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But the ceremony of the condemned sermon is the most horrid mockery in all this fatal drama.

ordered the law to take its course; when those | some swagger to their places, tossing their sured, the anger of society towards criminals. who play the convicts will act the most violent heads, smiling, nodding to their friends, and Here, then, we see left for execution an igdistress. Of course, the idea of what they are pretending to glory in the distinction of their norant creature, who, in some measure pressed always made to profess, viz. gratitude to God danger; others appear stupified, creeping into by hunger, has stolen a sheep; or a broken and the king, never enters their heads; since the pew, looking around them vacantly, as if tradesman, who, in the hope of retrieving his every one is convinced that, as to these children, unconscious of their state; and scme, again, affairs, has passed a forged acceptance for 201., there never has been a question of danger. It really behave with the most perfect, I mean firmly intending to take up the bill, and is curious, however, to observe the satisfaction with real composure, appearing, as they really therefore not to commit a robbery; whilst of the boys who are distinguished by taking a are at the time, proud of the distinction of there is snatched from death a notorious harpart in this ceremony. Their pride appears to being amongst the condemned, but without dened burglar, a criminal by trade, whose every be gratified by the distinction; and they have any admixture of fear,-since these last are crime tended to murder. By whom was the just the same air of agreeable excitement and either boys whose youth they know protects selection made? Look back, reader, to the self-importance, for days before the scene takes them, or men convicted of offences, such as account of the fourth trial, and then say place, as marks a Westminster boy when he is returning from transportation, which are never whether a sight like this would not rouse your about to be distinguished by acting in public. punished with death-or criminals so hardened indignation? Just, I do believe, as there is The other boys, waiting for trial or sentenced by constant contemplation of death by the gross injustice in every decision of the privy to transportation, envy those who are to kneel hangman, that they can look forward to it as council, so every separation of capital convicts and give thanks to God and the king; whilst their own fate with comparative indifference. who are to be saved, from those who are to be the whole party look forward to the midnight The entrance of a new batch of convicts into hanged, produces in the minds of those who mockery as likely to be very amusing, to the condemned pew creates some sensation witness the separation, a strong feeling of make,' in their own language, a good bit of amongst the other prisoners, and produces a anger a feeling which, considering who the fun. That they should be so easily amused is display of various feelings amongst the con- persons are in whose breasts it is excited, soon not surprising, when one considers the monotony demned themselves. But after the day when becomes desperation; the very worst state of of a prison life." the condemned pew is refilled, a stranger visit- mind for any one, and the last, therefore, ing the chapel would be at a loss to distinguish which it is the true object of punishment to the capital convicts from the great mass of excite amongst the criminals of society. In a prisoners for trial. If, however, he were to desperate mood the prisoners in Newgate are "In the centre of Newgate there is a chapel, attend the chapel after an interval of some called to pray for all their fellow-creatures, and which will contain all the inmates of the prison. weeks, he would observe a striking change in The duties of the chapel are performed by the the physical condition of most of the capital ordinary, a clergyman of the established church. convicts. In several instances I have seen Every prisoner, except those who are sick and brown hair turned gray, and gray white, by a those who act as servants in the prison, attends month of suspense such as most London capital the chapel once a-day during the week for convicts undergo. In the same short period about half an hour, and twice on Sundays, the smooth face of a man of twenty-five bewhen the ordinary church service is performed, comes often marked with decided wrinkles on and a sermon is delivered to the prisoners. In the forehead, and about the eyes and mouth; the chapel, as elsewhere, there is some classifi- and, in certainly three cases out of four, one cation of the prisoners. A gallery to the south month of the cells of Newgate causes a great is given to the women, who are screened by a diminution of flesh over the whole body. How curtain. The opposite gallery is usually filled thin he grows!' is the common remark of the by capital convicts, whose sentences have been other prisoners, when speaking of one who has remitted, and others under sentence of trans-passed a month in the condemned pew. But portation. Beneath the two galleries sit the except these changes in the physical state of mass of prisoners for trial; and between these, persons under sentence of death, their appearin the body of the chapel, other prisoners for ance in the condemned pew presents nothing trial, of what is called the more respectable remarkable after the first day or two, when class that is, persons who, arriving at the the novelty of their situation has worn off. prison well-dressed and strangers to the keeper, At length the suspense of the majority is are placed in a yard by themselves as well as ended by the decision of the council; and these the schoolmaster and his boys, who sit round on the following day appear in a gallery of the the communion-table opposite to the pulpit. chapel, placed in the front row, for the purpose, In the midst of the chapel is a large pew I conclude, of more fully seeing and being seen painted black, which is called the condemned by their late comrades, who still remain in the pew. Those who sit in it are visible to the condemned pew. On first meeting in the whole congregation, and still more to the ordi- chapel after their separation, the two parties nary, whose desk and pulpit front the centre of generally regard each other with fixed attenthe condemned pew, within a couple of yards tion, and are closely watched by the rest of the of it. On either side of the pulpit is a small congregation. What their respective feelings gallery, one called the sheriff's and the other may be on the occasion, I pretend not to the keeper's, both of which are occasionally divine; but having witnessed the scene more occupied by strangers. The condemned pew, than twenty times, I can form some guess at it will be understood, is the seat of prisoners the feeling which it excites in the other priunder sentence of death. It is more or less soners. My own strongest sentiment on these filled by the results of every Old Bailey ses- occasions was one of anger of that sort of sions, and is emptied by each decision of the anger which is commonly produced by witcouncil, which consigns some of those who had nessing gross injustice. One sees twenty-five occupied it to the hulks, and the rest to the fellow-creatures, who yesterday were all under gallows. Let it be supposed that the con- sentence of death-twenty of them are saved, demned pew has been lately emptied, and that and five are utterly condemned. Are the five a new batch of convicts has just been sentenced the most guilty? By no means. Perhaps two to death. On the following morning all the or three out of the five are within a degree of inhabitants of the cells attend the service, and being the least guilty, whilst half of the twenty sit in the condemned pew. Their demeanour are the most guilty. But guilty in what reon the occasion, as well as that of the other spect ?-in the eye of the law? No-for in prisoners, is highly instructive. In that of the the eye of the law they are all equally guilty. mass of prisoners, one observes an expression How then?-why, in respect to the degree of of pity and respect towards the convicts; but injury which the crime they have committed that of the convicts shews many differences of inflicts on society; by which rule alone ought feeling. Some tremble, and sigh or weep; to be measured, and in point of fact is mea

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especially for those now awaiting the awful execution of the law.' These words are introduced into every morning service between the decision of the council and the execution of those whom it has condemned. I would not undervalue the power of religion for the reformation of criminals, if it were used in conjunction with a rational and just system of punishment; but used as it is, in conjunction with gross injustice, and even as part of an act which that very religion describes as the greatest of crimes, the whole scene becomes a mockery equally of reason and religion. Murderers about to be executed do not pass through any religious ceremonies; they are not prayed for by their fellow-prisoners; and if they have the benefit of religious offices, that consolation is bestowed on them in the strictest privacy! And why? The answer I have always received is, that it would be wrong to shew the least tenderness towards a murderer, and still more wrong to excite in his fellow-prisoners a sentiment of compassion and sympathy, by causing them to pray for him. Then why show tenderness, and excite the sympathy of criminals generally towards certain other criminals on whom you inflict the punishment awarded to the murderer? What is the object of your distinction? It has no object. From the moment that a prisoner enters the cells of Newgate, no pains are spared to excite in him a strong sentiment of religion; and this course is pursued towards all, without distinction, who are considered to be in danger. I doubt very much whether the attempt ever succeeds until after a prisoner is ordered for execution. The Rev. Mr. Cotton, the ordinary of Newgate, who has been chaplain of the jail for more than a dozen years, has often acknowledged to me, that he does not remember an instance of what he considered sincere conversion to religious sentiments, except in prisoners who were executed. A very great show of religious fervour is often made by prisoners even from the moment of their entrance into Newgate, still more after they enter the cells; but in such cases, when the punishment is finally settled at something less than death, the prisoner invariably behaves as if all his religion had been hypocrisy. Still there can be no doubt that a considerable number of those who are executed, die with a firm expectation of

happiness in another world. I cannot explain soners to rail, I may say to rave, against re- England, he is now about to die for a burglary the contradiction-let the reader judge for ligion, in terms of ridicule, scorn, and violent committed since his return. His glance at himself. Two persons, say A. and B., are hatred. I should but shock the feelings of the sheriffs and the ordinary tells of scorn and ordered for execution. They both display the many, and without any countervailing advan-defiance. But even this hardened ruffian will liveliest faith in the doctrines of Christianity. tage, by repeating the language, or particularly wince at the most trying moment, as we shall Apparently the minds of both are equally filled describing the conduct, of those prisoners who see presently. The third is a sheep-stealer, a with religious thoughts, to the exclusion of take offence at the anxiety of the chaplain and poor ignorant creature, in whose case there are what belongs to this world. And the sincerity others to imbue them with religious sentiments. mitigating points, but who is to be hanged in of both is equally manifest; for any one who But I may add, that on almost every execution consequence of some report having reached the watches them, may be sure that they have day on which several are hanged, the chaplain ear of the secretary of state that this is not his ceased to think of their own situation, otherwise is subjected to the most outrageous insults from first offence; and, secondly, because, of late, a than as they look forward to the approaching one or more of the doomed men. He will good many sheep have been stolen by other execution as the happiest moment of their readily confirm this statement. And it may people. He is quite content to die ;-indeed, lives.' I quote the words which are frequently be further proper to say, for the information of the exertions of the chaplain and others have uttered by persons ordered for execution, and religious persons amongst those who make our brought him firmly to believe that his situa to all appearance with entire sincerity; for it laws, that every year several of their fellow-tion is enviable, and that the gates of heaven is an indubitable fact, that nearly in all such creatures are cut off in front of Newgate in the are open to receive him. Now observe the cases of religious fervour, the bodily health of very act of scoffing at God, and Christ, and the fourth-that miserable old man in a tattered the enthusiast is excellent, his sleep sound, his Holy Sacrament. Let us return to the con- suit of black: he is already half dead. He is appetite good, his pulse steady, and his skin demned pew, supposing it to contain four per- said to be a clergyman of the church of Engmoist; whilst, speaking generally, he who sons ordered for execution. The rest of the land (Rev. Peter Fenn), and has been congoes to the scaffold scoffing at religion is full of congregation, I have said already, pray for the victed of forgery. The great efforts made to bodily disease, of which the main symptoms are condemned during each morning's service; but save his life, not only by his friends but by want of appetite and sleep, a rattling or faint- on the Sunday preceding the execution, there many utter strangers, fed him with hope until ing pulse, and a skin hot and dry, as if he is a grand ceremony, usually called the con- his doom was sealed. He is now under the were in a burning fever. Now in the supposed demned sermon,' when, besides the sermon, influence of despair. He staggers towards the case of A. and B. the physical symptoms are which is of course made for the occasion, ap- pew, reels into it, stumbles forward, flings precisely alike, whilst the language and con-propriate hymns are sung - such as the himself on to the ground, and, by a curious duct of the two men indicate the same degree lamentation of a sinner; and if the execution twist of the spine, buries his head under his of religious fervour. A. is hanged, blessing be to take place next day, part of the burial body. The sheriffs shudder; their inquisitive the executioner, and lost to all but one senti-service is performed. The condemned service friends crane forward; the keeper frowns on ment-that of confidence in his own salvation is conducted with peculiar solemnity, being the excited congregation; the lately smirking by faith. B. is spared, and within a week is attended by the sheriffs in their great gold footmen close their eyes and forget their liveries; heard laughing and railing at all religion. I chains, and is in other ways calculated to make the ordinary clasps his hands; the turnkeys cry have said before, that it is chance which gene- a strong impression on the minds of the conhush; and the old clerk lifts up his cracked raily decides who shall be hanged and who gregation, who may be considered as repre- voice, saying, Let us sing to the praise and spared. Consequently, we are not to suppose senting the criminals of the metropolis. Whe- glory of God.' People of London! is there any that A.'s greater criminality was the cause of ther the impression be a good or a bad one, I scene in any play so striking as this tragedy of his greater enthusiasm; nor can we, indeed, leave the reader to decide: but in order that real life, which is acted eight times a-year in presume that his religious feelings were more he may have the necessary materials for de- the midst of your serene homes? They sing profound than those of B. Judging from se- ciding justly, I lay before him the following the Morning Hymn, which of course reminds veral actual cases of this kind, I should say, description of a condemned sermon, premising the condemned of their prospect for to-morrow that if B. had been hanged and A. spared, the only this that not a circumstance is stated morning. Eight o'clock to-morrow morning is same conduct would have attended the same which I have not witnessed. The sheriffs are to be their last moment. They come to the circumstances, without regard to the person already seated in their own pew, accompanied burial service. The youth, who, alone of those concerned. It is not often that much religious by their under-sheriffs, and two friends drawn for whom it is intended, is both able and wilfervour is displayed by convicts until after they thither by curiosity. Not far from them ap-ling to read, is, from want of practice, at a loss are ordered for execution; nor are the same pear two tall footmen, swelling with pride at to find the place in his prayer-book. The orpains taken to imbue them with religious feel- their state liveries. The ordinary is in his dinary observes him, looks to the sheriffs, and ings previously to the decision of the council. desk; his surplice is evidently fresh from the says aloud, the service for the dead!' The As soon as a man is ordered for execution, the mangle; and those who see him every day, youth's hands tremble as they hold the book great increase of his danger produces extra- observe an air of peculiar solemnity, and per-upside-down. The burglar is heard to mutter ordinary exertion on the part of those who ad- haps of importance, in his face and manner. an angry oath. The sheep-stealer smiles, and, minister the offices of religion to the inmates The clerk is busied searching out the psalms extending his arms upwards, looks with a glad of Newgate. These are the ordinary, a Catholic proper for the occasion. The tragedy begins. expression to the roof of the chapel. The priest, and one or two dissenters, who volunteer Enter, first, the schoolmaster and his pupils; forger has never moved. Let us pass on. All their services, but who do not confine their then the prisoners for trial; next the tran- have sung the lamentation of a sinner,' and offers of service to persons of their own sect. sports, among whom are the late companions have seemed to pray, especially for those now The Catholic priest attends the cells only when of the condemned men; and then the women. awaiting the awful execution of the law.' We a Catholic is in danger. As soon, then, as the Lastly, come the condemned; they are four in come to the sermon. The ordinary of Newcouncil has selected from a body of Old Bailey number. The first is a youth, about eighteen gate is an orthodox unaffected church of Engconvicts those who are to be executed, the apparently. He is to die for stealing in a land divine, who preaches plain homely disordinary and his assistants visit the press-yard dwelling-house goods valued at more than 57. courses, as fit as any religious discourse can be frequently every day, and indeed almost live His features have no felonious cast; -on the fit for the irritated audience. The sermon of with the condemned men, exhorting them to contrary, they are handsome, intelligent, and this day, whether eloquent or plain, useful or repentance, prayer, and faith. In about half even pleasing. Craft, and fear, and debauchery, useless, must produce a striking effect at the such cases the exertions of religious teachers have not yet had time to put decided marks on moment of its delivery. The text, without are most successful, and are attended, un- him. He steps boldly, with his head upright, another word, is enough to raise the wildest doubtedly, with the happiest effects on the looks to the women's gallery, and smiles. His passions of the audience, already fretted by an prisoners the effects described above, as pro- intention is to pass for a brave fellow with exhibition of gross injustice, and by the contraduced by religious sentiments. In about one those who have brought him to this untimely diction involved in the conjunction of religion case out of four no religious impression is pro- end; but the attempt fails-fear is stronger in with the taking away of lives. The sacrifices duced; but the prisoner goes through all the him than vanity. Suddenly his head droops; of God are a broken heart: a broken and conceremonies of his situation with an air of in- and, as he sits down, his bent knees tremble trite heart, O God! thou wilt not despise.' difference, being occupied to the very last and knock together. The second is an older For a while the preacher addresses himself to moment with the hope of a reprieve. In the criminal, on whose countenance villain is dis- the congregation at large, who listen attenfourth case, not only do the teachers fail in tinctly written. He has been sentenced to tively-excepting the clergyman and the bur their endeavours to produce a religious feeling, death before, but reprieved, and transported glar, of whom the former is still rolled up at but those very exertions have an effect directly for life. Having incurred the penalty of death the bottom of the condemned pew, whilst the opposite to the one intended, causing the pri- by the act, in itself innocent, of returning to eyes of the latter are wandering round the

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Jacob on the Precious Metals.

(Third Notice.)

CONTINUING our review of the interesting
matter contained in these volumes, we now
come nearer home.

these several fishes, I have found that they lived on other substances, and that from the anatomy of the stomach it is impossible they should be able to digest gold."

Our next extract is a historical view, in which much of important research is com pressed into a wonderfully small compass.

chapel, and one of them is occasionally winked, | only add one recent instance of the worse than of those near Lodi. But," adds the doctor, impudently, at some acquaintance among the folly exhibited on the execution of capital con- having carefully examined the stomachs of prisoners for trial. At length the ordinary victs. Motley, hanged at Lincoln for arson, pauses; and then, in a deep tone, which, says the Lincoln Times, "had obtained the though hardly above a whisper, is audible to comforting assurance of pardon from Him to all, says Now to you, my poor fellow-whom the cry of a broken and contrite heart mortals, who are about to suffer the last pe- was never raised in vain; and never do the nalty of the law.' But why should I repeat rays of Divine mercy appear so resplendently the whole? It is enough to say, that in the beautiful as when reflected from the tear of same solemn tone he talks for about ten minutes repentance on the cheek of the dying cul- The Middle Ages." It is further to be obof crimes, punishment, bonds, shame, igno- prit"!! served, that the coinage of the middle ages was miny, sorrow, sufferings, wretchedness, pangs, conducted with little skill and still less taste. childless parents, widows and helpless orphans, The operation had been rendered hereditary in broken and contrite hearts, and death to-morcertain families who were answerable for the row morning for the benefit of society. What intrinsic value of the pieces they issued, but happens? The dying men are dreadfully agitroubled themselves very little about their tated. The young stealer in a dwelling-house beauty, being only compelled to stamp on them no longer has the least pretence to bravery. "It has been supposed that in the present the name of the reigning sovereign. On acHe grasps the back of the pew; his legs give day, in this country, the quantity of gold and count of the scarcity of silver about the year way; he utters a faint groan, and sinks on silver in actual existence, including utensils, 1213, the Emperor of Germany established nuthe floor. Why does no one stir to help him? ornaments, jewellery, trinkets and watches, is merous mints in several cities; and, that the Where would be the use? The hardened three or four times as great as the value of those moneyers might practise no deceit, a number burglar moves not, nor does he speak; but his metals which exists in the form of money. In of persons were placed in each, under the title face is of an ashy paleness; and, if you look case circumstances should arise to induce the of adjoints, whose duty it was to buy and recarefully, you may see blood trickling from his conversion of plate into money, there would be ceive the metals, to watch carefully all the lip, which he has bitten unconsciously, or from a resource which could furnish a supply: but transactions regarding the real value of the rage, or to rouse his fainting courage. The in the Roman empire, the plate and jewels of coins, and especially of those of inferior standpoor sheep-stealer is in a frensy. He throws two thousand wealthy families would have been ard; but, above all, to superintend the securing his hands far from him, and shouts aloud--but a feeble aid to the money circulating in those emoluments to the emperor to which he Mercy, good Lord! mercy is all I ask. The that powerful empire, which comprehended was entitled for his seigniorage. Those preLord in his mercy come! There! there! I within its limits the most populous and exten- cautions were found, however, so ineffectual, see the Lamb of God! Oh! how happy! sive parts of the known world. The cities of that it became necessary to issue penal ordiOh! this is happy!' Meanwhile, the clergy- Herculaneum and Pompeii were buried by an nances, by which the punishment of the galleys man, still bent into the form of a sleeping dog, irruption of Vesuvius about the year 79, when in some cases, and of death in others, was destruggles violently; his feet, legs, hands, and the Roman power and prosperity had shewn no creed. Without further mention of the proarms, even the muscles of his back, move with a visible tokens of that decline which began a ductions of the mints in the middle ages, it is quick jerking motion, not naturally, but, as it few years afterwards. The latter was one of sufficient to observe, that the coins of that were, like the affected part of a galvanised the most industrious and populous cities on the period being clumsily formed, were thicker than corpse. Suddenly he utters a short sharp coast of Italy. Within the last century their those of more recent date; and as they thus scream, and all is still. The silence is short. ruins have been examined. Pompeii was cover-exposed a much less surface to friction, there As the ordinary proceeds to conclude,' the ed with ashes and cinders, rather than with was proportionably less loss on them than on women set up a yell, which is mixed with a lava, and the investigators have been more suc-modern pieces of money. There is good reason rustling noise, occasioned by the removal of cessful in their examinations there than at to conclude, that during the period we are those whose hysterics have ended in fainting. Herculaneum. In some of the houses skeletons viewing, a very small part of the produce of The sheriffs cover their faces; and one of their of the inhabitants have been discovered; in all, the mines of gold and silver was permanently inquisitive friends blows his nose with his domestic utensils and personal ornaments. But applied to other purposes than that of money. glove. The keeper tries to appear unmoved; among the utensils none have been found either A portion of it was undoubtedly used for dobut his eye wanders anxiously over the com- of gold or of silver; but those for which in our mestic utensils, for religious institutions, and bustible assembly. The children round the day silver is almost exclusively adopted by the for personal decorations: but it would appear communion-table stare and gape with childish middle class of persons, are composed of iron or that such portions were small, and dispersed The two masses of prisoners for trial brass. These antiquities give a correct idea of among the higher classes of society, including undulate and slightly murmur; while the ca- the domestic arrangements of the people, such the ecclesiastical communities, in very small pital convicts, who were lately in that black as they were at the period when the catastrophe quantities. We should be justified in concludpew, appear faint with emotion. This exhibi- occurred, and they shew most clearly that gold ing, that whatever existed in other forms than tion lasts for some minutes, and then the con- and silver were not to be found in the dwellings that of money, was, with the money, held to gregation disperses; the condemned returning of the inhabitants; though the size of the houses, be at the disposition of the government whento the cells; the forger carried by turnkeys; the paintings, the statues, the books, and other ever the necessities of the public required it to the youth sobbing aloud convulsively, as a pas-objects, sufficiently prove that the proprietors be put in requisition. Thus, when Richard, sionate child; the burglar muttering curses of them were persons at least in easy circum- king of England, was a prisoner in Austria, and savage expressions of defiance; whilst the stances. From their durable nature, if gold and Louis of France in Egypt, and John of France poor sheep-stealer shakes hands with the turn- silver had been in these houses at the time of in England, their redemption was effected by keys, whistles merrily, and points upwards the calamity, they would have been found there, placing in requisition, as has been already nowith madness in his look. Of what use are as the iron and bronze have been, of which their ticed, the plate of noble individuals and of relithe religious ceremonies in which persons about gious houses in all parts of their dominions. to be hanged are made to play a part? The The gold and silver articles, of whatever kind, question should not give offence to the most so collected, would be converted into coin, religious, since it applies only to the ceremonies. either by those who delivered or those who reThese, it would appear, are of no peculiar serceived them, and become a part of the general vice to the condemned that is, all the good mass of current money. In more tranquil seawhich he derives from religion might be besons, when peace gave a breathing time for the stowed on him without any public ceremonies. indulgence of luxuries, the coin might and proThe object, then, of the religious ceremonies bably would be reconverted into objects of grain which he shares, is to make a useful imtification. These changes might increase the pression on the other inmates of the prison. waste of both metals. As far as relates to Is this object effected ?" silver, there is a small portion of waste at every melting; and though gold suffers no loss by that operation, yet, in its application to objects of personal decoration, it is divided into such small particles, that some of them, from their very minuteness, become insensibly mixed up


We never read a more graphic sketch than this; but its extent precludes us from offering a few remarks, as we purposed, in this Number, on the matters of which Mr. Wakefield treats. These being deferred, we shall now

spoons and forks were made; and which retain
their original shape after a lapse of more than
seventeen hundred years."

The following is a curious superstition,
which we must copy in its insulated position.
"The inhabitants of Pesquare," says Dr.
Belon, "and of the borders of the lake of Gard,
and also of Salo, are firmly persuaded that the
carp in those lakes are nourished with pure
gold; and a great portion of the people in the
Lyonnois are fully satisfied that the fish called
humble and emblons eat no other food than
gold. There is not a peasant in the environs
of the lake of Bourgil who will not maintain
that the laurets, a fish sold daily in Lyons, feed
on pure gold alone. The same is the belief of
the people on the lake Paladron in Savoy, and

With this we conclude Vol. I.

steps, from link to link in the great chain of causes and effects. To give to the objection that solidity which it claims, it is necessary

in other substances, from which they are only quoted, in the year 1403, there must have been tion. The inquiring mind investigates with separated at an expense of time and labour a considerable quantity consumed by gilding accuracy, and moves with slow but steady which exceeds their value. In some of the an- and plating on the inferior metals." cient chronicles, notices are to be found which would give a higher value to the stock of silver and gold in the possession of some individuals than appears to be justified by a more rigid examination. In the gold, silver, and jewels, taken from Piers Gaveston, the favourite of Edward II., it is said by Rymer, that some of the silver articles in his collection had cost four


An Original Essay on the Immateriality and that it should be made to appear, that every Immortality of the Human Soul; founded man, or some individual man, is not always solely on Physical and Rational Principles. conscious. And when this is established, the By Samuel Drew, A.M. Fifth edition. 8vo. conclusive part of the objection must be adpp. 364. London, 1831. Fisher, Son, and mitted; and it will then appear, that it is Co. contradictory to suppose consciousness to be times the value of the metal in workmanship. A LITTLE-MINDED, querulous sceptic having essential to the nature of an immaterial prinThe workmen on the precious metals, except, annoyed Ugo Foscolo with a number of frivo- ciple, while an interval can be proved in which perhaps, on the inferior parts of the work, were lous questions upon matter and mind, asked this consciousness has no existence. Of every not mere mechanics, but men of a superior him, among other queries, Whether he be-fact which we attempt to establish, we must order, like artists, such as Cellini in Italy at lieved in the immortality of the soul or, in have some conception; without this, we can. later period. Among the operators on gold and fact, whether such an essence had any existence not be certain that it is fact; and every idea silver in England, we find several ecclesiastics or not? Foscolo, calling to mind the individual which we have of any fact, supposes the existnoticed, especially one Alan de Walsingham, a insignificance of him who put the question, an- ence of this fact. But for any man to prove, monk of Ely, who, as well as others of his class, swered, “I do not know whether you have any or rather attempt to prove, that the mind is were celebrated for their superior skill in the soul—but I am quite sure I have." We have not always conscious, is to prove the positive goldsmith's art. Whilst the fabrication of any related this anecdote for the benefit of all those existence of a negation. Should it be asserted, articles is confined to artists, they must neces- who are anxious to ask similar questions to that man is not always conscious, I would ask, sarily be rare; and when they become subjects that put to Foscolo by his sceptical companion, in How can that fact be known? It must be of extensive demand and use, the labour will order that we may refer them for a number of deduced from reasoning, must be self-evident, be executed by common mechanics or manufac-satisfactory answers to Mr. Drew's able work or must exist in common experience. And, if turers. In that now usual appendage to the on this subject. If plain writing and straight- I mistake not, it is not difficult to prove that dress of almost every decent person, the watch, forward reasoning carry with them any claim it can be in neither. To prove by reasoning, though it had been introduced as early as the to recommendation, we can vouch for the pre- the reality of what is supposed to have no exbeginning of the fourteenth century, only the sent volume being entitled to attention, and istence, is proving exactly the reverse of what outer case was made of silver and the inner secure of well-deserved popularity; if, indeed, is wanted to establish the supposition it is one of copper, and a gold watch was not known that need be predicated of a volume originally proving the existence of a nonentity; it cantill a period long subsequent to the first inven- published in the country, which has of its not, therefore, be known by reasoning. To tion. As far as is known of the jewellery of own merit, without quacking or puffery, run suppose it to be self-evident, is also to admit that day, it appears to have derived its great through four large editions, and is now ulti- the existence of what is presumed to have no value from the precious stones, and in a very mately improved by the last affecting and existence; and which, could it be once granted, small degree from the gold or silver in which important touches of the admired and vene- would necessarily destroy the very supposition it was fixed. Thus, when our Henry the Third rable author. The train of argument through- it was designed to establish; it would prove pawned his jewels for five thousand marcs, or out the essay is perspicuous and forcible exactly the reverse of what it ought. It would ten thousand pounds, to the King of France in the result of a clear-sighted and clever mind prove that an individual is sometimes conscious 1261, the gold of the rings, in number three dedicating to its object that unwearied ear- that he is unconscious. What, therefore, is hundred and twenty-four, however heavy they nestness which so momentous a point of presumed to have no existence, cannot possibly may have been, could have borne no proportion inquiry demands from all who venture upon be self-evident. Neither can it be by common in value to the sum borrowed, the security for its discussion. We give the following chap- experience. Of whatever we admit on the which must have been founded on the precious ter relative to the soul in sleep. We do not ground of experience, we must be conscious; stones. From the great value thus created in wish it to be considered as a favourable spe- without this, the very term is done away. articles of which gold and silver bore a part, cimen; this would be unfair-for we have It is preposterous to suppose that we experience we infer that great care must have been taken quoted, not selected. the absence of consciousness, while the very of their preservation, and that the articles of "Another argument urged against the im- supposition itself, wherever it exists, establishes silver whose value was increased by the costly materiality of the soul, which is as specious as the fact which we attempt to deny. And for workmanship, and those of gold by the stones it is unsound, is generally stated thus: If any man to suppose himself destitute of conimbedded in it, were rarely used, and that the soul be a thinking immaterial substance, sciousness, is in effect for him to suppose, that consequently there was but little loss occasioned and consciousness be essential to its nature, it he is conscious of the absence of all consciousby that degree of friction to which they were must follow, that the soul must always think: ness that he now experiences what he does exposed. The art of gilding and plating had but this is contrary to what every man expe- not experience-and that he now knows what been carried to some considerable extent, riences. We have no recollection of what he does not know. It is proving the nonand the metal which was thinly coated with passes in sleep; and having no recollection, existence of a thing by the existence of the gold or silver was fraudulently sold for those we are left destitute of all proof that conscious- thing itself. A nonentity, therefore, cannot metals. To prevent such frauds, and also to ness at that time existed. And to suppose an be proved; and the fact which was necessary prevent the use or waste of too much gold and immaterial substance to exist, and to allow to support the conclusive part of the objection, silver, as the preamble recites, the act of the consciousness to be essential to its nature, and has vanished into air. To assert that a confifth Henry the Fourth, cap. 13, was passed, yet to admit an interval in which this con- tinuation of thought may be inferred from which enacts 'that no artificer or other man sciousness can afford no evidence of its exist- continuation of life, may probably be deemed shall henceforth gild or silver any locks, rings, ence, is to admit as certain, a consciousness of more presumptuous than conclusive, because it beads, candlesticks, harness of girdles, chalices, which we have no evidence ;-it is to suppose seems to assume the point for which proof is hilts, nor pummels of swords, nor covers for a man to be conscious and not to be conscious demanded. But though this inference should cups made of copper or latten, upon pain to for- at the same time.' To combat theory with be declined, the regularity with which animal feit to the king one hundred shillings; but fact and incident must always be forcible, and life proceeds, during the recess of nature, canthat the said artificers may work (chalices ex- sometimes conclusive; and when theory can not but furnish us with some striking anacepted) ornaments for the church of copper and be fairly confronted with such incidents, as its logies. The man who is asleep is as insensit·le latten, and gild or silver the same; so that al- design was to invalidate and overcome, fact that he is alive, as he is that he is conscious; ways on the foot or some other part of the and incident must always be decisive in fa- and should we appeal to him for proof, he copper or the latten shall be plain, to the intent vouring the point in debate. But when theory would find it equally as difficult to furnisia evithat a man may see whereof the thing is made, is established on the firm and immovable basis dence in the former case as in the latter. for to eschew the deceit thereof.' We conclude, of solid and conclusive reasoning, fact itself however insensible he may be of his condition, therefore, that during the period in question, must be presented fairly to the mind, to coun- we well know that his lungs heave, his breath. there could be but little consumption of the terbalance the efficacy of such arguments as it ing continues, his heart beats, his blood circugold and silver which composed the money; or has to oppose. The phenomena of appearance lates, and his pulsation goes on. And yet of that used as utensils or ornaments in an un-are no proof of reality. Speciousness may when he wakes, he has no knowledge whatmixed state; but that, up to passing the act dazzle the eye, but it cannot produce convic- ever of these facts, and nothing can induce


him to admit them as such, but information can in no way whatever be essential to their treme simplicity, the facility with which it can and analogy. If, then, the functions of animal real being. It is, therefore, not only possible be cleaned, its prodigious and varied powers, economy may be, and actually are, carried on that the soul may think during the hours of render it peculiarly applicable to every purpose in the hours of sleep, without our knowledge sleep, though we may be totally ignorant, when of naval and military warfare to which fireor sensibility, why may not the mind continue we awake, of those objects which then ap- arms can be applied. its operations also, even though we never could proached the mind, as well as insensible of the 1st, A pistol, either for cavalry, for the know the manner in which it is employed? manner of our intellectual operations; but it defence of breaches, or for boarding, which can We well know, that frequently while we are appears absurd to suppose that the operations be loaded and fired ten times in one minute, asleep, the mind is occupied with dreams, of the mind, and our apprehension of them, projecting at each discharge 12 missiles in one many of which so far engage the attention as should be co-existent with one another. And, horizontal line, diverging laterally from 12 to to leave an impression which continues when consequently, where recollection fails, those 18 feet, and within an elevation of 6 feet, at we are awake. Nay, some of these are recol- subjects which occupied our thoughts must be the distance of 30 or 40 yards. Each man dislected with pain or pleasure after a series of totally unknown. Although the faculty of the charging 120 missiles per minute, 100 men years, and even continue through life. Among soul be always the same, it may, nevertheless, in ten minutes are enabled to discharge these dreams a great number are totally for- vary in the manner of its operations. Think-120,000 missiles, each equal in effect to an gotten when we first start from sleep; and ing may diverge itself into a thousand direc- ordinary pistol-ball. Suppose that a squadron sometimes it is the case, that some occurrence tions, and consciousness may be employed of 100 men charge an enemy's squadron of which happens in the day recalls the impres- about as many different ideas; but it does not equal numbers, and that 75 direct their aim so sion, and brings it to our memories in all its follow from thence that we must always un- badly that not one of their missiles took effect, vividness. Sometimes days, and even weeks, derstand the manner in which the former ope- there still remain 300 well-directed missiles at elapse, before these sleeping impressions are rates, or that in which the latter is employed. the first discharge; or, even imagine it posrecalled; and yet when they return, no person Hence, it is no more necessary to our idea of sible that only 1 in 100 was efficient, 100 men can convince us that our minds were uncon- thinking, that we always understand the man- in ten minutes could put 1200 hors de combat. scions through the whole of that night on ner in which the faculty operates, than it is 2d, A short carbine, capable of being diswhich they were first made. But should any necessary to the operations themselves, that we charged with the same rapidity as the pistol, person, during the interval which passed be- should always comprehend the secret springs but propelling 16 instead of 12 missiles, and tween the dream and our recollection of it, by which they move. In like manner, it is no particularly applicable to naval warfare, as 50 assert, that our consciousness was suspended, more necessary to the existence of conscious-men, directing their fire on the enemy's deck, that the mind did not operate, and that all our ness, that we always recollect the manner in while the fire of 50 more was directed against mental powers were destitute of activity, we which it was employed, or the ideas about the men on the masts and rigging, would in should have no means of contradicting the which it was occupied, than that we should be one minute pour a shower of 16,000 missiles assertion, until a recollection of the impression acquainted with those mysterious laws by which over the whole vessel; thus rendering her returned. But whenever this took place, we consciousness is governed, or that both should defenceless, and the boarding and capture conshould want no arguments to convince us that be supposed to depend for their existence upon sequently easy and almost instantaneous. his opinion was unfounded. In like manner, our knowledge of them. Our being conscious The Marquess of Clanricarde, who has taken it may with safety be admitted, that we have of any given fact, is a simple action of the a great interest in the perfection of this instruno reason to conclude that the mind is uncon-mind operating upon that fact, while our at-ment, was present at the experiments, together scious either when we sleep or when we wake, tention to what is passing is a reflex act of with Colonel Buller, and several other gentlemerely because we do not recollect what passed the mind operating upon its own operations. men. They were conducted by Mr. Wilkinthrough our minds during these questionable The former must precede the latter in the son, the eminent gun-maker in Pall Mall, and hours. No doubt a multitude of dreams occur order of nature, and therefore must exist inde- completely succeeded in producing all the effects to the mind, to which even then we pay little pendently of it; while the latter, founded on we have enumerated. The pistol was about or no attention, and which we never recollect the former, is dependent on it for its existence. 34lbs. in weight, with an elliptical muzzle, and afterwards. Though, could these be collected But whether the latter exist or not, it implies in the regular train of succession in which they neither contradiction nor absurdity.' occurred, it is highly probable that they would We strongly advocate Mr. Drew's work, not leave but few intervals in which the perpetual only from its obvious utility in supplying the consciousness of the mind could be questioned. means of defence against the assaults of scepThese considerations are sufficient to silence ticism, but as a source at once of gratification objections against the perpetual consciousness to the mind from its matter, and of beneficial of the mind during the hours of sleep, even exercise from the clear tone of reasoning which though they may be deemed insufficient to pervades its pages. prove that consciousness does actually and unremittingly exist. But it would not affect the immateriality of the soul, although it could be proved that there were intervals in which the A PAMPHLET re-edited from the North Ame-by our public boards, we have no doubt it will mind paid no attention to its own operations, rican Review, published at Boston six weeks soon become well known to the world. even at the time that it was engaged. This fact, the occurrences of our waking hours will ago. Fas est ab hoste doceri should be its motto, for it contains much important matter, sufficiently prove. And every instance in which the attention is suspended, whether sleeping or cud of sweet and bitter thought. In favour of on which the English reader should chew the waking, will demonstrate the fact. That men reform, it disguises none of the mighty effects We have seldom been struck with more surprise do not always attend to their own conscious-now in progress, and discusses many of the and admiration than we felt on entering the ness, I readily admit; but it does not follow topics connected with this engrossing question apartment of the Queen's Bazaar in Oxford from hence, that consciousness during these intervals has no existence. It proves that we so ably, as to be well calculated to open the Street, in which this magnificent specimen of have no apprehension of the thing, but it does eyes of the public to the real bearings of the human ingenuity, perseverance, and taste, is not prove the non-existence of the thing itself. The existence of a faculty of the mind and of its actions, and our apprehension of their existence, are distinct ideas. The former may NEW AND DESTRUCTIVE ENGINE OF WAR. exist independently of the latter, but the latter WE have this week been favoured with the cannot exist if the former cease to be. The sight of some experiments made with a newly existence of a faculty must necessarily precede, invented pistol, for which a patent has been in the order of nature, our apprehension of its taken out.

The Prospect of Reform in Europe. Pp. 55.
London, 1831. Rich.



loaded with great ease and simplicity at the breech. The specimen was admirably finished as a piece of workmanship, and the balls were thrown with such force that they rebounded from a brick wall, at thirty yards, more than half-way back. It seemed to us impossible that any military force could exist in the face of so terrible an engine; and for the protection of houses from burglars, we never saw so irresistible a weapon. The invention, as improved by Mr. Wilkinson, is applicable to cannon as well as smaller arms; and as it is about to be tried


exhibited. The form of the vase is classical and beautiful, the size stupendous, the execu tion rich and varied beyond conception. When illuminated by numerous gas-lights, the effect is in the highest degree splendid and brilliant, and realises the wonders of the Arabian Nights. This unique and extraordinary work of art is fourteen feet in height; its diameter is twelve feet; its weight upwards of six tons; and it is existence; and the action of this faculty must, This important invention, which appears capable of containing eight pipes, or about five for the same reason, precede our knowledge of destined to produce a new era in modern war-thousand four hundred bottles of wine,-a toit. If, then, the existence of consciousness fare, is decidedly the most destructive weapon, lerably sufficient provision for a small convivial and thinking must necessarily precede our ap-in all its forms, that has ever been offered to party. The inventor of this striking novelty prehension of them, our apprehension of them the consideration of any government. Its ex-(the value of which is estimated at ten thousand

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