inrollments of deeds and wills made by papifts; and for relief of proteftant purchasers.

XXXIX. An act to explain, amend, and render more effectual, two feveral acts of parliament, made in the fecond and third years of his present Majefty, for paving, cleanfing, and lighting, the fquares, ftreets, and lanes, within the city and liberty of Westminster, and other places therein mentioned, and for preventing annoyances therein; and for other purposes therein mentioned.

XL. An act for the more eafy and fpeedy recovery of finall debts within the borough and foke of Doncafter, in the county of York; and for lighting the ftreets, lanes, and other open paffages and places, within the faid borough.

XLI. An act for the more eafy and fpeedy recovery of small debts in the town and parish of Kirkby in Kendal, in the county of Westmorland.

XLII. An act for repairing and widening the road from Shillingford, in the county of Oxford, through Wallingford and Pangborne, to Reading, in the county of Berks; and for building a bridge over the river Thames, at or near Shillingford Ferry.

XLIII. An act for maintaining, regulating, and employing the poor within the parish of Saint John at Hackney, in the coun

ty of Middlefex; and for lighting the faid parish, and establishing a regular nightly watch therein.

XLIV. An act for repairing and widening the roads from Horsham, in the county of Suffex, through the parishes of Shipley, Weft Grinsted, Afhurft, Steyning, Bramber, and Breeding, in the faid county.

XLV. An act to amend and render more effectual feveral acts of parliament, for repairing the roads from Sherbrooke Hill, near Buxto and Chappel in the Frith, in the county of Derby, through the town of Stockport, in the county of Chefter, to Manchefter, in the county of Lancaster, and other roads in the faid acts mentioned, and for turning and diverting the roads from Whaley Bridge to Chappel in the Frith, and to Sparrow Pit Gate; and from Whaley Bridge, to the western end of Longfide Common, in the county of Chefter.

XLVI. An act to continue an act paffed in the tenth year of the reign of his late majesty King George the Second, for continuing an act, paffed in the fifth year of the reign of his late majefty King George the First, intituled, An act for laying a duty of two pennies Scots, or one fixth part of a penny Sterling, upon every pint of ale or beer, that fhall be vended or fold within the town of Dunbar, for improving and preferving the harbour, and repairing the town houfe, and building a School, and other publick buildings there; and for fupplying the faid town with fresh water.

XLVII. An act for repairing and widening the roads, from the end of Stanbridge Lane, near á barn in the parish of Romfey, to the turnpike road at Middle Wallop, and from the turnpike road between Stanbridge Lane aforefaid, and Great Bridge, to the turnpike road at Stockbridge, and from the garden of Henry Hattat, at Awbridge, to the garden wall of Denys Rolle, efquire, at Eaft Tuderley, and from Lockerley Mill Stream, to Eaft Dean Gate, and from the faid garden wall to the turnpike road leading from Stockbridge aforefaid, in the county of Southampton, to Salisbury, XLVIII. An act for repairing and widening feveral roads leading from Calington in the county of Cornwall,

XLIX. An act to enable the governor and company of the bank of England to purchafe houfes and ground for opening a paffage for carriages, from Cornhill to the bank, and making more commodious feveral other paffages leading thereto; and for enlarging the buildings of the faid bank, and making the fame more commodious.

L. An act for the relief of the bond and other creditors of the wardens and commonalty of the mystery of Mercers of the city of London.

LI. An act for continuing and enlarging the term and powers of an act, made in the twenty fixth year of the reign of his late majesty King George the Second, intituled, An act for repairing and widening the road from the west end of the town of Burton upon Trent, in the county of Stafford, through the faid town, to the fouth end of the town of Derby, in the county of Derby.


LII. An act for repairing and widening the road from Workfop, in the county of Nottingham, through the towns of Gateforth, Anfton, Afton, Handfworth, and Darnall, to the north east end of Attercliffe, in the county of York, where the same joins the turnpike road from Bawtry to Sheffield.

LIII. An act for repairing and widening the roads from the High Bridge in Spalding, to a certain place called Tydd Goat, in the county of Lincoln; and from Sutton Saint Mary's, to Sutton Wab, in the faid county.

LIV. An act for enlarging the term and powers granted by an act, paffed in the twenty fourth year of the reign of his late Majefty, intituled, An act for making, widening, and keeping in repair, feveral roads in the several parishes of Lambeth, Newington, Saint George Southwark, and Bermondfey, in the county of Surrey, and Lewisham, in the county of Kent; and for repairing Lambeth Back Lane, and for lighting and watching the faid roads.

LV. An act for establishing a regular and nightly watch, and for maintaining, regulating, and employing the poor within the parish of Saint Clement Danes, in the liberty of Westminster, and county of Middlefex.

LVI. An act for the better relief and employment of the poor in the hundred of Blything, in the county of Suffolk.

LVII. An act for the better relief and employment of the poor in the hundred of Bosmere and Claydon, in the county of Suffolk.

LVIII. An act to amend and render more effectual an act passed in the twenty ninth year of the reign of his late majesty King George the Second, intituled, An act for the better relief and employment of the poor in the hundreds of Colnies and Carlford, in the county of Suffolk.

LIX. An act for the better relief and employment of the poor, in the hundred of Samford, in the county of Suffolk.

LX. An act for the more effectual relief and employment of the poor, within the city of Gloucester, and for lighting the ftreets of the faid city.

LXI. An act for repairing and widening the road from Derby to Mansfield, in the county of Nottingham, and several other roads therein mentioned.

LXII. An act for continuing the terms of, and amending, the acts for repairing several roads leading from Ledbury, in the county of Hereford; and for widening and amending the road through the parish of Bromefberrow, in the county of Gloucester, and through Corfe Lawn, till it meets the road from Gloucester to Worcester.

LXIII. An act for amending and widening the road from a place near the village of Milford, through Haslemere, to the Portfmouth road, between Lippock and Rake, in the feveral counties of Surrey, Suffex, and Southampton.

LXIV. An act for amending and widening the road from Tingley in the county of York, to the town of Doncaster in the faid county.


LXV. An act for amending and widening the road from the fouth end of the town of Rotherham in the county of York, to the present turnpike road, near Pleafley, in the county of Derby, and alfo the road from the north end of the faid town of Rotherham, into the present turnpike road on the east side of Tankerfley Park, in the faid county of York.

LXVI. An act to continue the term, and enlarge the powers, of an act paffed in the feventeenth year of the reign of his late Majefty, for repairing the road between the town of Kingston upon Hull, and the town of Beverley, in the east riding of the county of York; and for repairing the road from Newland Bridge, to the weft end of the town of Cottingham, in the said riding.

LXVII. An act for repairing, widening, and keeping in repair, the high roads leading from Alfreton in the county of Derby, through Carters Lane, to a certain place in the town of Mansfield, called Stockwell, and from the Bridle Gate at the divifion of the liberties of Blackwell and Hucknall, through the town of Sutton in Afhfield, to the Mansfield and Newark turnpike, at or near Python Hill, in the foreft of Sherwood, in the county of Nottingham.

LXVIII. An act for continuing and enlarging the term and powers of an act made in the twenty eighth year of the reign of his late majefty King George the Second, intituled, An act for repairing and widening the road from Rochdale to Burnley, in the county of Lancaster.

LXIX. An act for repairing and widening the road from the weft end of Baxter Gate, in the town of Whitby, to the fouth end of Lockton Lane, in the parish of Middleton, in the county of York.

LXX. An act for enlarging the term and powers of two acts of the twelfth of King George the First, and of the third of his late Majefty, for repairing feveral roads therein mentioned, in the county of Salop; and alfo for amending and widening the road, from the fign of the Horse Shoe, in Uckington, to Longnor Green; and alfo from the weft end of Hatcham Bridge, to the Cross Houses upon the Bridgenorth turnpike road, in the faid


LXXI. An act for extending the provifions of an act, paffed in the twenty fifth year of his late Majefty, for repairing the roads from the north end of Malling Street, near Lewes, and other roads in Suffex, to the road leading from the north end of Offham, to the Spital Barn in Lewes aforefaid,

LXXII. An act for continuing one moiety of the duties, granted by an act of the eleventh and twelfth year of King William the Third, for the repair of Dover Harbour, and which have been by feveral other acts, continued till the twelfth day of May, one thoufand feven hundred and fixty five; and for applying the fame to compleating and keeping in repair the harbour of Rye, in the county of Suffex, and for more effectually compleating and keeping in repair the faid harbour.

LXXIII. An act for paving, repairing, and cleanfing, the freets,

freets, lanes, alleys, and publick paffages, within the town of Whitby, in the county of York; and for preventing incroachments and annoyances therein; and for regulating the carriages, cartmen, and porters there.

LXXIV. An act for amending and fupplying the deficiencies of an act paffed in the fecond year of the reign of his present jefty King George the Third, intituled, An act to amend and render more effectual, several acts made for cleanfing and enlightning the fireets of the town of Kingston upon Hull, and for preventing annoyances therein.

LXXV. An act for fupplying the borough and town of Wigan, in the county of Lancaster, with fresh and wholfome water. LXXVI. An act for repairing and widening the road from Beverley to Kexby Bridge, in the county of York.

LXXVII. An act for continuing and enlarging the term and powers of an act made in the twenty fixth year of the reign of his late Majefty, intituled, An act for repairing and widening the road leading from Piper's Inn, in the parish of Afhcott, in the county of Somerset, to and through Glastonbury and Wells to the White Poft, in the great western road, to the city of Bath, and from Wells to Ruth Hill, leading to the city of Bristol; and for repairing and widening feveral other roads leading from the city of Wells.

LXXVIII. An act for explaining and amending an act made in the twenty fixth year of the reign of his late majefty King George the Second, intituled, An act for amending, widening, and repairing the road leading from Dover to Barham Downs, in the county of Kent; and alfo for amending, widening, and repairing the road leading from Cowgate and Archcliffe Fort, in Dover, through Folkstone, to the town of Hythe, in the faid county.

LXXIX. An act to enlarge the term and powers of so much of an act of the twenty ninth year of the reign of his late Majefty, for repairing and widening feveral roads therein described, leading from the town of Tewkesbury, in the county of Gloucester, as relates to the first district of roads therein mentioned; and for amending the road from Comb Hill, to a bridge near Norton Mill, in the county of Gloucester, and from Eckington Bridge, to join the turnpike road which leads from Upton on Severn to Perfhore, in the county of Worcester.

LXXX. An act for repairing and widening the roads from Spalding High Bridge, to the market place in Donington, and from the tenth mile ftone, in the parish of Gobertown, to the eighth mile ftone, in the parish of Wigtoft, in the county of Lincoln.

LXXXI. An act for amending, widening, and keeping in repair, several roads leading from the Bucks-Head at Watling Street, to Beckbury, and the New Inn; and from the Birches Brook to the Hand Poft, in the parish of Kemberton, in the county of Salop. LXXXII. An act for widening and repairing the road leading from Afbborne, in the county of Derby, over Belpar Bridge, to the present turnpike road from Sheffield and Chesterfield to Derby, at or near a place called Openwood Gate, and from Belpar Bridge to Ripley, in the county of Derby. LXXXIII. An

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