for fettling other eftates, in the fame county, in lieu thereof. 93. An act for vesting the settled estate of John Knowsley, and Elizabeth his wife, in the county of York, in trustees, to be conveyed pursuant to certain articles for the purchase thereof; and for laying out the money thereby ftipulated to be paid in the purchase of other lands, to be charged and fettled in manner as therein mentioned. 94. An act for vefting certain eftates, late of Elizabeth Cary widow, deceased, in the county of Middlefex, in trustees, in truft to fell and convey the fame to Robert Child efquire, and for laying out the money arifing by fuch fale in three per centum confolidated bank annuities, to be fecured and transferred in manner therein mentioned; and for other purposes. 95. An act for divefting out of the heir at law, or other legal reprefentative or reprefentatives of Edmund Neeler deceased, the feveral freehold estates of the late William Westbrook efquire, deceased, in the counties of Middlefex, Bucks, Kent, and Surrey, and in the city of London; and for vefting the fame in trustees, to be fold and conveyed to fuch perfons as may already have contracted, or shall hereafter contract, to become the purchasers of any parts or shares thereof, under the directions of the court of Chancery. 96. An act for fale of the copyhold eftates late of doctor Robert Taylor, deceased; and for laying out the money arifing thereby, in the purchase of other lands and hereditaments, to be fettled in lieu thereof; and for other the purposes therein mentioned. 97. An act to confirm and establish exchanges of land, at Dorking in Surrey, between Charles Howard efquire, and Edward Walter efquire, and between the faid Charles Howard, and fonathan Tryes efquire. 98. An act for vefting part of the real eftate of Mary Phelps widow, deceafed, given and devifed by her will, in trustees, to be fold for payment of debts, legacies, and incumbrances. 99. An act for vefting several freehold and copyhold eftates, in the feveral counties of Effex, Suffolk, Bucks, and Middlefex, and in the city of London, in trustees, for the fale thereof, in order to discharge the feveral legacies or portions bequeathed by the will of William Hollingworth efquire, deceased; and for other purposes therein mentioned. 100. An act for fale of the eftates comprized in the marriage fettlement of John Briflow efquire, in the county of Norfolk and for applying the monies arifing thereby in the purchase of other lands and hereditaments, to be fettled to the ufes contained in the said settlement. 101. An act for making a partition of divers lands and hereditaments, in the counties of Lincoln and York, late the estate of Edward Ayscough deceafed, which, upon his death, belonged to his four daughters and co-heirs; and for fettling the lands and hereditaments, to be allotted upon the faid partition, to the b 2 feveral feveral uses limited, of their feveral undivided fhares thereof refpectively. 102. An act for fale of the freehold eftate late of Amie Broxolme widow, deceased, in the parish of Saint George Hanover Square; and for laying out the money arifing by such sale, in the purchase of other freehold lands and hereditaments, to be fettled in lieu thereof. 103. An act for naturalizing Louifa Rudolphina Wale, and Greorgy Wale. 104. An act to naturalize Benedict Paul Wagner. 105. An act for naturalizing Sabine Louijfe Winn. 106. An act for dividing and inclofing feveral lands and grounds, undivided inclosures, commons, and waftes, in or near the village or hamlet of Marborough, in the township of Kimberworth, and in the parish of Rotherham, in the county of York. 107. An act for dividing and inclofing the open and common fields, and common paftures, of Scalford, in the county of Leicefter, and all the lands and grounds within the fame fields. 108. An act for dividing and inclofing the open and common fields, common meadows, common paftures, and other commonable lands and grounds, in the parish of Felmersham, in the county of Bedford. 109. An act for vefting divers manors, lands, and hereditaments, in the counties of York, Cumberland, Northumberland, and Durham, late the eftate of Henry earl of Carlisle, deceased, in trustees, to be fold and difpofed of, in and for the payment of his debts, legacies, and incumbrances, and other the purposes in his will mentioned. 110. An act to enable John lord Bellew, baron of Duleek, in the kingdom of Ireland, more effectually to exercise his power, to raise certain fums therein mentioned, out of his fettled eftates in the faid kingdom, for the portions of younger children. 111. An act for vefting the eftate late of Peter Wyche efquire, at Goadby, alias Godeby Marwood, in the county of Leicester, in truft, to be conveyed to the most noble John marquis of Granby, or as he fhall appoint; and for applying the purchase money in manner and for the purposes therein mentioned. 112. An act for dividing and inclofing the common fields, common paftures, common meadows, common grounds, and commonable lands, within the manor or manors, and parish of Syresham, otherwife Sifeham, in the county of Northampton. 113. An act for dividing and inclofing certain common fields and waste ground, in the parish of Braithwell, in the county of York. 114. An act to enable Jeremiah Rayment the younger efquire, and his iffue, to take and use the furname and arms of Hadley, pursuant to the will of Robert Hadley efquire, deceased. 115. An act for naturalizing Henry de Miffy, and Gabriel Le Royer. The END of the TABLE THE STATUTES at Large, &c. Anno quarto GEORGII III. Regis: CAP. I. An alt for continuing and granting to his Majefty certain duties upon malt, mum, cyder, and perry, for the fervice of the year one thousand feven hundred and fixty four. Moft Gracious Sovereign, WE your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the commons Preamble of Great Britain, in parliament assembled, towards raising the neceffary fupplies to defray your Majesty's public expences, have freely and voluntarily refolved to give and grant unto your Majefty, the rates, duties, and impofitions herein after mentioned; and do moft humbly befeech your Majefty, That it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's moft excellent majefty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That within and throughout that part of Great Britain called England, Wales, and town of Berwick upon Tweed, &c. &c. Malt Malt act of 1 Geo. iii. further continued to 24th June Scotland to pay 3d. per bufhel. Mum tos. per barrel. Cyder and perry made for fale, 4 s. per hogfhead. How thefe duties are to be raised. -20,000l. to be raised in Scotland. Surplus to be added to the fisheries, &c.This act to relate to the fame day and time, as the act 1 Geo. iii. did.—Malt brought from Scotland by sea, to be entered at the port of landing: brought by land, to be entered at Berwick or Carlife. Cyder for diftilling not chargeable. Distiller to give notice to the officer when he'diftils cyder.— Allowances for exportation of malt. 1 W. and M. On certificate of malt being exported, and fecurity, allowance to be paid. Penalty on relanding, over and above the penalty of the bond, all the malt and treble the value forfeited.. Malt fteeping for exportation to be kept separate till measured. Malfters to give notice to officers, &c. Penalty on opening the locks, &c. after malt is meafured, &c. -Malfters, on 24th June 1764, to clear out of their warehouses all malt within fifteen months. And fo all future malfters.Claufes in act 12 Anne and 6 Geo.i. 5 s. per bufhel penalty on all corn steeping or steeped for malt, which fhall be found in the cistern or couch, fo hard and compact as it could not be, unless the fame had been forced together to prevent the rifing. rool. penalty on fraudulently conveying from the cistern any steeping of corn, and mixing the fame with other corn charged with duty in the couch; or fraudulently conveying the fame away, so that no gauge of fuch corn can be taken in the couch. -Penalties how to be recovered.- -Buyers of cyder or perry for ➤ their private ufe not to be charged.Perfons felling lefs than 20 gallons, to be deemed retailers, Clause of loan at 41. per cent. Tallies of B loan VOL. XXVI, Preamble. loan to be struck, &c. Orders registered and paid in courfe. No fee for nue. -Bills Bills not Forging Tallies to -Intereft to continue till Intereft to ceafe whilft the 'bills are in the hands of repayment. ceivers, &c.--- -Bills paid to receivers, &c. to be figned and dated. Intereft to be allowed to the faid days.The bills may be reissued, both for principal and interest.- Receivers to keep a book. filled up by indorfements, or defaced, to be exchanged. exceeding 5000l. each to be made forth at the Exchequer.Exchequer bills, felony. How the monies arifing by this act shall be applied. Treafury on 29 Sept. 1765, to take an account of all monies raifed and discharged.- -Únfatisfied monies to be paid out of the next aid, or out of the finking fund.- -Commiflioners to appoint perfons to pay off principal fums, which fhall from time to time be in course of payment upon Exchequer bills.Money, as brought in, to be paid to the paymasters.- -Bills to be registered in course.— -When intereft to ceafe. Paymasters liable to the controul of the treafury.Treasury to fettle falaries of clerks, &c. and to contract with perfons to circulate bills, &c. -Contractors not difabled from being members of parliament may lower or raise the intereft with confent of the treasury.Contractors how to be paid. - No fee to be taken. No intereft for lefs than one penny. Charges to be paid out of the finking fund: to be replaced out of the first fupplies. Claufe of relief for bills loft or deftroyed.Bills difcharged to be cancelled.- Sinking fund appropriated to discharge national debts incurred before 25 Dec. 1716.Deficiency of malt tax 2 Geo. iii. how to be fupplied. · Arrears of former duties to be applied in aid of the fupplies granted for the year 3764. CAP. II. An act for granting an aid to his Majefty by a land tax to be raised in Great Britain, for the fervice of the year one thousand feven hundred and fixty four. Moft Gracious Sovereign, your WE Majesty's most dutiful and loyal fubjects, the commons of Great Britain, in parliament affembled, taking into our Jerious confideration fuch expences as are abfolutely necessary for fupporting your Majesty's government, and being refolved to Jupply the fame, have for that end and purpose cheerfully and voluntary given and granted, and do by this act give and grant unto your Majefly, the feveral and refpective rates and affeffments hereafter mentioned; and we do most humbly befeech your Majefty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's most excellent majesty, by and, with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, 2,037,854 1. 19s. and 11d. and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the to be raifed in authority of the fame, That the fum of two millions thirty Great Britain feven thoufand eight hundred fifty four pounds, nineteen fhillings, fhillings, and eleven pence, fhall be raised, levied, and paid unto his Majesty, within the kingdom of Great Britain, by such proportions, and in such manner and form, as hereafter in this act are expreffed. And it is hereby declared and enacted by the authority aforefaid, That, &c. &c. -- 1,989, 900l. 18 s. and 9 d. to be raised in England in one year from 25th March 1764.-Perfonal eftates (except defperate debts, stock on land, household goods, and loans to his Majesty) to pay 4s. in the pound. →→ Employments of profit (except military officers of the army or navy) to pay 4 s. per pound. - Pentions and annuities out of the Exchequer, &c. to pay, &c.-Lands, tenements, mines, &c. to be charged with equality and indifference, &c. - Lands, &c. fubject to rent-charges, annuities, &c. -Commiffioners of the land tax for the year 1763, to put this act in execution.-Commiffioners to meet on or before the 30th of April, 1764, as by the act 4 W. and M. and may fubdivide themselves, &c.A lift of the commiffioners to act in each divifion, to be given to the receivers-general. Commiffioners, to fummon fit perfons to be affeffors, who are to appear before them in eight days; and then to give them a charge. Perfons abfenting, or refufing to ferve, forfeit, not exceeding 51. nor less than 40s. Affeffors to be two at least, and fufficient inhabitants. Affefments to be brought in at a day and place prefixed. The full fum charged to be affeffed. A certificate of the affeffiment to be brought in with the collectors names.Affeffors, &c. neglecting their duty to be fined not above 401.- - Affeffors to deliver one copy of the affeffments to the commiffioners.Duplicates thereof to be figned, &c. and one delivered to the collectors, &c. with warrant for collecting. Commissioners required to give collectors notice at what time and place the appeal of any person who fhall think himself aggrieved by being over-rated, may be heard and determihed. A duplicate in parchment to be delivered, together with the names of the affeffors and collectors, to the receivergeneral; and one to the remembrancer's office, by 8th August 1764, or twenty days after (all appeals first determined) Remembrancer to give receipts gratis on penalty of rol. The rates to be levied on the parties, or premiffes; and to be paid to the receivers-general, &c.—The money collected to be paid to the receiver-general, or deputies; and they to give commiffioners notice. Collectors not obliged to travel above ten miles. Removal or death of receiver-general to be notified to the commiffioners.497, 475. 4s. and 8 d. 1. q. for the first quarterly payment, to be paid to the receivers by 24th June 1764. the fecond payment by 29th September 1764. the third payment by 25th December 1764. the last payment by the 25th March 1765. Receiver-general within a month after receiving the full fum charged, to give the commiffioners a receipt which fhall be a full difcharge for payment. Receivers-general within twenty days to pay the monies into the Exchequer; and to be allowed 2 d. in the pound. Collectors to have 3 d. in the pound. Commiffioners clerks to have three half pence in the pound. Collectors may levy by diftrefs, in cafe of refufal of payment. Diftrefs to be kept four days at the owner's charge; then appraised and fold, and the over-plus returned, &c. Commiffioners to determine differences about distress. For want of diftrefs offender may be committed (except a peer or peerefs of Great Britain) Tenants to pay the tax, and deduct fo much out of the rents. Tenants discharged for what they fo pay. Commiffioners to fettle differences between landlord and tenant. Commiffioners to caufe all deficiencies to be reaffeffed, and made good. Affeffor refufing to serve, to forfeit not exceeding 401. fine; not to be difcharged but by commiffioners who impofed it; and levied by diftrefs or imprisonment, and paid into the Exchequer, and inferted in the duplicates. Collec tors detaining the money, to be imprisoned, their eftates feized and fold, &c. Commiffioners to examine whether the fums affeffed be duly colleted, &C, In case of controverfies in affeffing commiffioners, the B 2 com |