the bearer of every such note fuch number as shall be therein the bearers mentioned of tickets, of the extream column of the three co- intitled to one lumns book or books aforefaid, as foon as he or they fhall be lottery ticket for every sol. enabled thereunto, by delivery of any fuch book or books to fubfcribed. him or them from the faid managers as aforefaid; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. XLVIII. Provided alfo, and it is hereby enacted by the au- Managers, &c. thority aforefaid, That out of the monies compofing the fund, to be paid by commonly called The finking fund, it fhall and may be lawful the commiffioners of the to and for any three or more of the commiffioners of the trea- treafury out fury, or the high treasurer for the time being, to reward the of the lottery faid managers and directors, and the clerks and officers to be money. employed by and under them, and any other officers and perfons that fhall and may be any ways employed in this affair, for their labour and pains, and to discharge fuch incident expences as shall neceffarily attend the execution of this act, in such manner as any three or more of the commiffioners of the treasury, or the high treasurer for the time being, fhall, from time to time, think fit and reasonable in that behalf; any thing in this act contained to the contrary notwithstanding. XLIX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, Limitation of That no perfon or persons shall fell the chance or chances of any fale of ticket or tickets in the faid lottery, or any share or shares of any chances, &c. ticket or tickets in the faid lottery, for a day or part of a day, or for a longer time lefs than the whole time of drawing the lottery then to come; or fhall receive any money whatsoever in confideration of the repayment of any fum or fums of money, in case any ticket or tickets in the faid lottery fhall prove fortunate; or fall lay any wager relating to the drawing of any ticket or tickets in the faid lottery, either as to the time of such ticket or tickets being drawn, or whether fuch ticket or tickets be drawn fortunate or unfortunate; and all and every perfon and perfons Penalty. who fhall offend in any of the faid matters, fhall forfeit and pay treble the fum and fums of money which shall have been received by fuch person and persons, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act; to be recovered by action of debt, bill, plaint, or information, in any of his Majefty's courts of record at Westminster; in which no effoin, protection, privilege, or wager of law, or more than one imparlance, shall be allowed; one moiety whereof to be for the use of his Majefty, his heirs, or fucceffors, and the other moiety to be paid to the perfon or persons who fhall fue for the fame; and every fuch fale, wager, or contract, and every agreement relating thereto, fhall be, and is hereby declared null and void. fhares in L. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, Perfons felling That if any person or perfons shall keep any office or offices, or tickets of fhall print or publish any scheme or propofal, for receiving any which they are fum or fums of money in confideration of any intereft to be not poffeffed, granted for the fame, in any ticket or tickets in the faid lottery, whereof such person or perfons shall not then be actually poffeffed, or in confideration of any fum or sums of money to be re Offences com mitted in Ireland against acts for pre venting unlawful lotte ries, declared to be punish able, and may be fued for in Dublin. paid in cafe any ticket, or number of tickets, in the said lottery, which fhall not be in the actual poffeffion of such person or perfons, fhall prove fortunate or unfortunate; all and every fuch perfon and perfons fhall forfeit and pay the fum of five hundred pounds; to be recovered by action of debt, bill, plaint, or information, in any of his Majesty's courts of record at Westminfter; in which no effoin, protection, or wager of law, or more than one imparlance, fhall be allowed; one moiety whereof to be for the use of his Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, and the other moiety to be paid to the perfon or perfons who fhall fue for the fame; and alfo thall fuffer three months imprisonment without bail or mainprize. LI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That if any offence against this act, or any of the acts of parliament made in this kingdom for preventing private and unlawful lotteries, fhall be committed in Ireland, the offender shall incur the like penalty and punishment to be inflicted in like manner as if the offence was committed in this kingdom; and that fuch penalties as, by this act, or any of the faid acts, are directed to be recovered in any of his Majefty's courts of record at Westminster, thall, in cafe of offences committed against this act or any of the faid acts in Ireland, be recovered in any of his Majefty's courts of record in Dublin. LII. And to the end that all and every the payments, as well After the upon the fortunate as upon the unfortunate tickets, may be more drawing of the lottery, the easily afcertained, fettled, and adjusted, for the perfons who shall tickets to be become intitled thereunto; be it further enacted by the authoexchanged for rity aforefaid, That as foon as conveniently may be after the certificates. drawing of the faid lottery fhall be completed and ended, all and every the faid tickets to be given out as aforesaid, shall be exchanged for certificates to be figned by fuch of the said managers as fhall be appointed for that purpose. Managers to give notice of the time for taking in the tickets, and delivering out the certificates, &c. LIII. And be it further enacted, That fuch of the faid managers as any three or more of the commiffioners of the treafury, or the high treasurer for the time being, fhall appoint to take in the faid tickets, and deliver out the faid certificates for and in lieu thereof, fhall give timely notice, by advertisement to be printed and published in manner as they fhall think fit, of the days and times for taking in the faid tickets, and delivering out the faid certificates, for and in lieu of the fame; and every perfon's certificate fhall be numbered in course, according to their bringing their tickets to the managers fo to be appointed for exchanging the fame; to which purpofe, fuch managers fhall enter, or cause to be entered, into a book or books to be by them kept for that purpofe, the name of every perfon who fhall bring any ticket or tickets to be exchanged for fuch certificate or certificates, and the number or numbers of the ticket or tickets which fhall be fo brought by fuch person or perfons, the value in principal motickets, &c. ney payable thereupon, and the day of the month, and the year of our Lord, when the fame was fo brought, which book and books fhall lie open in the office to be appointed for taking in Books to be kept for entering perfons names, and the num ber of their the the said tickets to be exchanged for fuch certificates, for all per- Certificates to fons concerned to perufe; all which certificates fhall be figned be figned, &c. by the managers fo to be appointed, or the major part of them, and be directed to the accomptant general of the bank of England for the time being. LIV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, Accomptant That the faid accomptant general of the bank of England for the general to time being, to whom the faid certificates are to be directed as give credit for the principal aforefaid, thall, upon receiving and taking in the faid certificates, fums in the or any of them, give credit to the perfons named therein, in a certificates. book or books to be by him provided and kept, for the principal fums contained in every fuch certificate; and the persons to Affignments whose credit fuch principal fums shall be entered in the faid may be made book or books, his, her, or their executors, adminiftrators, of the said fucceffors, and affigns, fhall and may have power to affign or fums, &c. transfer the fame, or any part, fhare, or proportion thereof, to any other perfon or perfons, bodies politick or corporate whatsoever, in books to be prepared and kept by the said accomptant general; and the faid principal fums fo affigned or transferred fhall carry the faid annuity of three pounds per centum per annum, and shall be taken and deemed to be stock transferrable by virtue of this act, until the redemption thereof in manner herein mentioned; and the said accomptant general of Certificates to the bank of England for the time being, is hereby authorized be filed and and directed to cancel and file the certificates, as they fhall from time to time be received and taken in by him; and to give the given in lieu perfons bringing in the fame a note under under his hand, te- thereof. ftifying the principal money for which they fhall have credit in the faid book or books, by reafon or means of the certificates fo received, taken in, and cancelled as aforefaid, and of the annuities attending the fame. cancelled, and notes to be LV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any person or persons shall be fued, molefted, or profecuted, for any thing done, by virtue or in pursuance of this act, fuch perfon or perfons fhall and may plead the general iffue, General issue. and give this act, and the special matter in evidence, in his, her, or their defence or defences; and if afterwards a verdict fhall pafs for the defendant or defendants, or the plaintiff or plaintiffs fhall difcontinue his, her, or their action or actions, or be nonfuited, or judgement fhall be given against him, her, or them, upon demurrer or otherwife, then fuch defendant or defendants fhall have treble cofts awarded to him, her, or them, against any such plaintiff or plaintiffs. Treble cofts. CAP. XXIV, An alt to oblige agents for prize money to account for fuch Sums of money as remain in their hands unclaimed, the property of any of his Majesty's land forces; and for the application thereof. Preamble, WHEREAS Several fums of prize money, the property of and fettling his Majefty's land forces, remain unclaimed, in the hands of the feveral agents, and no provifion is made for the diftribution of the fame; may it please your Majefty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the King's most excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the auCommiffioners thority of the fame, That the colonels, for the time being, of for examining the regiments which were employed in any fervice during the the accounts late war, where the captures became the property of his Majeof prize mo- fty's land forces; the adjutant general of his Majesty's forces ney due to for the time being, the right honourable the lord viscount Barhis Majesty's rington in the kingdom of Ireland, the honourable colonel Willand forces. liam Howe, Peter Burrel efquire, colonel John Burgoyne, and colonel Ifaac Barré, fhall be, and they are hereby declared to be, commiffioners for the examining, ftating, and fettling, all accounts of fuch prize money due to any of his Majesty's land forces, and fo remaining unclaimed in the hands of any agent or agents. Power given them to fum mon the agents, &c. to produce their books, accounts, and oath; the premiffes; to obey, on penalty of sool. Upon fettling the accounts, the agents are to pay over the mo ney to the commiffioners, or their order; II. And, for the better enabling the faid commiffioners to examine, ftate, and fettle, fuch accounts, be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid commiffioners, or any three or more of them, by writing under their hands, to fummon before them, at such time and place as in and by the faid writing (hall be expressed, any agent or agents, or other perfon concerned in the receipt of fuch prize money as aforefaid; and to order fuch respective agents to produce, upon oath, all books, accounts, and vouchers, neceffary for the information of the faid commiffioners in the premiffes and if any agent, or other person, shall refuse to comply with fuch fummons, or to produce fuch respective books, accounts, or vouchers, as aforefaid, and to give the commiffioners fuch information, upon oath, as he is able, in the premiffes; every fuch agent or fuch other perfon fhall, for every fuch offence, forfeit and pay the fum of five hundred pounds; to be recovered and applied in manner herein after-mentioned. III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That when the faid accounts of unclaimed prize money shall be adjusted and fettled, the faid agents, in whofe hands the fame fhall appear to be, fhall immediately pay over the faid unclaimed prize money into the hands of the faid commiffioners, or fuch other perfon or perfons as they, or any three or more of them, thall order and direct; who fhall immediately, or as foon thereafter as conveniently may be, pay fuch part of the prize money widows or money, fo remaining unclaimed in each company, to the re- who are to refpective perfons who were captains of the feveral companies, to pay the fame to the captains whom such prize money shall appertain, at the time of the fur- of the feveral render of the place at which fuch prize money was acquired; companies; or, in case of the death of fuch captains, or any of them, then or, in cafe of fuch prize money fhall be paid to the widows, or heirs at law, death, to the of fuch captains refpectively, whofe refpective receipts thereof heirs at law fhall be a discharge to the faid commiffioners for the fame; and of such capfuch captains, captains widows, or heirs at law, fhall and are tains; hereby required, upon demand thereof made by the feveral who are to diperfons intitled to the refpective fhares of any prize money in fame among their hands, their heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, to pay the refpective over such share of the faid prize money to such persons fo inti- perfons intitled to the fame: and if any difpute thall arife concerning the tled thereto. diftribution of the faid prize money, fuch difpute fhall be deter- to determine mined by the commiffioners, or any three or more of them; difputes arifwhose determination (hall be final. ing thereup ftribute the Commiffioners and to dif execution of IV. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the autho- on; rity aforesaid, That the faid commiffioners thall, and they are hereby impowered, our of any money which shall come to their charge out of the prize hands of fuch unclaimed prize money, in the first place, to fa- money tisfy and discharge all fuch expences as shall arife to any perfon the expences or perfons employed by them in fettling the faid accounts, and attending the all other reasonable expences attending the execution of this act. this act. V. And be it further enacted by the authority_aforesaid, That all penalties and forfeitures, incurred by this act, may be Recovery of fued for and recovered in any of his Majefty's courts of record the penalties at Westminster, wherein no effoin, privilege, protection, or wager tures, of law, nor more than one imparlance fhall be allowed; and and applicafuch penalties and forfeitures, when recovered, shall be applied, tion thereof. one moiety to the use of his Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, and the other moiety to the perfon or perfons who thall inform or fue for the fame. and forfei VI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, No claim of That no fuch claim of any prize money fhall be admitted or prize money allowed after the first day of January, one thousand feven hun- to be admitted dred and fixty feven, or fuch further day as the faid commif- after 1 Jan. fioners, or any three or more of them, fhall appoint. CAP. XXV. An act to alter certain rates of postage, and to amend, explain, and enlarge feveral provifions in an act made in the ninth year of the reign of Queen Anne, and in other acts relating to the revenue of the post office. Moft gracious Sovereign, W 1767. HEREAS the fecurity and improvement of correspondence, throughout your Majefty's dominions, is a matter of great Preamble, concernment, and highly neceffary for the prefervation and extenfion of trade and commerce: and whereas by an act made in the ninth year of |