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to the fatisfaction of the Papifts, till the King, being puffed up with his Success against the Duke of Monmouth, he clapt fpurs to them to make them mend their rate, whereby he ran them out of breath, and then instead of going on they fell to kicking at him; for now they can preach against Popery, and don't stick to say it openly, that the King has not kept his word, and indeed speak of him and his Government in fawcy and unmannerly Language, and let fall fuch words against his Proceedings, as they would heretofore have called Seditious, had they come out of other peoples mouths; yet now they reckon themselves the only Champions against Popery, and the chief Supports of the Laws and Liberties, because they fay and do those things in ten times a greater degree, for which they used to call others, difaffected, and thereby greedily lick up their own Vomit: They wonder now that any do abfent themselves from the Church, and fay, if Popery do come in, the fault will wholly lie at their Doors, who at this time separate from the Church.

But foft and fair, they make too much hafte; for the blame will not wholly reft with the Diffenrers; for neither have they yet approved themfelves fuch worthy Patriots: If they are ruined their blood is upon their own heads, and they muft thank themselves for it. Though the Diffenters are to blame, yet to lay all the fault at their Door, it may as well be faid, which is ridiculous to affirm, that he has as great a fhare in building a House that lays here and there a Stone, as he that lays the Foundation, and raises much of the Superstructure upon it; which is the very Cafe betwixt the high Church men and the Diffenters; and though our

high Church fnarle at the King, and treat him with over-familiar Language, yet what they have faid and done does not fo much denote their repentance, as that they are difobliged and disappointed, because it is not accompanied with amendment of life, which is the trueft fign of penitence; for I doubt, there are very few of them that can boast, that they are lefs debaucht and profane: If the matter then be fo, and they on their part have not done any thing to invite or incourage the Diffenters to come to Church, they should be the least of all Men that should complain of their abfenting. Upon the whole Matter then, The Diffenters by falling in with the Indulgence, have done that which in the confequence will fet up Arbitrary Power; But the high Church-men have in express terms preached up and affifted Arbitrary Power, and have treated the Papifts as their Friends: So that they having been chiefly inftrumental and layed a Foundation for Popery and Slavery, I may without pretending to the gift of Prophecy, adventure to fay, that whenever it comes to extremity the greatest brunt will light upon them, and their Heads will fheild the blows from others who ufed all lawful means to have prevented the Mifcheif that is coming on apace. Thus I have laid open the Fault on all fides; let then the high Church be more charitable, and the Diffenters lefs ftiff and fweamish, and let every one indeavour to live like People profeffing the Gofpel, and I hope that God may yet have mercy upon this poor Nation.

A Speech







Bill of Exclufion.

Wish I could have been filent, and I wish

there had not been an occafion for this dayes debate: but fince we are brought into this condition, it behoves every Man to put to his Shoulder to fupport this tottering Nation: And in this Matter that is now before us we ought to confider very well, for a great deal depends upon it, and therefore I hope that every Gentleman will speak and Vote as God fhall put it into his heart, without any prejudice or pre-poffeffion.

A Bill to Exclude all Papists from the Crown will produce a great many Inconveniences on both hands, because his R. H. being a Papist it will fet him afide: therefore we are to confider which is the leffer evil, and to choose that.

If the D. be excluded, you are told how unjust it is to take away his Right from him: that the Crown is his Inheritance if he furvive the K. and


befides you provoke him and all the Papists in England to Rife and cut our Throats.

On the other hand, it's plain, that when we shall have a Popish K. our Religion and Laws are not fecure one Moment, but are in continual danger.

So that the cafe in fhort is this: Whether we fhall fit ftill and put it to the venture of having a Popish Succeffor, then we muft either fubmit our Heads to the Block, or fight and be Rebels: Or elfe to have a Law that will justifie us in the defen. ding our Religion and Laws: In plain English, whether we would fight for or against the Law. I think I have put it right; and now let every Man make his choice, that loves either his God or his Countrey.

As to the D's Right to the Crown; I wish it were clearly known what fort of Right it is he claims, and whence he derives it: He is not Heir Apparent, neither do I think that our Law knows any fuch thing as an Heir to the Crown, but only as a Succeffor: And therefore the D. nor any other whatever, can pretend the fame Title to the Crown, as the Son of a Subject can to his Fathers Estate after his decease; for with Subjects they do not fucceed but inherit. It is not fo as to the Crown, for there they fucceed: And it is from a not rightly confidering the word Heir, as it is a Synonymous term with that of Succeffor, that has made fo many to be deceived in the D's Title to the Crown: for this word Heir to the Crown was not heard of till Arbitrary Power began to put forth. Before William the Conquerour's Time it would have been a senseless word, when the people set up and pulled down as they faw caufe: And till


Queen Elizabeth it was not much in fashion, when the Crown was fo frequently fetled by Act of Parliament, and the Next of blood fo often fet afide; when the Son feldom followed his Father into the Throne, but either by Election in the Life-time of his Father, or elfe by Act of Parliament. So that to make the D. either Heir Apparent or Prefumptive to the Crown, it must be proved either by the Constitution of the Government, or by fome Law or Act of Parliament. If therefore he has a Title to the Crown, it's neceffary to know what it is, and whence he has it; but if he has none, it's not unjuft to pass the Bill, or any otherwhere he fhall be particularly named: But I will fay no more of this, leaft I may feem to be against Kingly Government, which I am not.

If the D. be Excluded because he is a Papift, yet it is no injuftice: Why will he be of that Religion that the Law endeavours to fupprefs? The Subjects who are of that Religion, forfeit Two parts in Three of their Eftates, and fhall any Subject by reafon of his Quality be exempted from the Law? I hope not; Befides, if a Subject forfeit two parts, it's reasonable that the next of blood, or any that is of that Religion, fhould be excluded from the Crown: because the Law has prohibited all Papifts from having any Office Civil or Military, because their Principles are inconfiftent with the Government; and then how prepofterous would it be to make him the Head of the Church, and the Preferver of our Laws and Liberties, whofe Religion obliges him to ruine and destroy both? So that if the D. had not by his practices given us juft caufe to except against him, yet barely as he is a Papift he ought to be Exclud


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