been deceived, in imagining that the Supreme Government of these Provinces was capable of submitting to the insults he thus offered to the American People. My Measures, therefore, agreeably to this principle, will be for the present, and until the decision of the Sovereign Congress be known, those which I will now describe. In the first place: an Official Communication will be dispatched immediately to General Lecor, in the following terms: [See Letter from the Supreme Director to General Lecor, Page 993.] Secondly. The Extraordinary Mission to the Court of Rio Janeiro will be suspended, until it be clearly proved that the Negotiations which may be entered upon will be advantageous to these Provinces, and that they will have for their basis the National Independence, the evacuation of the Eastern Territory, and an entire conformity to the general opinion of its Inhabitants. Thirdly. All the Subjects of His Most Faithful Majesty residing in this Capital shall leave it, within 3 days, for the Guardia de Luxan; they being assured of good treatment, so long as General Lecor, on his part, shall not carry into effect the threats contained in his Decree of the 15th of February, and their Property being respected, agreeably to the Law of Nations. Fourthly. The Officers from the Portuguese Army, who came in the Ship of War at present in this Port, shall immediately receive their Passports to return to the Place from whence they came. Fifthly. It being neither just nor politic, according to the idea which I have now formed of the pretensions of the Court of Brazil, that whilst it maintains Armed Forces in a part of the Territory of this State, we should not oppose them, on our part, by other Forces, which may restrain their hostile operations, and place us in a situation to act more vigorously in case of necessity; I have determined that, besides the assistance lately sent to various Points of the Eastern Territory, additional aid of every description shall be dispatched thither; of which intention General Lecor has already been informed, in reply to a Complaint made by him upon this subject. To these Measures, and to others which I do not think proper to make public, will be added all those which can conduce to the objects already mentioned; and I trust that the valour and patriotism of all good Citizens will dispose them to those sacrifices that they may be called upon to make, in consequence of an unfortunate Rupture, which it is, I declare, my desire to terminate by every means in my power, which the progress of events and the glory of the Country will permit. Buenos Ayres, 2nd March, 1817. JUAN MARTIN DE PUEYRREDON. JUAN FLORENCIO TERRADA, Secretary, ad interim. - 999 Page Exception of A Channel. October, 1817. 819 iation of the Enigration. August, 1817. 746 er, Friendship, 1st July, 1812. 486 21st May, 1813. 487 3rd May, 1817. 486 ritorial. 1st April, 1806. 225 ul, July, 1817. 980 21st Aug. 1817. 817 for The United Menipotentiaries h March, 1817. 956 United States. been deceived, in imagining that the Supreme Government of these Provinces was capable of submitting to the insults he thus offered to the American People. My Measures, therefore, agreeably to this principle, will be for the present, and until the decision of the Sovereign Congress be known, those which I will now describe. In the first place: an Official Communication will be dispatched immediately to General Lecor, in the following terms: [See Letter from the Supreme Director to General Lecor, Page 993.] Secondly. The Extraordinary Mission to the Court of Rio Janeiro will be suspended, until it be clearly proved that the Negotiations which may be entered upon will be advantageous to these Provinces, and that they will have for their basis the National Independence, the evacuation of the Eastern Territory, and an entire conformity to the general opinion of its Inhabitants. Thirdly. All the Subjects of His Most Faithful Majesty residing in this Capital shall leave it, within 3 days, for the Guardia de Luxan; they being assured of good treatment, so long as General Lecor, on his part, shall not carry into effect the threats contained in his Decree of the 15th of February, and their Property being respected, agreeably to the Law of Nations. Fourthly. The Officers from the Portuguese Army, who came in the Ship of War at present in this Port, shall immediately receive their Passports to return to the Place from whence they came. Fifthly. It being neither just nor politic, according to the idea which I have now formed of the pretensions of the Court of Brazil, that whilst it maintains Armed Forces in a part of the Territory of this State, we should not oppose them, on our part, by other Forces, which may restrain their hostile operations, and place us in a situation to act more vigorously in case of necessity; I have determined that, besides the assistance lately sent to various Points of the Eastern Territory, additional aid of every description shall be dispatched thither; of which intention General Lecor has already been informed, in reply to a Complaint made by him upon this subject. To these Measures, and to others which I do not think proper to make public, will be added all those which can conduce to the objects already mentioned; and I trust that the valour and patriotism of all good Citizens will dispose them to those sacrifices that they may be called upon to make, in consequence of an unfortunate Rupture, which it is, I declare, my desire to terminate by every means in my power, which the progress of events and the glory of the Country will permit. Buenos Ayres, 2nd March, 1817. JUAN MARTIN DE PUEYRREDON. JUAN FLORENCIO TERRADA, Secretary, ad interim. INDEX. A. 997 Page ACCESSIONs to Treaties. See TREATIES. UNITED STATES, &C. Acts of the British Parliament. Foreign Trade between The United .... States and Bermuda. .... .... .......7th July, 1817. 470 Duties upon Foreign Vessels. Acr .... .... .... .... .... .... 1806, 1807, 328, 329 Navigation of The United States. 5th June, 1794. 339 Neutral Relations. Enlistments in the Ser- See also CONSTITUTION, DECLARATION, DECREE, LAW, ORDER, ORDINANCE. ..... (ADDITIONAL) to Treaties. See TREATIES. ADDRESS. See SPEECH. REPORT. MESSAGE. AFRICA. Exportation of Gunpowder, Arms, &c. to, prohibited. Bri- 82 84 tish Orders in Council.1817. 140, 731, 732 AMELIA ISLAND. See FLORIDA. AMERICA. Exportation of Gunpowder, Arms, &c., to certain Parts of, ........ .. Page prohibited. British Orders in Council..1817. 140, 731.732 Provinces of South America. See BUENOS AIRES. ANUND ROW GUICOWAR.. Treaty with Great Britain. Defensive .......1817.140, 731, 732 ARMS, AMMUNITION, &c. Exportation of, to Africa, to the West States.. 956 Army of Occupation in France.. Paris, 10th Feb. 1817. 824 Deserters.. ....... 748 82 .... Paris, 10th June, 1817. 75 dinia. Convention with Prussia. Fortress of Mayence. 82 Carlsbad, 10th August, 1817. 761 Act of Acceptance of the Sardinian Act of Accession to Vienna, 20th September, 1817. 832 B. BANDA ORIENTAL. Entrance of the Portuguese Troops into the. Punishment of Disturbers of the Peace in the. Monte Video, 15th February, 1817. 988 Occupation of the, by the Portuguese Troops. Paris, 16th March, 1817. 954 do.....Correspondence between Portugal and .......1816 1817. 989 Buenos Ayres..... |