Perfons refusing the said relief to troops are to pay in paffing over ferries in Scotland. Clause for relief CAP. IV. An act for exhibiting a bill in this present parliament, for naturalizing bis highness the bereditary prince of Brunfwick Lunenburg. WHEREAS the King's most excellent majefty (whom God Preamble. long preferve) hath been pleafed to the univerfal joy and fatisfaction of his people, and for the better ftrengthening the protestant intereft in Europe, to give his eldest fifter, her royal highness the princefs Augufta, possessing the most exalted virtues, and adorned with all poffible accomplishments, in marriage to his highness the hereditary prince of Brunswick Lunenburgh, diftinguished by the most heroick qualities, which have, from his early youth, rendered him ilustrious over all Europe, and endeared him to this nation: and whereas a more grateful proof of the esteem and affection of this kingdom cannot be given to his highness, than, by an act of naturalization, to make him > capable of enjoying thofe rights and liberties which are enjoyed in thefe kingdoms: and whereas by an act made in the feventh year of the Claufes in act reign of King James the First, every perfon is required to receive the 7 Jac. 1. facrament of the Lord's fupper, within one month before any bill for naturalization be exhibited, and alfo to take the oaths of fupremacy and allegiance in the parliament house, before his or her bill be twice read: and whereas by an act paffed in the first year of his majefly and 1 Geo. 1 King George the First, it was enacted, That no perfon fhall be naturalized, unless, in the bill exhibited for that purpofe, a claufe, or particular words, be inferted, to declare that fuch perfon shall not thereby be enabled to be of the privy council, or a member of either boufe of parliament, or to take any office or place of trust, either civil or military, or to have any grant of lands, tenements, or hereditaments, from the crown, to himself, or any other person in trust for him; and that no bill fhould, from thenceforth, be received in either house of parliament, unless fuch claufe, or words, be first inferted or contained therein, be it enacted by the King's most excellent majefty, by Leave given and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and tem- for exhibiting poral, and commons, in parliament affembled, and by the au- a bill for nathority of the fame, That a bill for the naturalization of his turalizing his highness the highness the hereditary prince of Brunswick Lunenburg, without hereditary the claufe, or particular words, directed by the faid laft recited prince of act to be inferted, and without his receiving the facrament, or Brunfwick taking the oaths by the first recited act required, fhall and may without inLunenburg, be exhibited and brought into this parliament, and twice read; ferting the the claufe, &c. in the last recited the faid recited acts, or any other law, ftatute, matter, or thing act, or other whatfoever, to the contrary notwithstanding. wifequalifying himself according to the first recited act. Preamble, CAP. V. An alt for naturalizing his highness, Charles William Ferdinand, bereditary prince of Brunswick Lunenburg. WHE HEREAS the King's most excellent majefty, whom God long preferve, has been pleased, to the univerfal joy and satisfaction of his people, and for the better flrengthening the proteftant intereft in Europe, to give his eldest fifter, her royal highness the princefs Augufta, poffeffing the most exalted virtues, and adorned with all poffible accomplishments, in marriage to his highness Charles William Ferdinand, hereditary prince of Brunswick Lunenburg, distinguished by the most heroic qualities, which have, from his early youth, rendered him illuftrious over all Europe, and endeared him to this nation: and whereas a more grateful proof of the esteem and affection of this kingdom cannot be given to his highness, than, by an act of naturaliz ation, to make him capable of enjoying thofe rights and liberties which are enjoyed in thefe kingdoms: We therefore, your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal fubjects, the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in parliament affembled, do most humbly befeech your Majefty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's most excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this Charles Wil- prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, liam Ferdi- That his faid highness Charles William Ferdinand, hereditary dinand, here- prince of Brunswick Lunenburg, be, to all intents and purposes of Brunfwick whatsoever, deemed, taken, and esteemed, a natural-born fubLunenburg, ject of this kingdom, as if the faid prince had been born withdeemed a na- in this realm; any law, ftatute, matter, or thing whatsoever, tọ tural-born the contrary notwithstanding, fubject. His highness Preamble. A&t 32 Geo. II. & 1 Geo. III. farther continued to r May, 1769. CAP. VI. An all to continue, for a limited time, the free importation of tallow, hogs lard, and greafe, from Ireland. WH HEREAS the permitting the free importation of tallow, hogs lard, and greafe, from Ireland, into this kingdom, bath been found useful and beneficial, and that the time allowed for that purpofe is near expiring, and it is expedient that the fame fhould be prolonged; May it therefore please your Majesty, that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That an act made in the thirty fecond year of the reign of his late majefty King George the Second, intituled, An act to discontinue, for a limited time, the duties payable upon tallow imported from Ireland; and also an act made in the first year of his prefent Majefty's reign, for extending the faid first-mentioned act to hogs lard and greafe; which have continuance till the first day of May, one thousand seven hun hundred and fixty four, and to the end of the next session of parliament, shall be, and the fame are hereby further continued, from the expiration thereof, until the first day of May, one thoufand feven hundred and fixty nine, and to the end of the next feffion of parliament. CAP. VII. An all to explain and amend fuch part of an a&t made in the laft feffion of parliament, (intituled, An act for granting to his Majefty feveral additional duties upon wines imported into this kingdom, and certain duties upon all cyder and perry, and for raifing the fum of three millions five hundred thousand pounds, by way of annuities and lotteries to be charged on the faid duties) as relates to cyder and perry made in this kingdom. WHE feffion. WHEREAS by an att made in the laft feffion of parliament, Preamble, reintituled, An act for granting to his Majefty feveral addi- citing claufes tional duties upon wines imported into this kingdom, and cer- in the cyder tain duties upon all cyder and perry, and for raifing the fum of act of the last three millions five hundred thousand pounds, by way of annuities and lotteries to be charged on the faid duties; a duty of four fbillings per bogfhead was, from and after the fifth day of July, one thousand feven hundred and fixty three, granted upon all cyder and perry which fhould be made in Great Britain, to be paid by the maker thereof, over and above all other duties then payable for cyder or perry: and it was thereby directed, that the amount of the faid duty fhould be paid within the space of fix weeks, to be computed from the time of making the charge, in manner therein mentioned, by the officer or officers of excife; and all makers of cyder and perry were thereby authorized to compound for the faid duty, after the rate therein mentioned, in refpect of the cyder and perry to be confumed in their own private families only, in fuch manner, with fuch exemptions, privileges, and advantages, and under fuch regulations, as are in the faid act allowed and provided: and whereas it would be a great relief to the perfons fubject to the faid duty, or to the compofition in lieu thereof, many of whom are induftrious perfons with large families, if the time for payment of the faid duty were enlarged, and the compofition of five fillings, authorized to be made by the faid alt, were lowered; be it therefore enacted by the King's most excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That from and af- The time li-. ter the fifth day of July, one thousand seven hundred and fixty mited by the four, in lieu and instead of the time of fix weeks, limited by the faid act for the payment of the faid duty on cyder and perry, the duties, exthe space of fix calendar months thall be and is hereby allowed tended to 6 for the payment of the faid duty, to be computed from the time of months; making the charge thereof; and the faid duty fhall, from and after when they the expiration of the faid fix months, be recovered and levied in may be reco. fuch manner, as the fame could or might have been recovered vered and le and former act for payment of vied, as thereby directed. In lieu of the former compofition, cife are au thorized to compound with prviate families, at the rate of 25. per head and-levied by virtue of the faid former act, at or after the expiration of the faid time therein limited for payment thereof. II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the fifth day of July, one thousand seven hundred and fixty four, when any perfon, being a maker of cyder or perry within this kingdom, fhall be defirous of compounding for the faid duty on cyder and perry to be confumed in the Officers of ex- private family of fuch perfon only, it fhall be lawful for the commiffioners of excise for the time being in England and Scotland respectively, as the cafe may be, or the major part of such refpective commiffioners, or fuch perfon or perfons as they, or the major part of them, fhall refpectively appoint for that purpose, and, in default of fuch appointment, then for the collector and fupervisor for the district and divifion within which the per annum, perfon defiring to make such compofition doth or fhall inhabit for each per- (and the faid commiffioners of excife, and the perfons fo to be fon of 8 years appointed by them, and in default thereof fuch collector and old and upwards, in the fupervisor as aforefaid, are hereby respectively required) upon lifts delivered receiving from fuch perfon an exact lift, figned by him or her, in to them. of the feveral perfons of the age of eight years and upwards whereof his or her family confifts (specifying their christian and furnames therein) to compound and agree with every person fo delivering in fuch lift, for and in lieu of the duty of four fhillings granted by the faid act on cyder and perry to be confumed in his or her own private family only, at the rate of two fhillings per annum for each perfon which shall be mentioned in such lift, in lieu and instead of the composition of five fhillings authoCompofition, rized to be made by the faid act; which compofition, after the rate of two fhillings as aforefaid, fhall laft for one year, and be to be renewed fon added, annually; renewed annually; and the money arifing thereby fhall be paid and in cafe of down at the respective times of making the compofition: and in an increase in cafe the family of any perfon making the compofition fhall be inthe family creased at any time during the year compounded for, then every during the year, an ad- person whofe family fhall be fo increased fhall deliver in an addiditional lift is tional lift, containing the names of the feveral perfons of the age to be given in, of eight years and upwards added to the family, and fhall then and 2d. per alfo pay down a proportionable compofition for the perfons fo month paid for every per- added; videlicet, two pence for each calendar month that shall be unexpired of the year for which his or her composition was during the made, for each and every person so added; and in like manner. fubfifting un- fresh lifts fhall be delivered, and compofitions made accordingly expired terin of fuch year. every year; and that the monies arifing by the faid compofitions Compofitions thall be applied in fuch manner, and for fuch purposes, as the to be applied duties granted by the faid act were thereby directed to be applias the duties. ed: and all parts of the faid act (not hereby altered) relating to Other parts of the recited act the compofitions thereby authorized to be made for the faid durelating to ty, and also to the perfons compounding in pursuance of the compofitions, power thereby given, and for preventing and punishing all frauds continued in with refpect to the faid compofitions, and for fecuring the faid duty, fhall take effect, and be in full force, applied, and put in exccution, with respect to the composition hereby allowed to be force. made, made, and to all perfons compounding under the authority of this act, and for preventing and punishing all frauds in relation thereto, and for fecuring the faid duty, as fully and effectually, to all intents and purposes, as if fuch parts of the faid act were herein specially repeated, re-enacted, and applied to this present act. owners there III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, Makers of That from and after the fifth day of July, one thousand seven cyder at other hundred and fixty four, all and every perfon and perfons, not preffes than being a compounder or compounders, who fhall intend to make their own, not any cyder or perry at or with any mill, prefs, or other utenfil being compounders, are whatfoever, not being the property of fuch perfon or perfons, to enter their but of any other perfon or perfons, whether compounding or not names at the compounding for the faid duty, fhall, ten days at the leaft be- next office of fore he, the, or they fhall begin to make cyder or perry, make excife, 10 days a true and particular entry in writing, at the office of excife next fuch making; to the place where fuch cyder or perry fhall be intended to be made, of his, her, or their respective name or names; and of together with every mill, prefs, and other utenfil fo intended to be employed; the mills, and and of the name or names of the owner or owners thereof; and of; and the alfo of every ftorehouse, warehouse, cellar, or other place where- cellars or in fuch maker or makers intend to lay or keep fuch cyder or ftorehouses perry and if any fuch maker or makers fhall make use of for keeping any fuch cyder. other mill, prefs, utenfil, ftorehouse, warehouse, cellar, or other Penalty of place whatsoever, either for the making, laying, or keeping, any their ufing cyder or perry, without having made fuch entry as aforefaid, or any unentered an entry thereof, in purfuance of the faid former act, he, she, or mill, ftorethey fhall refpectively forfeit and lofe the fum of twenty five houfe, &c. 2 5l. pounds for every fuch offence: and all and every the officers of Officers to excife fhall, at all times in the day-time, be permitted, upon their have free acrequest, to enter the millhouse, ftorehouse, warehoufe, cellar, and cefs to the faid mills, ftoreall other places whatsoever used by any such maker or makers as houfes, &c. in aforefaid, either for the making, laying, or keeping of cyder or the day-time, perry, of which notice fhall or ought to have been given in purfuance of this act; and to gauge and take an account of all the to gauge the cyder or perry which fhall be there found, and fhall thereof cyder, &c. make return or report in writing to the respective commiffioners of excife in Great Britain, or fuch other person or perfons as they charge, fhall refpectively appoint to receive the fame, leaving a true copy leaving a co of fuch report in writing under his or their hand or hands, with Py with the maker; or for fuch maker or makers of cyder or perry; and fuch report or return of the faid officer or officers fhall be a charge upon who is to pay fuch maker or makers of cyder or perry; and the amount of the the duty ac duties thereby charged fhall be paid by fuch maker or makers cording to respectively, within fuch time as is by this act appointed. fuch charge. IV. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the autho- Proprietors of rity aforefaid, That from and after the faid fifth day of July, cyder mills, no owner or proprietor whatsoeyer of any mill, prefs, or other &c. fo lent utenfil for the making of cyder or perry, which fhall be let out out, not obligor lent to any other perfon for the purpose of making cyder or tice thereof. ed to give no, perry, fhall be obliged to give any notice of the letting or lend to make and report the |