Abbildungen der Seite

infamy has contributed to depopulate kingdoms and overturn ftates-when they are apprifed, that Citizen Cambry is an enemy to all exifting establishments, civil and religious; an ardent admirer of absolute, unlimited democracy; an enthusiastic worshipper of reafon and nature; in plain English, that he is a Jacobin and an Infidel; they will require no other caution in the perufal of this book.

The journey under our confideration was performed in July, and the three fucceeding months of 1788, the year immediately preceding the memorable Revolution of France. Citizen Cambry, at firft, intended to limit his excurfions to Switzerland; but was afterwards induced to proceed as far as Venice. As a writer he aims at origiginality; and, by blending fentiment with defcription, affects to raife himself above the level of vulgar travellers. His enthusiastic eulogies of the innumerable beauties of nature, which present themselves with fuch varied, ftriking, and picturéfque effects, in the fields, woods, lakes, and mountains of Switzerland, are conveyed in an elevated and glowing ftyle of defcriptive elegance, admirably adapted to the delineation of fubjects fo noble, and fo interefting. He is a man of taste, and evinces an extensive knowledge of the fine arts. Had his production been exclufively devoted to them, and to the difplay of natural beauty, it would have been highly deferving of praife, and would have afforded inftruction and delight to the majority of his readers. But, alas! that hideous monfter, Modern Philofophy! pervades the whole of his performance. He never paffes a church, or a convent, without levelling his fatiric fhafts against religion and its votaries. Mifreprefentations, falfe, malignant infinuations, and afperfions, both political and theological, offend the eye at almost every page; while morality blushes at the pernicious fentiments which prevail throughout the work. The worthy citizen is conftantly affociating the fables of heathen mythology with the facred truths of Chriftianity; and then, by drawing a parallel betwen them, attempting tỏ difcredit Divine Revelation. But, with infidels of the prefent day, this is not new, it is only treading in a beaten path. Modern philofophers--though they do not chufe to avow the fact-are aware, that the foundeff, the only permanent morality, exifts in the facred writings. It is politic to ftrike at the root of the tree: they, therefore, commence their operations by weakening the vital springs of religion. When they have effected that point, every hallowed tie, which binds man to man, becomes loofened; morality ftaggers and muft ultimately fall; and the ruin of a devoted race, for which their philanthropic bofoms throb with anxiety, muft inevitably enfue!

We hall only add, that fuch a work fhould not be put into the hands of youth and inexperience.

Wie können Schwangere fich gefund erhalten, &c. i. e. On the Means of preferving the Health of pregnant Women, and inducing an eafy Defivery; to which are added Rules for the Treatment of Lying-in IVomen.


By Dr. Chriftian Auguftus Struve, Phyfician and Man-Midwife, at Gorlitz, &c. 1 Vol. 8vo. PP. 240. 15 grofch. Hanover. Hahn.

F all the German Medical Literati, we believe none have been

thor of the volume before us. Befides a variety of his effays which have been published in different periodical works, we have obferved feveral of his more elaborate productions in an English drefs. The principal of thefe is a work entitled, "Remarks on the Phyfical Education of Children," &c. tranflated a few months fince by Dr. Willich, the author of the "Lectures on Diet and Regimen." With respect to the volume before us, it will in its prefent ftate be confined to the perufal of the fair sex on the Continent; and thus being in a great degree local, we fhould fcarcely have deemed it worthy our notice had we not remarked a note in the volume on Children before-mentioned, intimating that the whole of Dr. Struve's works would be tranflated and publifhed in this country, if the volume alJuded to were well received by the British public. Leaving therefore that public which has never yet been backward in patronizing works of utility and merit, by whatever nation fuch works may have been produced, to form its own opinion of this author's talents from the fpecimens already published, we shall only obferve that the prefent volume deferves to be recommended, becaufe it contains much valuable advice to females in that ftate in "which women wifh to be who love their lords:" but we fear that the many prejudices which prevail among the fair fex when in this creditable ftate, and which have been tranfmitted from generation to generation, will not be eafily eradicated;—the reformation alluded to is "devoutly to be wifhed," and could it be effected, the unfortunate circumftances which attend child-birth would lefs frequently occur: of this Dr. Struve is fo well convinced, that he lofes no opportunity of enforcing his advice, fo that the frequent repetition of the fame maxims, in nearly the fame words, becomes tedious to the English reader: for inftance, we are by far too often reminded that " pregnant women should not take violent exercife immediately after a meal," and many other obfervations of a fimilar kind, the confiftency of which, we fhould conceive would be rendered evident to perfons of the meaneft capacity, by that which is more powerful than all arguments, namely, their own feeling, The Doctor is alfo too much inclined to advise an effeminate treatment, as he obferves, at p. 28, that a pregnant woman fhould be treated like one who has juft recovered from a tedious fit of illness; which advice would be but too readily adopted, and thus too great a degree of fufceptibility be induced; though, at p. 29, et feq. the author warns his fair readers against exceffive indulgence and effeminacy. In cafes of vomiting and general indifpofition, he recommends the patient to drink abundantly of a mixture of lemon-juice and feltzer water; but with great precaution when fubject, to hemorr


hagies, &c. In this, or any other inftance, however, of a fimilar nature, little danger need be apprehended, if the Doctor's readers were to avail themselves of his advice fo repeatedly enforced, viz. “ to apply to a phyfician;" (we need scarcely obferve that medical advice is much cheaper in Germany than in England.) The author's meaning is, in feveral inftances, involved in obfcurity; as for instances, at p.153, he forbids the use of a certain liquid in hemorrhages, unlefs prefcribed by a medical man; and in a note at the fame page advises a tea-spoonful of this very liquid to be given in the fame complaint every half hour, till the arrival of the physician.

The following obfervations, however, are worthy of attention:By long-continued fitting upon high chairs, the pelvis is particularly injured, as the loins are thereby compreffed, &c, and to corroborate this remark, he obferves that the women of eaftern countries, who fit on very low ftools, are feldom afflicted with difficult labours. He alfo cautions nurfes againft giving the breast foon after a fit of paffion, and states an inftance of a child that was fatally afflicted with hemorrhages at the eyes, ears, nofe, and mouth, in confequence of fuch treatment.

On the whole, there is much useful advice blended with abfurdity in the tract before us; which appears calculated more for the perufal of the lower than the well-informed claffes of fociety; and while we poffefs fuch elegant and useful tranflations as the "Nurfe" of Tanfillo, the "Padotrophia," by Tytler, &c. it is not likely that the present treatise will be confidered as an additional star in the galaxy of medical literature.

Befchreibung einiger typographischen Seltenheiten; nebft Beitragen zur Erfindungfgefchichte der Bucharuckerkunft, i. e. A Defeription of feveral Typographic Curiofities; together with Supplements to the Hiftory of the Art of Printing. By Gothelf Fifcher, Profeffor and Librarian at Mentz. 8vo. PP. 86. Mentz and Nurnberg. 1800.

HE object of this treatife, which has been published partly for the purpose of announcing the opening of the Central School of Mentz, is to throw fome light on a period of the life of the well known Gudenburg, which was involved in obfcurity. In the year 1455, Gudenburg was engaged in a fingular law-fuit with two perfons of the names of Fuft and Schæffer; which, terminating to his difadvantage, he was never after heard of. The author of the prefent treatife has difcovered a document dated in 1459, which clearly proves that Gudenburg was not prevented from exercifing his functions as a printer, though deprived by Fuft of his materials; for according to our author, who ufes very plaufible arguments in fupport of his affertion, he printed the famous Catholicon, in the year 16.40. M. Fischer gives a defcription of fome fragments of three different editions of Donat, which he also attributes to Gudenburg. Of thefe


he has added feveral fac fimiles :-the remainder of the tract contains defcriptions of works heretofore unknown. In the preface he gives an account of his exertions in revolutionizing the library at Mentz, which, at the time he affumed his office, was in a state of the greatest confufion.

Hiftoire Naturelle des Mineraux, &c. i. e. The Natural History of Minerals, containing their Defcription, their Appearance, the Theory of their Foundation, their Connection with Geology, or the Hiftory of the Earth; an Account of their Properties and Ufes, their Chemical Analyfis, &c. with Figures, drawn from Nature. By Eugene Melchier Louis Patrin, Member of the National Inftitute, and of feveral other learned Societies. 5 Vols. Paris. Deterville.

HIS is a work which cannot fail to prove interefting to mineralogifts. The author has been as far as the extremity of Siberia, on the borders of China, for the purpose of ftudying minerals, and even refided in that diftant part of the world for the space of eight years. His defcriptions fhew that he has paid a deep attention to his fubject, and that his abilities are equal to his perfeverance.

Homage au Premier Conful Bonaparte; i, e. Homage to the First Conful Bonaparte. By Sacombe. Paris; fold by the Author at the College of Men-Midwives, Git-le-Coeur-ftreet, No. 15, 9th Year. 12mo. Pr. 17.


N the courfe of our critical labours, we have often had occafion to repeat the old motto-Ne futor ultra Crepidam: but in no one inftance have we found it more applicable than in the prefent. When we obferve a man of eminence in his profeffion, a man whofe exertions for the relief of his fellow (female) citizens, have been fo often crowned with fuccefs, abandoning thofe duties which render him an ufeful member of fociety in order to become the eulogift of an ufurper of the government of his country, we feel fentiments of pity at fuch a flagrant inftance of human degradation. Such a man is Sacombe, a furgeon and man-midwife, celebrated for his oppofition to the progrefs of the Cæfarcan operation, for eftablishing what he called the Anti-Cæfarean School, and for entering into a conteft fome time fince fimilar to that which took place about the fame period in this coun try, between Dr. Hull and Mr. Simmons, of Manchefter.

With refpect to the poem, the following burden, which occurs at leaft twenty times in feventeen pages, will be fufficient to fix the opinion of our readers:

"Vive, vive à jamais le grand Bonaparte
Reftaurateur des lois, et de la liberté !"

and the eulogy of his fchool is frequently combined with that of his



Without any pretenfions to witchcraft, we many venture to predict that this citizen will never be fuch a proficient in poetry as he is in the obftetric art. What a pity then, that he has laid afide the forceps to affume the reins of Pegafus; and what a pity likewife that he is not a military man, for the Conful would then have an opportunity of rewarding him with that favour which he bestows on extraordinary merit with fuch a liberal hand :-we mean the Brevet d'Honneur!

Materialien für die Staatfarzneiwiffenfchaft und praktische Heilkund i. e. Materials for the Medical Police and Practical Medicine. Publifhed by M. J. H. T. Schlegel, Public Phyfician to the Town and Bailiwick of Ilmenau. Firft Collection. 8vo. PP. 182. Jena, Göpferdt. 1800.

THIS affemblage of facts and obfervations cannot be perufed with

out advantage by ftudents in medicine, nor even by practical phyficians. Among other articles, contained in the volume, are, a report upon a fingular kind of murder, with the opinion of the faculty of Jena; a memoir on the analyfis of a preparation of tobacco, made at the request of the magiftracy of Ilmenau; various pfychological obfervations, viz. on an inftance of fuicide committed by a man, in order to liberate himself from the capricious temper of his wife; on the mental ftate of a man whofe capacity of difpofing of his effects had been difputed; different accounts relative to the ftate of health of prifoners attacked with epilepfy, hyfteria, &c. on a chronic diarrhoea, produced by an extraordinary caufe, and rendered mortal by the medicines employed; on a fpecies of colic cured by opium; and another cured by alum; an hiftory of the cure of a pulmanary confumption; a cure of the cornea of a child, which was burned by his brother having inadvertently conveyed a light too near his eyes. In this inftance, the cornea which was half destroyed, had a papyraceous appearance, and loft its tranfparency. The author effected a cure in the space of three days, by pouring into the difeafed eye, feveral times a day, a fmall quantity of a mixture, confifting of twelve drops of Goulard's folution and two drams of cold water, and covering the eye with a comprefs fteeped in the fame mixture.

Kurze Befchreibung der gefährlichsten Giftpflanzen, i. e. A concife DeJcription of the most common Deleterious Plants; for the Ufe of Children and Perfons unacquainted with Botany. By J. H. A. Dunker, Prelate of Kathenau, published in Numbers by Leich, at Brandenburg, and containing Engravings coloured from Nature.

HE author of this ufeful work, being convinced from experience of the confequences refulting from an imperfect knowledge of the different poifonous plants, formed the refolution of in


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