In counties where the mi please your Majefty, that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's most excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That it fhall and may be lawful for his Majesty's lieute litia has been nant of every county, riding, and place, where the militia has or fhall be been or shall be raised, together with any two or more deputy raised, general lieutenants, and on the death or removal, or in the abfence of meetings may his Majefty's lieutenant, any three or more deputy lieutenants, be fummoned whenever and as often as they fhall find necessary, to fummon, manner as in or caufe to be fummoned, a general meeting, according to the Countieswhere directions of the act, paffed in the fecond year of the reign of the militia has his prefent Majefty, for fummoning general meetings in counnot beenraifed, ties where the militia has not been raised; which general meetthe fame pow-ings herein directed, fhall have the fame powers as if fuch geer as meetings neral meetings had been held on the last Tuesday in May, or on held on the lait the last Tuesday in October, in each year, in purfuance of the faid Tuesday in in the fame and fhall have May, or the last Tuesday in October. In every coun. ty, &c. where the office of lordlieutenant act. II. And whereas the raifing the militia has, in fome counties, been delayed by the vacancy of lord heutenants in particular counties, and it is effential to the good of the fervice, and the eftablishment of a militia, which, to be effectual, fhould be general, that fuch local difficulties fhould be removed for the future; be it therefore enacted, and it is hereby enacted, That in is vacant his every county, riding, and place, where the office of lord lieuteMajefty to ap- nant is, or fhall be vacant, it fhall and may be lawful for his point 3 deputy Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, to appoint three perfons out of lieutenants, to the deputy lieutenants of any fuch county, riding, or place, tb office fo far as execute the office of lord lieutenant of fuch county, riding, or relates to the place, fo far as the fame relates to the executing the feveral powacts for raifing ers and authorities vefted in lieutenants, in and by the feveral acts and training of parliament for the raifing and training the militia, during fuch execute that the militia. vacancy. III. And whereas many inconveniencies have arifen in the fervice, from the want of fome description of the men who fhall be accepted as volunteers, offered by parishes as parochial substitutes, or of men tendered to ferve as fubftitutes by persons chosen by ballot; be it enacted, That no fuch volunteer or fubftitute fhall be admitted and fworn to ferve in the militia who shall not be five feet four inches in height, and able and fit for service. IV. And whereas it is become neceffary to prevent the militia men of one county from inrolling themselves in the militia of another; be it therefore enacted, That if any perfon, after being inrolled in the militia of one county, riding, or place, fhall, during fuch fervice, engage and be inrolled to ferve in the militia of any other county, riding, or place, he fhall, upon conviction thereof before any one juftice of the peace of the county in which he fhall laft enter into the faid militia, forfeit and pay any fum not exceeding the fum of ten pounds; and in cafe fuch perfon fhall not immediately pay fuch penalty, fuch justice of the peace thall, by warrant under his hand and feal, commit such perfon Perfon to the common gaol of the county, riding, or place, forfeits 10l. if where he shall have been fo convicted, there to remain without not immedibail or main prize, for any time not exceeding three months, or be committed ately paid, to unless he shall fooner pay the penalty aforesaid. of exercise,dif for any time V. And whereas the provifions in the faid act, paffed in the not exceeding fecond year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, for reimburfing 3 months. officers of parishes the monies by them expended for the relief of militia men, who on their march, or at the place where they fhall be called out to annual exercise, fhall, by ficknefs or otherwife, want such relief, have been found infufficient for the purpoles thereby intended; be it therefore enacted, That in cafe A militia man any man ferving in the militia fhall, on the march, or at the on the march, place where he thall be called out to annual exercife, be difabled or at the place by fickness or otherwife, it shall and may be lawful for any one abled by fickjuftice of the peace of the county, riding, or place, or any mayor nefs, or otheror chief magiftrate of any city, town, or place, where fuch wife, to be reman shall then be, by warrant under his hand and feal, to order lieved by the him fuch relief as he fhall think reasonable; and the officers of parishwherehe the parish, tything, or place, where such militia man fhall be fo fhall then be, relieved, fhall, upon producing an account of the expences and parish ofoccafioned thereby, allowed under the hand of a juftice of the ficers to be repeace, to the treasurer of the county, riding, or place, for which fuch militia man fhall ferve, shall be reimbursed fuch expences cafionedthereby the treasurer of fuch county, out of the county ftock, and by, out of the fuch treasurer fhall, upon producing fuch account allowed as aforefaid, be allowed the fame in his accounts. officers of the imbursed the expences oc county stock, upon producing accounts VI. And whereas, as the laws for regulating the militia now thereof allowfland, no power is given of punishing fuch militia men as fhall, ed by a juftice after having joined their corps, defert during the time of annual of the peace, exercife, and not be taken till after the expiration of the time of fuch annual exercife, and confequently of the period now fixed for the continuance of martial law; be it therefore enacted, That if any militia man fhall fo offend, and not be apprehend- Militia men ed during the time of fuch annual exercife, every fuch militia who after havman, being thereof convicted upon oath, before one juftice of ing, joined the peace, of any county where fuch militia man fhall be ap- hall defert, prehended, fhall incur the penalty, and be fubject to the punish- during the ment, inflicted by the faid act of the fecond year of his prefent time of annual Majefty upon militia men not joining their corps. their corps, exercise, and fhall not be taken till after the expiration of the time of annual exercise, shall incur the fame penalty as militia men not joining their corps. VII. And whereas it would be very conducive to the preservation of order and difcipline, during the time of annual exercise, of great convenience to the corporals and private militia men in the fupplying them with neceffaries, and of effential utility to their refpective families, if the captains or commanding officers were enabled to ftop a limited part of the daily pay of fuch corporals and private men when called out to annual exercife; be it therefore enacted, That it fhall and may be lawful for every A captain or captain or commanding officer of the militia, to put the cor- officermay put commanding porals corporals and E 4 private men porals and private militia men of his company under ftoppages, under ftop- not exceeding fix pence a day, for the purpofes aforefaid: propages, not ex- vided always, That every captain and commanding officer fhall ceeding 6 d. a day, and hall account with each corporal or private militia man for the faid account with toppages, before fuch corporal or private man shall be difmiffthem for fuch ed from the said annual exercife, having first deducted what shall ftoppages be- have been laid out for them for neceffaries and repair of arms fore they are difmified from damaged by their neglect. annual exer cife. forfeit not ex 1 VIII. And whereas no powers are granted by the said act, paffed in the second year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, for punishing drummers for misbehaviour during the time the militia to which they belong is not called out to annual exercise (except by their being difplaced by their captain) which defect in the law has been found inconvenient to the fervice of the miA drummer litia; be it therefore enacted, That if any drummer fhall be negligent in negligent in his duty, or difobedient to the orders of the adjuhis duty, or difobedient to tant, or other his fuperior officers, and be thereof convicted the orders of upon the oath of the adjutant, or other fuperior officer, or the adjutant, other credible witnefs, before one or more justice or juftices of or other fupe- the peace of the county in the militia of which fuch drummer rior officer, to ferves, fuch drummer fhall forfeit and pay any fum not exceedceeding 40s. if ing forty fhillings, at the difcretion of fuch juftice or juftices; not immedi- and if fuch drummer shall not immediately pay fuch penalty, it ately paid, the fhall and may be lawful for the captain, or commanding officer captain of the of the company of militia to which fuch drummer shall belong, ftop the pay of and he is hereby required to ftop the pay of fuch drummer, un fuchdrummer, til the fame fhall amount to the fum of money ascertained by to pay the pe- fuch juftice or juftices, as the penalty inflicted upon fuch drumnalty: penalty to be applied mer; and the faid captain, or commanding officer, fhall pay the as part of the fame to the clerk of the regiment or battalion, to be applied and common stock accounted for as part of the common ftock of fuch regiment or of the regi- battalion; and the receipt of the clerk for fuch fum fhall be a ment or bat- difcharge to the captain, or commanding officer for the fame; and the money fo paid, fhall be deemed as so much money paid to fuch drummer for his fervice in the militia. company to talion. IX. And whereas by the faid act, paffed in the fecond year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, it is enacted, That in all counties and places where the militia has not, or shall not be raised, by virtue of the feveral acts made for raifing the militia forces, that the fum of five pounds fhall be annually paid for and in lieu of every private man therein directed to be raised within. each refpective county, riding, and place; which faid fum and fums of five pounds per man, the juftices of the peace of each respective county, riding, and place, affembled at their general or quarter feffions, are directed to rate and affefs on the county; and that the faid fum and fums thall be rated and affeffed in fuch and the fame manner, and according to fuch and the fame proportions, upon every town, parith, and place, within each refpective county or riding, and fhall be collected, received, levied, paid, and accounted for, by the perfons making such collection, in fuch manner, and by fuch means, as the county rates within which between fuch county and rates have been ufually, or may, by an act made in the twelfth year of the reign of his late Majefty, intituled, An act for the more eafy affeffing, collecting, and levying of county rates, be affeffed, collected, received, levied, paid, and accounted for: and whereas there are several cities, towns, and places, in many counties and ridings, which do not contribute to the payment of the said rate, called the County Rate, by reafon whereof doubts have arifen, whether fuch cities, towns, and places can be legally rated or affeffed towards the payment of the faid fum and fums of five pounds per man, in pursuance of the directions of the said act of the fecond year of the reign of his prefent Majefty: and whereas it is juft and reasonable, that all fuch cities, towns, and places, fhould bear an equal fhare and proportion of the faid payment of five pounds per man with each county or riding Where the miwithin which fuch cities, towns, and places, may happen to lie; litia fhall not be it therefore enacted, That in all cafes where the militia has be raised for not been raised, or shall not at any time hereafter be raised, for any county any county or riding, within which any city, town, or place, any city fhall fhall not be rated to the faid rate called the County Rate, the pay- not be rated ment of the faid fum of five pounds per man, upon the whole to the county rate, the paynumber of private militia men directed to be raised within every ment of 51. per county or riding, fhall be divided and apportioned between each man fhall be respective county or riding, and each such respective city, town, apportioned and place within the fame, as fhall not contribute to the faid rate, called the County Rate, in fuch proportion as the refpective quo- city as the retas paid to the land tax by each refpective county or riding, and fpectivequotas by each fuch respective city, town, and place, bear to each other, paid totheland and the refpective fum and fums fo afcertained and apportioned tax bear to each other; shall be rated, levied, and paid, out of the rates for the relief of and the fums the poor, to be collected within each fuch respective city, town, fo apportioned and place, not rated to the faid rate, called the County Rate, by thall be paid fuch ways and means, and with fuch powers and regulations for out of the levying, collecting, and keeping the fame diftinct, as are prescrib-poors rate coled in the faid act paffed in the fecond year of the reign of his city by the prefent Majefty, for each refpective county or riding; and the churchwarchurchwardens and overfeers of the poor of each such refpective dens and overcity, town, and place, fhall, from time to time, pay over the feers of the fame to the treasurer or treasurers of every county or riding with- treafurer of in which any such city, town, and place as aforefaid lies, in or- the county, to der that the faid treasurer or treasurers may pay over the fame to be by him paid the receiver general of the faid county or riding, together with to the receiver general, togethe proportion of the faid fum of five pounds per man, direct- ther with the ed to be rated, levied, and paid, by each county or riding, by proportion of the faid act paffed in the second year of the reign of his prefent the faid fum of 51. to be paid Majesty. byfuchcounty. X. And be it further enacted, That in fuch cities, towns, and places, as are counties of themselves, and yet have no fuch The fame me rate or affeffment as is called the County Rate, nor any powers or lowed in fuch directions for rating, levying, or collecting the proportion of the cities as are faid fum of five pounds per man, to be raised by the county to counties of which the said cities, towns, or places are, by the faid ac paffed themselves. in in fuch poor, to the thod to be fol in the fecond year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, united. for the purpofes of the faid act, the directions herein before given, for rating, levying, and collecting the proportion of the faid. fum of five pounds per man, within fuch cities, towns, and places, as do not contribute to the county rate, fhall be purfued and followed in all fuch cities, towns, or places, as are counties of themselves. XI. And whereas, in fome parts of this kingdom there are towns which lie in two counties, and doubts have arifen, whether fuch towns are obliged to pay to both counties the fum of five. pounds in lieu of every private militia man which fhall not be Where a town raised by fuch counties; be it therefore enacted by the authority lies in two aforefaid, That where any town lies in two counties, it fhall be counties they lawful for the faid town to contribute their quota, for and in lieu bute theirquo. of raifing the militia, for that county only where the church ta, in lieu of of the faid town is fituate; and the deficiencies of the other railing the mi- county rate, which the said town would have paid, shall be made tia, for that up by the county in general, and not by the divifion or hundred county in where the said town is fituated. which their are to contri church ftands; and the deficiencies of the other county rates, are to be made up by the county in general. Preamble, reciting claules in act 1 Geo. III. 2 Geo. III. CAP. XVIII. An act for charging on the finking fund certain annuities W Jent |