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with any prospect of success. It would require more cool investigation, than the House could give it during the present


Mr. Whitbread very humanely urged the House to go on with the Bill.

Mr. Rose desired gentlemen, before they resolved to continue a debate on so important a subject, to ask themselves whether it became the cause, or would tell in its favour without doors, when it should be known that it was agitated in so thin a House? He therefore advised, that all parties should agree to let the discussion stand over for the morrow.

petitioners. All he desired was, that the Bill might meet with fair play, and that if evidence against it was listened to, he might be permitted to bring evidence in support of it. The purpose of his introducing a bill on the subject of the Slave Trade was not to bring forward the consideration of the immorality of that Trade; it was not indirectly to accelerate a premature discussion of the general question concerning the policy and propriety of continuing the Slave Trade under certain regulations, or of abolishing it altogether; but to call the attention of parliament to a particular and distinct object, which might properly be made the ground of immediate regulation, without involving any of the larger or more general considerations to which the subject might lead. It was, in fact, to save the lives of hundreds and thousands that must necessarily perish, if some such regulations as he had adverted to, were not adopted without

The Attorney General observed, that the House had, in a manner, been taken by surprise, no notice having been given that there was any intention to bring forward the motion. He said that there might be a stop put to the House proceeding to debate a minute longer, by moving to have it counted; but it would be more decent in itself, and more re-delay. When he had first asserted, that spectful to a subject on which the public attention was fixed, that the matter should be put an end to, by withdrawing the


Upon this, sir Charles Middleton moved that the House might be counted, which being done, and forty members not being present, an adjournment took place.

May 28. Lord Penrhyn brought up a petition from the merchants and traders of Liverpool, stating the long existence of the African Slave Trade; the essential benefits the country had derived from it; the encouragement that the legislature held out to individuals to embark their fortunes in it; and the injury that they must necessarily suffer from any sudden measure being taken respecting it. Having heard, therefore, that a bill was in the House for the purpose of operating a partial regulation, which they conceived to be founded on facts that were not true, they prayed to be heard by themselves and their counsel against the said bill. The petition was ordered to lie on the table, and the petitioners were ordered to be allowed to be heard by their counsel on the second reading of the Bill. Mr. Ewer brought up a petition from the merchants of London to the same effect with the Liverpool petition, and similar motions were put upon it, and agreed to.

Sir William Dolben said, that he was far from harbouring the most distant intention of thwarting the prayer of the

so many lives were liable to be lost by the continuance of the practices which had obtained in the transport of the natives of Africa to the West Indies, he had been called upon to bring proof of his assertion. He had answered, that he was not then prepared to bring forward the necessary evidence, but that he would undertake to do so on a future day. It was now some days since he had declared in his place, that he was ready to produce many of the most respectable characters; in short, witnesses out of number, and of almost every description of persons likely to be conversant with the subject, who would prove at the bar, beyond all contradiction, that the grievances he had complained of actually existed, and that there was such a stowage of the persons of the unfortunate Africans, on board the transport vessels, for the sake of saving a penny, as must shock the humanity and rouse the indignation of that House, and of every man of feeling in the country. These miserable wretches had not a yard square allowed them to live in, while, in that narrow space they were loaded with shackles, and fastened hand to hand and foot to foot to one another. When he had said he was ready to prove these facts at the bar, he had understood, that the hon. gentleman, who had appeared to be adverse on the first mention of the Bill, had declared, they would not object to the Bill, if such facts could be substantiated, which they did not believe was very probable. He would do

them the justice to observe, that they had only made that declaration on behalf of themselves, and had reserved the right of farther opposition, in case their constituents should so instruct them. It now appeared, their constituents had so instructed them, and two petitions had that day been presented. If the petitioners could controvert the facts he had stated, they ought to be heard; but if the throwing in petitions, and desiring to be heard by counsel, was merely a manoeuvre to put off his question for another year, in order to enjoy another year's advantage of such inhuman practices, it would be a shameful insult on that House, and no answer at all to those who declared they were ready to bring evidence to the bar to prove the facts. He had heard several extraordinary things asserted in defence of the subsisting mode of stowage of the Africans on board of ship, in their passage to the West Indies. Many had said, that the ships most crowded were the most healthy, and others, that the time passed on board a ship, while transporting from Africa to the colonies, was the happiest part of negro's life. Strange as these assertions were, they had been gravely urged as excuses for the prevailing practices, although it was undeniable that the negroes were in shackles and bound hand and foot all the time of their passage. He had no object whatever but the cause of humanity: he had all along meant to avoid any thing like personality, and he trusted that he had done so that day. He had a very great respect for the merchants of Liverpool and London. He should be a most ungrateful man, if he did not profess and feel liberally towards the former, since he had been most hospitably entertained at Liverpool. Indeed, he believed that he had eaten more turtle there, than he had ever eaten in the course of his life; but he would readily give up their turtle and burgundy, for mock turtle and plain port, if they would consent to forego some part of their profits, for the sake of accommodating the poor negroes better while on ship-board The merchants of Liverpool, he verily believed, were not aware of the hardships the natives of Africa suffered while on board of their ships; but in order to enable them to judge of the pleasantness of their situation, he said, let some of them take a summary voyage to Africa and the West Indies, under similar circumstances. And, as he understood there were generally two houses concerned, let

them unite hand to hand, and foot to foot, as well as unite interest and purse, and thus chained to one another, let them continue upon the waves during dangerous storms and perilous gales, rolling about with shackles upon them, in their own sickness and its consequences, fluxes, pestilential distempers, and the danger of premature death! After experiencing those extraordinary proofs of happiness, let the Liverpool merchants come to the bar of the House, and substantiate their assertions, and he would readily give them credit, and so, no doubt, would the House! Sir William concluded with declaring, that he hoped the House would not suffer any artificial or interested delay. He was ready to move that the Bill be read a second time on Friday, or Monday, or any other early day, so that he should not be deprived of the opportunity of passing it during the present session.

Mr. Martin said, that when the subject was last under the consideration of the House, he had heard a noble lord talk of the calumnies that were cast upon those concerned in the Slave Trade: now, he could not conceive what motive those who professed themselves friends to the present Bill could have, to calumniate the merchants of Liverpool and London. For his part, he had the highest respect for the character of a British merchant. Did gentlemen who wished to put off the present Bill, consider that several thousand lives might be saved by its being carried? If so, should they persist in opposing it? He hoped gentlemen would reflect on the importance of the subject. If after the facts that had been stated, any gentlemen could refuse to give their consent to the present Bill, let them retire to rest" with what appetite they may."

Lord Penrhyn said, that the hon. gentleman had asked, what grounds there could be for opposition to the Bill? For his own part, he could declare, that his constituents, under the sanction and faith of parliament, had continued for many years to carry on the African Trade; that they had every reason to think it a legal Trade, and such as they might pursue without imputation of inhumanity. Such ships as had not yet sailed, were equipped and ready, and his constituents thought it hard that they should be prevented from sending them on their voyages, when they had committed no crime, and because the credulity of some persons had been imposed upon. Was that no ground for opposing the

Bill? The hon. baronet had talked a great deal of the petitions, and had stated many strong facts against the petitioners. After what had been said, might not the petitioners have a wish to clear themselves; and was not that a reasonable wish? The hon. baronet doubted whether they would come to the bar. Did he think they would not have their characters cleared; most undoubtedly they would. The hon. baronet had urged the great necessity of passing his Bill in the present session. What effect could it produce? The greatest part of the ships employed in the African Trade were already sailed; it could not therefore have any operation upon them; and those captains who were yet to sail, after what had passed in that House would be cautious in what they did from principles of prudence, if they were not influenced by motives of pure humanity. What inducements any persons might have to disperse calumny he knew not, but he was certain the merchants of Liverpool had been grossly calumniated. The petitioners considered the Bill as an attack upon them, which was not justified by either fact or necessity. It singled them out from every other description of merchants, and therefore, feeling it to be as unwarrantable as it was ill timed, they were determined to dispute its principle throughout.

Mr. Pitt observed, that the noble lord had said the petitioners were determined to dispute the principle of the Bill throughout: now, he would take upon him to assert, that no man could dispute the principle of the Bill; for what was the principle, but an endeavour to prevent a certain number of persons, sent on board of ships from Africa to the West Indies, from being ill-treated during their passage? The petitioners might dispute the facts on which the Bill was professedly founded, and question whether they existed at all; or, if the facts were admitted or proved, they might dispute the propriety of the regulations contained in the Bill; but no man could say, that if the facts actually existed, it was not proper to meet those facts with adequate regulations. For his own part, he should not agree to any regulation the Bill might contain, which opposed indirectly the Trade itself, when the general question of its abolition was not before the House. With regard to the present Bill, its object was such as the House were bound to take up; because, having resolved to suspend the conside

ration of the general question till the next session, it became their duty to provide against the possibility of any abuse arising in consequence of their suspension. He did not know that any of the abuses that had been stated existed, but he saw a possibility of those abuses, or some other arising out of their latter resolution; and surely the petitioners had no right to object against a Bill calculated to prevent the growth of such abuses. He wished, therefore, that the motion had been for the petitioners not to be heard against the second reading, but in a committee, where the facts which they might reasonably question, or the propriety of the regulations could alone be gone into. In his mind, the best mode parliament could adopt, would be, to keep the subject entire till the next session, and, therefore, he should wish to make as little alteration in any part of the conduct of the Trade as possible; but if, upon inquiry, it was proved that it was carried on in a manner free from abuse, merely to take care to secure that it should so continue to be carried on till next session.

Mr. Fox could not see without concern the species of opposition which had arisen against the present Bill. From what he knew of his noble friend's mind, he was sure he did not mean to oppose the principle of the Bill, but to dispute the truth of the facts alleged as the reasons and grounds of the Bill. That being, he was persuaded, his noble friend's opinion, he wondered he should make that a reason for opposing the Bill upon the second reading. Such a Bill was not to be answered by high sounding words, and by saying, these abuses that are stated to prevail are calumnies. Out-door reports might be called calumnies; but no man could call those calumnies, which were facts stated by a member of that House, in his place, who was ready to call witnesses to the bar, to prove the truth of them. That being the case, he, for one did assume the facts, and it would be extremely unjust to the petitioners, were he not to make such assumption. He did not think there was a man in that House, who wished an opposition to the Bill, if the facts stated by the hon. baronet were true, and therefore the petitioners should have said-what? Not that they meant to dispute the principle of the Bill, but desired to come to the bar of that House to disprove those facts; and the time to do that was when the Bill should be in a committee. He could not, therefore, avoid observing, that the mode of applica,

tion which the petitioners had adopted | hon. baronet had asserted facts which was somewhat suspicious, and looked like might or might not be true: his noble a desire to delay the passing of the Bill, friend had said, they are not true; but he rather under the hope, in consequence of didnot say, "Let us go into them, but let us the advanced period of the session, to get it not oppose the second reading of the Bill." thrown out, than from any confidence in Mr. Fox said he wished the petitioners to their being able to prove, that the alleged be heard before their Committee, where abuses did not exist. The Bill might un- they might bring forward their evidence doubtedly be a bad bill; the facts on with effect. He had heard a great many which it was grounded might be false; the facts of a similar nature with those stated regulations of the Bill might be unwise, by the hon. baronet; but he sincerely and unfit to be adopted; either might be hoped that upon examination, they would wrong or right, but the Bill ought not be found to be greatly exaggerated. He to be postponed. It was not a measure hoped and believed so. In the first place, on the African Trade in general, but a he entertained the presumption, that manmeasure of a separate and distinct nature, kind, who certainly were not naturally which, that House having resolved to cruel, would not be cruel where there could suspend the consideration of the whole be no end; and, in the next, he could not of the general question, were bound to conceive that the facts alleged were true adopt, if, upon examination before the to the extreme extent that was alleged. Committee, it could be made applicable to If any thing could convince him of the. its object. The right hon. the Chancellor badness of the cause of those concerned in of the Exchequer had anticipated a good the Slave Trade, it was the sort of argudeal of what had suggested itself to his ments that were resorted to for its defence. mind, when he remarked, that, however The hon. baronet had stated some of these, much inclined they might be to believe and he had heard a variety of others of a that the persons employed in the branch similar nature; not only the situation of of the African Trade then in question, the negroes on their passage had been exwould not, after what had passed, venture tolled as a happy situation, but it had been to countenance or practice abuses respec- confidently asserted, that in the West Inting the treatment of the negroes from dies they were happier and better treated Africa to the West Indies, they ought not to than the common subjects of this country. confide in the prudence of individuals in Such a mode of reasoning led him to susa case of importance, but apply a proper pect that the cause would not warrant legislative security as a guard against the better arguments, and thence he naturally possibility of abuse. Mr. Fox asked, if inferred, that it was almost indefensible. every gentleman did see that there would There was another sort of argument which be great enterprises and speculations in he must deprecate, and this was, that the any trade, liable to a less odious construc- present Bill was an attack on the merchants tion than the Slave Trade, if, from any of Liverpool. If that species of reasoning proceeding of that House, there was an were allowed, there would be an end of apparent probability that the Trade, what- every possibility of reform, let the abuse ever it might be, would be either abolished, to be regulated be ever so enormous. In or so regulated during the course of the the present instance no such attack was ensuing session as to be effectually altered. meant, nor was there any thing personal That being the case with the African mixed with the consideration of the Bill, Trade, it was the undoubted duty of that the object of which was not past animadHouse to take care, if no abuse prevailed version, but future regulation. Its object in the conduct of the Trade at present, was the measure, and not the men conthat no abuse should prevail in it for the nected with it. ensuing six months, and even that, if any Mr. Gascoyne said, that when the subabuse did prevail, greater and additional ject was first agitated in that House, he abuses should not be practised. He had entertained but two wishes respecting thought that the fair way for those gentle it; his first wish had been, that the submen who conceived that the facts stated ject might undergo a full, fair, and temperate were not true, would be to say, "Bring discussion; and as he was persuaded there forth your facts, that we may see what would not be time for the House to obtain those facts are, and perhaps we shall prove sufficient information in the course of the that you have been misled, and when you present session, for that purpose, he had thought yourself well-informed." The closed with the right hon. gentleman's

proposition to postpone its consideration till the ensuing session. His second wish had been, that the question might be reserved entire, and not prematurely broken in upon. Since, however, he found it to be the wish of the House to inquire into that part of the subject, which referred to the treatment of the Africans during their passage from their own coasts to the West Indies, he was willing to meet gentlemen on that investigation. The hon baronet had asserted, that a variety of abuses existed in the treatment of the negroes on ship-board, but he was informed that no such abuses existed. On that question, therefore, they were fairly at issue.

At length it was settled, that the Bill should be read a second time on the 30th instant.

June 2. The House being in a Committee on the Bill, Mr. Whitbread in the chair, counsel were called to the bar.

thought it was for the benefit of their clients, they might wave all opposition to the Bill then, and after letting the Committee fill up the blanks, oppose it on the report, and show that the Bill, filled up as it was, would produce such an effect on the Trade in general, that it ought not to pass into a law.

Mr. Pitt concurred in opinion with Mr. Fox, but hoped, after the opposers of the Bill had of themselves first desired to be heard against the Bill at the second reading, and afterwards consented to be heard against it before the Committee, that they would not again alter their mode of proceeding, and postpone the evidence they meant to call still longer.

Mr. Gascoyne spoke of the difficulty the merchants laboured under, having first to state evidence against the Bill, and that evidence remaining to be afterwards counteracted by evidence to be brought in support of the Bill.

Sir W. Dolben conceived it to be incumbent on the petitioners to state in argument by their counsel, or in evidence by their witnesses, whatever they had to say against the Bill. He should afterwards proceed to lay evidence in support of the Bill before the Committee.

Mr. Piggott opened as counsel against the Bill, and began with stating himself to be under a considerable difficulty in respect to the sort of case that he ought to lay before the Committee, in consequence of the patrons of the Bill not having previously stated the evidence they The counsel were directed by Mr. meant to call in support of it. He desired Whitbread to proceed; and they called to be instructed by the Committee, Mr. Norris to the bar, who stated himself whether he should proceed to prove, that to have been in the African Trade about if the number of negroes to be shipped five years, but that he neither had at were to be governed by the tonnage of present, nor meant to have, any farther each versel, and that only one was to be concern in it. Mr. Norris underwent allowed to each ton, the Trade would be an examination of upwards of four hours impracticable; or whether he was to continuance, after which the chairman make out a case of another kind, and was directed to report progress, and ask prove a negative, by showing from evi- leave to sit again.-On the following day, dence, that the inconveniences which had and also on the 12th and 16th, the House been talked of did not exist? went again into the Committee when several witnesses were examined.

Mr. Fox said, that in his opinion, the counsel against the Bill had their option of one of two modes of proceeding, by adopting either of which they might equally promote the interest of their clients; they might either prove to the Committee, that any reduction of the number of Africans now put on board each vessel, would go the length of ruining the Slave Trade altogether, or they might, by evidence, instruct the Committee how to fill up the blanks of the Bill, by showing what was the number of Africans that they might be limited to, without putting those who were concerned in the Trade in any danger of being material sufferers by the regulation; or if the counsel

June 17. The House went again into the Committee. The evidence on the part of the petitioners being closed, the Committee proceeded to fill up the blanks. Mr. Pitt moved that the operation of the Bill be retrospective, and that it commence from the 10th instant; which was agreed to. When the Committee came to fill up the blank respecting the tonnage of the ships, and the number of the Africans to be carried in the different sized vessels,

Sir W. Dolben proposed to apportion five men to three tons, of every ship of 150 tons burthen, or under five feet be

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