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dreads his approach; his very image embitters his fweetest pleasure, and makes him miferable. These are some of the lords that exercise dominion over the poor finner; verily he is bound!

The King of Holiness offers liberty to the finner, on condition that he exercife "repentance toward God, and faith in Jefus Chrift;" thus runs the proclamation. The flave who found the pearl was obedient; what did he know at first about pearls? he might have argued, with himself at least, that it was impoffible that fuch uncouth, muddy oyfters, could contain fuch pricelefs gems, and fo have given up the idea, and with it freedom; but he fought in the manner prescribed, and found-thus his obedience secured an ample reward.

Salvation is found only by those who seek aright. That the finner might not lose his labour, the Almighty Lord tells him where it may be found; he tells him to look for it in His word, in his house and ordinances; he tells him how he is to conduct the search-he is to lay afide his self-righteousness and put on fackcloth; he is to descend into the depths of humility, and there, by earnest, persevering prayer, and living faith, to seek until he finds—and the promise is, "If thou feekeft her as filver, and searchest for her as for hid treasure, then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God."

But who shall defcribe the glorious liberty of the children of God. Satan reigns and tyran

nizes over them no longer; his chain is broken, his allegiance is renounced; he is no longer the proud conqueror, leading his captive in chains; he lies bruised beneath the Chriftian's feet-he may threaten, but he cannot harm; he may tempt, but he cannot compel.

He who finds gospel freedom is delivered from the dominion of fin; his understanding is now enlightened, the darkness of ignorance has paffed, the true light now fhines; his mind is now freefree to do good. He takes pleasure in righteoufnefs. "O," he exclaims, "how I love thy law !" Henceforth the teftimonies of Jehovah are the fongs of his rejoicing in the house of his pilgrim age; in him the promise is fulfilled, "Sin fhall not have dominion over you."

From the curfe of the law, moreover, he is free. Jefus has been made a curfe for him-there is, therefore, now no condemnation; for him the fires of Sinai no longer burn; Jefus has quenched them with his blood-for him its voice of many thunders is for ever hushed-Jefus has whispered, "Peace, be still." Death has now for him no more terrors-Death is a vanquished enemy, he is numbered among his gains. Why should he fear who has beheld "the burft gates-the demolished throne-the crushed fting-the last gafp of vanquished death?" Thanks be unto God, who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jefus Chrift.

O, the glorious liberty of the children of God! The flave has become a fon; he may now call God


Abba, Father, and the church Imma, Mother he is now an heir of God and fellow-heir with Jefus Chrift-he receives a clear title-deed to manfions in the skies. Heaven for him

Opens wide

Her ever-during gates, harmonious found

On golden hinges turning.

He is now free to see the King in his beauty, to fee Him as he is who loved him and gave himfelf for him-to hold converse with angels and archangels, with all the holy, and the wife. "Glorious liberty," indeed! wondrous freedom! he is free to explore the regions of immortality and love; and as the years of interminable duration roll onward, he will live yet more free.

"All hail, triumphant Lord,
Who fav'ft us with thy blood!
Wide be thy name ador'd,
Thou rifing, reigning God,
With thee we rife,

With thee we reign,
And empires gain
Beyond the skies."



Bleffed are your eyes, for they fee."-MATT. xiii. 16. to know the love of Chrift which paffeth knowledge."EPH. iii. 19.


When brave Balboa gained the mountain's height,
A glorious profpect burft upon his fight;

The great Pacific ftretched before him lies,
And fills with new delight his ravished eyes;
Oh, fight fublime! It meets the distant sky,
The fplendid image of eternity.

He gazes on that fea, his hope of old,
Whofe waters wander by the realms of gold;
Vifions of wealth and glory fill his mind,
And he forgets the toils he left behind.
The dream is realized! that dream fublime,
That bore him onward through each deadly clime,
O'er burning mountains and o'er stormy main,
Through death and danger, far from ancient Spain,
His bursting heart adores that mighty Power
That brought him fafely to behold this hour;
He proftrate falls, his grateful homage pays,
And to the God of heaven devoutly prays.

ABOVE is portrayed the great discovery of the Pacific Ocean, made by Balboa, a Spanish Cavalier. Balboa had for fome time fettled down in Hifpaniola. Here he cultivated a farm, but hearing of an expedition that was about to fet out for the weft, he determined to join it. He was

greatly in debt, and the governor had issued a proclamation forbidding debtors to leave the island. Balboa, however, was refolved to go. He caufed himself to be rolled on board of one of the veffels

in a cask. He did not make his appearance until the fhip was far out to fea. The commander at first threatens to fend him back-but the ship pursued her way. He quickly rofe into favour; became governor of the colony planted at the Ifthmus, and diftinguished himself by the talents Rumours of the golden country ftill farther weftward continued to inflame the

of command.

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