Abbildungen der Seite
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Dubois, Dr. Paul, 39 f., 126, 138, 161, Gregory, 13.

[blocks in formation]

Eddy, Mrs. Mary Baker, 28, 29, 31, Hall, President G. Stanley, 21, 169.

[blocks in formation]

Farlow, Alfred, 234, 249, 253, 254, Howell, 117.

[blocks in formation]

Forel, 17, 112, 407, 428.

Foster, 377.

Francis of Assissi, 301.
Fränkel (Dessau).

Freud, Sigmund, M.D., 17, 21 f., 25,
30, 37, 38, 77, 83, 110, 139, 142 f.,
180 f., 184.

Frey, 17.


Gage, Dr. Homer, 304.
Galileo, 277.

Jackson, George, 49, 404.
Jackson, Hughling, 97.
Jacoby, 181.

James, Professor William, 93, 96,

132, 158, 169, 200, 206, 208, 384.
Jamison, Dr. Alcinous B., 179.
Janet, P., 20, 22, 74, 76, 78, 429.
Jastrow, 74, 80, 187.

John of Cronstadt, Father, 30.
Jones, Ernest, 25.

Jones, Henry, 266, 268, 277, 375.
Jung, C. G., 21, 25.

[blocks in formation]

Liébeault, Dr. A. A., 14, 15, 16, 26, Needham, 18.


Liegeois (of Nancy), 15.

Newbold, 74.

Newcomb, 171.


[blocks in formation]

MacKenzie, H. G., M.A., M.B., 170,

Mainandus, Dr., 9.

Marcy, Dr. Alexander, Jr., 427.

Marshall, Henry Rutgers, 75, 118, 164.
Mason, Dr. Osgood, 91.
Matthew, Father, 30.
Maxwell (Scotch), 6.
McCheyne, 48.

McComb, Samuel, M.A., D.D., 30,
163, 284, 287, 289, 290, 292-293,
307, 453.

Obersteiner (Vienna), 17.
Olinto del Torto, 17.
Orestano, 217.

Origen, 301.

Osgood, Hamilton, M.D., 8, 10, 19.
Osler, Dr. William, 108.


Paget, Stephen, 269, 271, 273, 281.
Paracelsus, 5.

McDonald, Rev. Robert, D.D., 63, Parker, Rev. George L., 423, 433-434.


McElveen, W. T., D.D., 128.

McFadyen, 67, 68.

Parkhurst, Charles H., D.D., 51.
Patini, 78.

Paul, the apostle, 267, 300-301, 440.

Pennsylvania Germans, the, 30.
Peterson, Dr. Henrik G., 136, 161.
Pfister, Oskar, 25.

Pierson, Arthur T., 48.

Powell, Lyman P., 266, 274, 302.
Poyan, Charles, 19, 26.
Preyer, 18.

Prince, Morton, M.D., 19, 25, 71, 75,
78, 82, 132, 136, 156, 176, 226.
Putnam, Dr. James J., 25, 148, 173,
180, 304.

Puységur, Marquis de, 8.

Quackenbos, 95, 427.

Quimby, George A., 26.

Stewart, Dugald, 13.
Stout, 77,

Stratton, Dr. George M., 73, 376.
Sturge, M. Carta, 259, 262.


Taine, 200.
Tarchanoff, 377.
Tawney, Professor, 214.
Tokarski, 16.
Tonoli, 17.
Torrey, 48.

Trudel, Dorothy, 30.

Tuckey, Lloyd, 18, 429.

Tufts, Professor James Hayden, 181,

Quimby Phineas Parkhurst, 26, 28, 29. Tuke, Hack, 18, 133.


Regnoult, 16.

Ribot, 73, 131.

Tyrrell, 202.


Urban, 213.


Robinson, Arthur, W., D.D., 121.

Rossolimo, 16.

Rousseau. 189.

Royce, Professor, 147, 268.


Sanford, F. W., 30.

Santanelli, 6.

Savage, George H.,M.D., F.R.C.P.,33.

Schlatter, Francis, 30.

Schnidkunz, 18.

Schofield, 114, 164.
Schrenck-Notzing, 17.

Scott, Walter D., 116, 194.

Scripture, 377.

Seeley, Professor, 57.
Shepard, 377.

Sherrington, 132.

Sidgwick, Henry, 150.

Sidis, Boris, 19, 37, 76, 80, 384.

Simpson, A. B., 325 f.

Skinner, Thomas H., 48.

Society for Psychical Research, 18.

Sommer, 17.

South, Robert, 167.

Spencer, Herbert, 131.

Sperling, 17.

Spurgeon, Charles H., 445.
Stekel, Wilhelm, 25.
Stembo, 16,

Van Leden, 16.

Van Rhenterghem, 16.

Vermeren, 18.

Vescelius, Eva Augusta, 376.

Vincent, 18.

Vinci, Leonardo de, 25.

Voisin, A., 16.

Von Helmont, 6.


Waddle, Charles W., 227.
Walker, Jane, M.D., 32, 418.
Watson, Rev. David, 374.
Watson, Prof. John, 394.
Watterson, Col. Henry S., 51.
Weld, 377.

Wesley, John, 30, 301, 405.
Westall, Laura M., 176.

Wetterstrand, 16, 58.

Whipple, Leander Edmund, 243,
245, 343 f.

White, Wm. A., 101.

Whitehead, 18.

Williams, Dr. Tom A., 261.

Witmer, Lightner, 306.

Wood, Henry, 29.

Worcester, Elwood, D.D., 30, 60-

61, 168, 232, 284, 305, 453.

Wundt, Wilhelm, 18, 73,



Abnormal psychology, 65.

Absolute, concept of accorded rela-

tive truth: James, 208.

and health, 380 f.; Besant on
372 f.; in religious psychotherapy,
371 f.; in the slums, 374; Watson
on, 374.

Belief in reality, 198.

Activity, unhindered, a source of Bible, for everyday use, 464; to

reality and value, 207.

remove fear, 172 f.

Adult, provision to be made for the, Biology, 65.

[blocks in formation]

'Artificial somnambulism," 8.
Artistic idealism of antiquity, 380.
Arts, Jones on the, 375.
Association method, 21, 25.
Association tests, 137.
Astrology, 5.

Ataxias of childhood, 153.
Automatic writing, 31.
Automatism, 101 f.

Autosuggestion, explained, 115 f;
Marshall on, 118; Scott on, 116 f.

Bahnung, 86.


Baptist minister of Yonkers, a case
of healing by, 44.

Beauty, among the Greeks, 372 f.;

Capillary circulation, 36.

Cataleptic phenomena, Braid, 12.
Catharsis, Aristotle on, 181; Jacoby
on, 181; Tufts on, 181.
Catharsis by adequate reaction, 179;
a case of improvement by, 185;
psychotherapeutic principle, 179-


'Cathartic Treatment," 22.
Causal interpretation of healing,

Cells of human body, Dearmer on,

Child-delivery without pain under
hypnotism, 35.

Christ, in light of, healing principles
most effective, 399.


Christian Alliance, 325-342; cases
of healing, 332; cases of healing by,
critically viewed, 338; compared
with Dowieism, 341; divine healing
and remedies, 332; divine healing
in scripture alone, 333, 338; fun-
damental principles of its healing,
333 f.; healing for only those who
accept Jesus as Savior, 331; healing
of, possesses sanity, 341; healing
secondary, 337; its healing entirely
religious, 337; its healing in reli-
gious and scientific aspects, 339;
lawyers' testimony to, 331; limi-
tations of its healing, 335; phy-
sicians who accepted its healing,

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