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de appellar da sentença, se bem lhes parecer, para a Commissão que rezidir no Brazil; e o Governo ao qual pertencer o Captor ficará obrigado a satisfazer plenamente as indemnidades que se deverem, no cazo que a appellação seja julgada a favor dos Reclamadores; bem entendido que o Navio e a Carga ficarão, em quanto durar esta appellação, no lugar da rezidencia da primeira Commissão, perante a qual tiverem sido conduzidos.

As Altas Partes Contractantes se obrigão a preencher, o mais depressa que seja possivel, qualquer vacancia que possa occorrer nas sobreditas Commissoens, por cauza de morte, ou por qualquer outro motivo. E no cazo que a vacancia de cada hum dos Commissarios Portuguezes que rezidirem nos Dominios Britannicos, não esteja preenchida no fim de 6 mezes, os Navios que ali forem conduzidos depois dessa época, para serem julgados, cessarão de ter o direito de appellacão acima estipulado.

Feito em Londres, aos 28 dias do mez de Julho, do anno do Nascimento de Nosso Senhor

Jesus Christo, 1817.

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tugal aura eu lieu, les 2 Hautes Parties Contractantes s'engagent, par la présente, de commun accord, à adapter à cet état de circonstances, les Stipulations de la Convention Additionnelle conclue à Londres le 28 Juillet passé; mais en défaut de tels changemens, la Convention Additionnelle de la dite date restera en vigueur jusqu'au terme de 15 années écoulées, à dater du jour où l'abolition entière de la Traite aura eu lieu, comme ci-dessus, de la part du Gouvernement de Sa Majesté Très Fidèle.

Le présent Article Séparé aura la même force et valeur que s'il avoit été inséré, mot à mot, dans la dite Convention Additionnelle. Il sera ratifié, et les Ratifications en seront échangées le plutôt possible.

En foi de quoi, les Plénipotentiaires respectifs l'ont signé, et y ont apposé le Cachet de leurs Armes.

Fait à Londres, le 11 Septembre, l'an de grâce, 1817.






DECLARATION relative to Molembo and Cabinda; referring to Article II. of the preceding Convention.


HAVENDO-SE concluido entre Sua Magestade Britannica e Sua Magestade Fidelissima huma Convenção, assignada em Londres, aos 28 de Julho de 1817, que tem


WHEREAS a Convention, having for its object the prevention of the illicit Traffic in Slaves, was concluded between His Britannic Majesty and His Most Faithful Ma

por objecto o impedir o Trafico jesty, and signed at London on the illicito d'Escravatura: 28th of July, 1817:

E tendo-se declarado pelo Artigo II. da sobredita Convenção, que o Trafico d'Escravatura continua a ser permittido aos Vassallos Portuguezes, unicamente em certos Territorios que no mencionado Artigo se descrevem:

E por quanto os Territorios de Molembo e Cabinda, se achão designados no sobredito Artigo como situados na Costa Oriental de Africa, o que evidentemente se mostra ser hum engano de palavras, pois que os ditos Territorios de Molembo e Cabinda estão de facto situados na Costa Occidental, e não na Costa Oriental de Africa:

Declarão os abaixo assignados que se terá por annulada a palavra Oriental n'aquella parte de Artigo II acima mencionada, substituendo-se lhe a palavra Occidental, e que a ultima parte de referido Artigo fica portanto sendo de teor seguinte:

"Os Territorios de Molembo e Cabinda na Costa Occidental da Africa, desde o 5to grau e 12 minutos até ao 8vo grau de latitude meridional.”

Convierão outrosim os abaixo assignados em que a presente Declaração seja considerada como parte integrante da sobredita Convenção.

Em testemunho e fé do que os abaixo assignados, Secretario d'Estado de Sua Magestade Britannica da repartição dos Negocios Estrangeiros, e Enviado Extraordinario e Ministro Plenipotenciario de Sua Magestade Fide

And whereas, by the IInd Article of that Convention, the Traffic in Slaves was declared still to be permitted to Portuguese Subjects, only within certain Territories therein described:

And whereas the Territories of Molembo and Cabinda are described by that Article to be on the Eastern Coast of Africa; and whereas this description is evidently a verbal mistake, the said Territories of Molembo and Cabinda lying, in fact, upon the Western, and not upon the Eastern Coast of Africa:

It is hereby declared, by the undersigned, that the word Eastern, in that part of the IInd Article above alluded to, shall be held to be annulled, and the word Western to stand in its place; and the latter part of the Article in question shall accordingly be held to run thus:

"The Territories of Molembo and Cabinda, upon the Western Coast of Africa, from the 5th degree, 12 minutes, to the 8th degree south latitude."

It was further agreed between the undersigned, that the present Declaration shall be considered as an integral part of the said Convention.

In witness and in faith of the above, the undersigned, His Britannic Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and His Most Faithful Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of St. James's,

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ALVARA of the Prince Regent of Portugal, respecting the Slave Trade.-Santa Cruz, Rio Janeiro, 24th November, 1813. (Referred to in the preceding Convention, Page 98.)


I, the Prince Regent, make known to all who shall see the present Decree, to avail as though it were an Act passed, that having taken into my Royal consideration the Returns of the population of this State of Brazil, which I ordered to be laid before my Royal Person; and it being evident, on a perusal thereof, that the number of the Inhabitants is not yet proportioned to the vast extent of my Dominions in this part of the World, and that therefore it is insufficient to supply and effect, with such promptitude as I have recommended, the important works already realized in many parts, such as the opening of the Communications in the interior, by land and by rivers, between this Capital and the different Captainships of this Empire; the improvement of Agriculture, the plantation of hemp, spices, and of other products of great importance, and of known utility, both for internal consumption and that of exportation; the establishment of Manufactories which I have ordered; the exploration and extraction of the precious products of the vegetable and mineral kingdoms which I have encouraged and fostered, articles with which this happy and opulent Country, especially favoured in the distribution of riches, divided amongst the various parts of the Globe, abounds; and that, having also considered that the provident dispositions ordered by me for the welfare of the Population of these my kingdoms, cannot immediately yield their salutary effect, as they depend on a successive space of time, and it not being possible for that reason to facilitate the supply of the Workmen, which infirmity and death daily disable or deprive of life; the urgent necessity of permitting the expedient hitherto practised, of conveying and exporting from the ports of Africa, hands to aid and promote the increase of agriculture and industry, has been manifested to me, so as

to produce, by a greater portion of work, a greater abundance of products. But, bearing in mind the cruel and inhuman treatment which the Negroes experience on their passage from the Ports of Africa to those of Brazil, the barbarity and sordid avarice of many of the Masters of the Vessels who convey them being carried to the extreme, and who, misled by the fatal ambition of getting freights and more profit, overload the Ships, by admitting a much greater number of Negroes than can be conveniently stowed; standing in need of necessary food for their subsistence, not only in quantity, but also in quality, inasmuch as they give them such damaged and corrupted provisions as turn out most to account; and as the result of so abominable a traffic, which cannot be thought of without horror and indignation, is sickness, which, for want of being cured and of proper treatment, turns to epidemic and mortal diseases, as experience has unfortunately proved; and as my constant and natural sentiments of humanity and beneficence cannot tolerate the continuance of such acts of barbarity, committed under a manifest violation of divine and natural rights, and of the Royal Dispositions of the Kings my august Progenitors, according to the Decrees of the 18th March, 1684, and the Act passed on the Ist July, 1730, which I order to be observed in all such parts as shall not be annulled in this my present Decree, or substituted by other Dispositions more conformable to the present state of things, and to the advancement and perfection to which physical knowledge and the new chymical discoveries have arrived, particularly as far as regards the important object of Public Health; I have, in consequence thereof, been pleased to determine and pronounce the following provisions, to be inviolably observed and fulfilled.

I. As it is necessary for the health and lives of the Negroes who are conveyed from the Ports of Africa to those of this State of Brazil, that they should have during the passage sufficient room to lie down, and enjoy that ease which is indispensable for the preservation thereof, and that the dimensions necessary for that purpose should not be dependent on the arbitrary or capricious notions of the Masters of the Vessels; under all these considerations, I have deemed it fit to determine, conforming myself to the measures which other enlightened States have adopted respecting this subject, and which constant experience has manifested to appertain to the ends which I purpose ;--that Ships em. ployed in the conveyance of Negroes shall not receive a greater number than their quota, according to the proportion of 5 Negroes for every 2 tons, which proportion is only to take place for the quantity of 201 tons; and for the additional tonnage, beside the 201 above expressed, I permit them to ship one Negro only for each additional


And, in order to prevent the frauds that may be practised, by conveying a greater number of Individuals than those regulated by the

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