Abbildungen der Seite

been revoked; nor indeed, are they susceptible of revocation, for every one knows that the Romish Church is infallible.

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Let all fecular powers, whatsoever be the nature and rank of their respective offices, be admonished, perfuaded, and, if neceffary, compelled, by ecclefiaftical cenfures, that as they defire to be reputed and esteemed faithful, they publicly take an oath, that they will, to the utmost of their power, endeavour to exterminate all fuch as fhall be denounced heretics by the church, out of all their dominions and places fubject to their jurifdiction; and let them take this oath refpectively, the moment they fhall be invested with either piritual or temporal power.

But if any temporal Lord fhall neglect to purge his dominions of fuch heritical corruption, after being required and admonished by the Church, by his Metropolitans and his other provincial Bishops fo to do, let bim be immediately bound in the chains of excommunication; and if he thall contumaciously refufe to make fatisfaction and submit himself to the Church within the year, let this be signified to the Pope, who shall thereupon declare his subjects absolved from their allegiance, and proclaim his territories open to the just seizure and occupation of Catholic Powers, who, after they shall have exterminated the heretics, shall possess them without control, and preserve them in the purity of the faith still preserving the title of the principal Lord, provided he shall give them no interruption, or oppose any impediment to their proceedings; and let the same rule be observed with respect to those who have no principal lords, i. e. republics.

Let all Catholics who shall undertake a crusade for the extermination of heretics have the same indulgence, and the same holy privilege, as those who undertake the crusade for the expulsion of the infidels from the holy land.

We decree, that not only those who profess heretical tenets, but all receivers, protectors, and favourers of heretics, are ipso facto excommunicated; and we strictly ordain and command, that after any such shall be publicly branded with excommunication, if they shall refuse to make satisfaction, and submit themselves to the Church within a year, they shall be infamous, nor shall they be admitted to any public office or council, nor to elect any persons to such, nor to give testimony in any cause; neither shall they be capable of making wills, nor of succession, as heirs or representatives, to any estate: they shail be incapable. of suing in any court, but may themselves be sued: if any such person shall happen to be a judge of any court, his sentence shall be null and void, nor shall any cause be prosecuted before him if he shall happen to be an advvcate, he shall not be admitted to practise; if a notary, instruments drawn up, prepared, witnessed, or executed by him, shall also be void and of 20 effect, but condemned with their guilty framer: and we command that the same rule be observed in all similar cases, But if he be a clergyman, let him be deposed both ab officio et beneficio, that as his crime is the greater, so the greater may be his punishment.'

We shall next state the oath still invariably taken by a Roman Catholic Bishop, with a view to prove that the same spirit which prevailed in this Council respecting Heretics subsists in its full vigour, at the present time.

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Bishop of

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do swear. that from this hour forward I shall be faithful and obedient to St. Peter, and to the baly


Church of Rome, and to my Lord the Pope and his successors canonically entering. I shall not be of counsel nor consent that they shall lose either life or member, or shall be taken or suffer any violence or any wrong by any means. Their counsel to me credited by them, their messages or letters I shall not willingly discover to any person. The Papacy of Rome, the rules of the holy Fathers, and the regality of St. Peter, I shall help, maintain, and defend against all men. The Legate of the See apostolic, going and coming, I shall honourably entreat: the rights, honours, privileges, and authorities of the Church of Rome, and the Pope and his successors, I shall cause to be conserved, defended, augmented and promoted. I shall not be in council, treaty, or any act, in which any thing shall be imagined against him or the Church of Rome, their rights, seats, honours, or powers; and if I know any such to be moved or compassed, I shall resist it to my power; and as soon as I can I shall advertise him, or such as may give him knowledge. The rules of the holy Fathers, the decrees, ordinances, sentences, dispostions, reservations, provisions, and commandments apostolic, to my power I shall keep, and cause to be kept of others. Heretics, schismatics, and rebels to our holy Father and his successors, I shall resist and persecute to my power. I shall come to the synod when I am called, except I be letted by a canonical impediment. The thresholds of the aposles I shall visit yearly, personally or by my deputy. I shall not alienate or sell my possessions without the Pope's counsel. Sơ help me God and the holy Evangelists.'

It remains for the Roman Catholic Church of Ireland (not individually but collectively) formally, by a public act, to renounce the authority by which one of their Bishops has declared them to be bound, or else they must cease to pretend that a compliance with their claims is compatible with the coronation-oath, or consistent with the safety of the constitution of these realms.

But the propofed repeal of the penal ftatutes, we have reaíon to fear, only formed a part of the fyftem which fome, at leaft, of the late Minifters intended to purfue. In the preface to the fifth volume of our work, our readers will recollect, that we offered a folemn admonition to the Clergy of the Established Church, recalling to their minds the falutary adage "principiis obfta," and warning them "that their enemies were indefatigable in their exertions to undermine the establishment, and that the defeat of every effort for this purpose, from whatever quarter it might proceed, depended especially, if not folely, upon themfelves." It is now time to fpeak out, and to declare, that we then alluded to a plan which we knew to be in agitation, for the abolition, or commutation of tythes. This plan the late Minifter, impofed upon no doubt by the fpecious arguments of certain fectaries, who pretended to fupport him on the most difinterested principles, though it might eafily be proved that they were the most interested of men, fanctioned with his appro bation, and even, we believe, laid it before his Majefty, who, actuated by one uniform principle of attachment to the Established Church, of which he was the fworn guardian and protector, moft properly referred him to the Prelates of that Church, whom the advifers of the premier had not thought it neceffary to confult!— We know


full well, that among the Minifters who have refigned; there are fome who would have condemned this dreadful inroad upon facred property, this unaccountable imitation of French revolutionary practices, this formidable attack upon the conftituted order of our ecclefiaftical polity, with as much warmth and decifion as ourfelves. But that repeal which they meditated, in conjunction with their affociates, would naturally, and almoft neceffarily, have led to this meafure; and the principle of innovation being once admitted, it would have been as difficult as ufelefs to refift the application of it, or the inferences which might be fairly deduced from it.

We fhall, for the prefent, quit this unpleasant fubje&t, upon which volumes might be written; but we deemed it our duty to fay thus much, in order to put men on their guard, and to induce the well difpofed members of both Houles of Parliament, (who we are willing to believe conftitute a very large majority) to inveftigate deeply this most important topic of difcuffion, and to paufe before they give a vote, which may prove decifive of their country's fate.

We are conscious, that, by the part whichwe take on these great queftions, we fhall incur the enmity of men, with whofe friendfhip, at prefent, we are honoured, and the continuance of whofe good opinion, interest and inclination, would prompt us to secure; but among these are some, we know, whofe high and honourable minds will give us that credit which we give to them, for the fincerity of their zeal, and the purity of their intentions, even on points on which we differ moft effentially from them. At all events, our ●ption between principle and intereft has long fince been made, without hesitation as without regret, and we shall invariably endeavour to difcharge, to the utmost of our ability, that paramount duty which we owe to our King, our Country, and our God.

On the Continent, fuch a peace has been figned between the Emperor and the French Republic, as we predicted; with this only difference, that the fortreffes of Mentz and Ehreinbreitftein are referved as objects of future regulation. The Germanic Conftitution is virtually diffolved; and the French have taken those boundaries which the patriots of 1792 affigned as the natural limits of the Republic. In fhort, from the banks of the Adige to thofe of the Scheldt, their power is unlimited; while they enjoy an extent of fea coaft, reaching from the Adriatic Gulph to the German Ocean, with the power, by the poffeffion of all the fortreffes on the frontiers of their immenfe territory, to extend their empire whenever they pleafe. All the plans which we afcribed to them, in the preface to our laft Volume*, are now clearly developed; and their arts being as fuccefsful as their arms, they have fucceeded in combining against usall the maritime powers of Europe, whofe threats and efforts, if united among ourfelves, we might regard with equal contempt. The treaty, which we fuppofed to be in agitation, between the Quixotic Emperor of Ruffia and the First Conful of France, has been concluded; and, as we foretold, prepara tions are making for a speedy invasion of the Turkish dominions.

* Published in the Appendix on the 1ft of February.


All these events have afforded ample materials for adulatory addreffes, (in which Republicans are known to excel) from the different public bodies to the Corfican ufurper, replete with threats of vengeance against this country, which has the daring prefumption to refift his will, and to withstand his power. The language which they employ is certainly confiftent and appropriate, for it is the language of flaves to a tyrant.

In this ftate of things, with a host of enemies to encounter, we have only to remain true to ourselves, and to exert thofe energies and those resources which Providence has graciously fuffered us ftill to retain, in defence of our liberties, our independence, and our religion. Of the iffue of fuch a conteft, conducted under fuchaufpices, we fhould not entertain a doubt. Moft happily the new Minifters, whom his Majefty has called to his councils, are men of found principles, ardent zeal, unblemished characters, and solid abilities; and it is with infinite fatisfaction that we witness the laudable refolution of the Noble Duke, who has prefided over the home departiment of the ftate, with fo much honour to himself, and fo much advantage to the country, to retain his important fituation, and adhere to his Sovereign, in the glorious ftand which he now makes in defence of the Eltablished Churcht. There can be no doubt that the country will rally round fuch an Administration, and give them the moft decided countenance and support.

+ The divifion in the Cabinet, on the propofition for fupporting the repeal of the Penal and Teft Laws against Catholics and Dil fenters, we understand to have been fix, in favour of the measure, and five against it.


"A METHODIST" who dates his letter from Lancashire, accuses us of intolerance and perfecution, and affirms that we are "men hoftile to religious liberty, and confequently, to the British conftitution;" and that " the Methodists have been long

own and acknowledged loyal."-We shall make no defence against the charge of hoftility; and, by way of anfwer to the praife of himself and his affociates, we request this "Methodift" to read Mr. John Pawfon's Sermons, and Mr. Polwhele's Anecdotes:

"Unus Solus" may be affured that he can make us feel nothing but the moft fovereign contempt for him and his productions. Ignorance and vanity are fic companions for each other.

A reipectable correfpondent, at the Hot-wells, is informed that we have received Letters of various descriptions, impudent, obscene, treasonable, and blafphemous, all of which we have been dared to publifh. We fufpect that the one to which he alludes is noticed above.-The writers of fuch letters are deceived in their expectations; for they are regularly returned to the Poft-office, and the postage is seimbursed.

Pater's note is transmitted to the gentleman who reviewed the article to which he adverts.

C. I. by referring to the Appendix to our seventh volume, will find that we have no intention of " difcontinuing the Monthly Summary of Politics;" though it be not our intention to offer reflections without facts; and it is not in our power to enfure a regular fupply of facts..

C. C. C. C. is received.

"The Vifion of Liberty" is intended for infertion in our next Number.

The blafphemous rant of "a Deit" has nothing to recommend it but its blafphemy, which is no recommendation to us.

The farther communications of our eftimable correfpondent," Academicus" will meet with that preference and attention to which they are fo eminently entitled,


Review and Magazine;

&c. &c. &c.

For MARCH, 1801.



Retrospection or a Review of the most striking and important Events, Characters, Situations, and their Confequences, which the laft Eighteen Hundred Years have prefented to the View of Mankind. By Hefter Lynch Piozzi. 2 Vols. 4to. Pp. 1026. 21. 2s.

London. 1801.


TF Dr. Johnfon had been ftill living, and this work had been fubmitted to his perufal in manufcript, we are well convinced that he would have rejected one half of it, and added to the other fome reflections and obfervations to render it worthy of public attention. Mrs. Piozzi has here attempted to form a new dish for English stomachs. Hiftory cooked up in a novel form reduced to light reading for boarding fchool miffes, and loungers at a watering place, during the Dog-Days. We will lay her own account of her notable production before our



"Their criticifm I not only deprecate, but hope, by dint of petty amufe ment, in fome measure to disarm: a pleasant ftory will divert, a tender tale affect them. No infolently obtrusive opinions through these pages, no air arrogance will offend, or provoke fuch readers to say, however they may think, that the neceffity of dilating, as it advances, like an inverted cone or fugar-loaf, robs my whole building of that folid bafis which many fabricks boaft, on which, after all, little fometimes is reared. A moment's thought indeed will fhew fuch criticks, that any other way would have been worse : and half a moment will fuffice to prove, that whilft the deep current of grave hiftory rolls her full tide majestick, to that ocean where time and all its wrecks


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