The Commercial Travelers' Mutual Accident Association of America UTICA, N. Y. LARGEST IN THE WORLD Membership Over 90,000 $75 to $100 Was Deal25 Years TO A WEEK CLEAR! Diamond Post Card Gun Be a minute photographer-join this wonderful profession. You'll simply coin money. This marvellous metal camera takes clear, sharp photo post cards, five sizes, including large official shape, direct on paper without the use of plates, films or dark rooms-finished and delivered on the spot in less than a minute. Don't delay, investigate at once. THERE'S A FORTUNE IN IT Nothing like it for big, quick, easy money. Eight cents clear profit on every dime, and everywhere you'll find the people just waiting to hand you the money. Send to-day for full particulars, read how others have become independent with this photographic wonder. Illustrated circulars by return mail if you write to International Metal and Ferro Co. Desk WA, Chicago, III. I CAN NOW HEAR G. P. WAY with these soft. No one sees them in my ears? Write Artificial Ear Drum Company Address GEO. P. WAY. Manager ALL ABOUT MOTORS Every user of gas engines, whether a motorcyclist or not, needs the MOTORCYCLE MANUAL. 124 pp., magazine size, 2-cycle and 4-cycle motors described and illustrated. Dictionary of 450 motor terms. Directory of the motor trade. The most wonderful trouble finder ever published. All beautifully printed and liberally illustrated. Invaluable to owners of automobiles, motorcycles, motor boats and stationary gas engines. Price 25c., postpaid. The Motorcycle Manual, 51 Chambers St., New York. You Need Not Suffer WITH ASTHΜΑ Buy Today of Your Druggist aifty Cent Box of Fr. Kinsman's FREE TRIAL TREATMENT Sent by mail, postpaid, to any sufferer, DR. F. G. KINSMAN ALWAYS MAKES 600D JAUTO-GYGLE ALWAYS MARES GOOD Built to Meet All Requirements of Business, Pleasure or Sport The Reliability, Durability and Power of the EXCELSIOR AUTO CYCLE have been thoroughly demonstrated in every big public test and by the thousands of these machines used in all branches of business and municipal service. In the 1914 F. A. M. Reliability Run, the Trophies for Best Individual Score in both professional and amateur classes were won on EXCELSIOR AUTO CYCLES. Speed is a matter of record. EXCELSIOR AUTO CYCLES hold WORLD'S RECORDS one to 300 miles on board and dirt tracks and on the road. The EXCELSIOR is the only motor cycle that has ever attained a speed of 100 miles per hour and the story of its Supremacy in Speed and Endurance is in the records of every speed test of national importance. In the several models of the 1915 EXCELSIOR you will find a machine for every purse and every purpose. See the nearest dealer or write for catalogue. MODEL 7-C Excelsior Motor Mfg. & Supply Co. 3703 Cortland St. MAKE MONEY MAKING PHOTOS!! This Man Makes $15.00 to $35.00 Per Day! Taking pictures direct on POST CARDS with our wonderful Ever Ready CAMERAS tintype and post card. No knowledge of photography required. Photos developed and finished in ONE MINUTE. Cost 1c and 2c each and easily sell for 10c, 15c and 25c each. We set him up in business and can do the same for you. A small investment starts you making BIG MONEY. Write to-day and we will send you a catalogue and show you how. NEW YORK FERROTYPE COMPANY, Dept. 202 168 DELANCEY STREET NEW YORK CITY |