SIXTY YEARS of fair dealing, resulting in the largest fire insurance company in America, should mean something to every insurer GREATEST BREWING CENTER The annual output of breweries in the Empire State is 14,000,000 bbls., 10,000,000 of which are brewed in Greater New York. The sale of beer in the last ten years in New York State showed an increase of nearly 4,000,000 bbls. The sale of bottled beer has shown a remarkable increase in both urban and rural districts. A marked decrease in drunkenness has been noted as a result of the increased sales of beer. 150 Breweries, representing an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars, are in operation throughout the State. There are nearly 24,000 hotels and saloons in the State. The traffic in alcoholic beverages pays an annual direct tax of nearly $20,000,000 to the State of New York in addition to other taxes; more than one-third of the entire State Budget. The present Liquor Tax Law in the State of New York went into effect March 26, 1896. The Excise Department came into existence May 1st of the same year. The receipts from the liquor traffic for the period ending September 30, 1896, amounted to. $10,961,150.95 From October 1, 1896, to September 30, 1897.. 12,268,341.14 While for the year ending September 30, 1913, the sum collected was.... The total revenue derived from the traffic for 18,142,557.69 $276,536,528.39 5,711,463.26 Leaving a balance to the credit of the State of..$270,825,065.13 The total number of drinking places for the year ending September 30, 1913, was 23,473. Prohibition has gained little or no headway in New York State notwithstanding the persistent and continued activities on the part of the various prohibition organizations. At present less than 3% of the population of the Empire State lives in "DRY" territory, the "DRY" towns being confined almost exclusively to rural communities. (Signed) NEW YORK STATE BREWERS' ASSOCIATION 109-111 East 15th St., New York City For All Purposes—Also Pillow Topa WE MANUFACTURE A FULL LINE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Write for Illustrated Catalog F. STERNTHAL Manufacturer of Pennants 358 W. Madison Street Dept. 11 Chicago, III., U. S. A. Acetylene Ranges for Quick Cooking in Country Kitchens You housewives in the country who date this convenience-Acetylene for labor over hot stoves cooking big Lighting-Acetylene for Cooking-has meals for hungry families-how would been supplied to over 250,000 country homes. you like this convenience, which every city woman enjoys? Pilot Acetylene generators are today the most widely sold light and How would you like to do your fuel plants in the world. cooking on a gas range? How would you like to turn on your gas with a twist of your wrist-turn it up or down just as hot as you want it? If you have ever been in a city kitchen you know how much such a range will shorten your cooking hours and relieve you of the trouble and work of handling kindling, coal and ashes. You also know what pleasure and The Pilot is extremely simple to operate. You simply fill the generator with water and Union Carbide about once a month. The machine then works automatically without funther attention. It feeds the gas it makes-genuine Acetylene - direct to your kitchen range, and to stationary light fixtures, yielding handsome, brilliant, white light throughout your house and all the barns and outbuildings as well. For full information, estimates, etc., address Oxweld Acetylene Company comfort your household will derive from brilliant Acetylene lights 600 Frelinghuysen Avenue, Newark, N. J. throughout your house and barns. To Chicago L Los Angeles Safe fety Razor Sample Blade Sent Free on Request Special high-class ma terial: Series of hollow aluminum ribs, water proof covering, safety valve, double fasteners. Self-inflating on adjustment. Weighs 1 lb. Folds 4x5 in. Sustains wearer in deep, rough water for any length of time, Protects lovers of aquatics and sea travelers from drowning. Don't risk cheap, flimsy devices! Guaranteed Prices A-27-32 in, chest meas.. $3 B-33-38 in, chest meas., $4 C-39-45 in, chest meas.. $5 Carrying Case SWIMMING BELT, Inc., 309 Broadway, New York City MIETZ & WEISS OIL ENGINES For All Power Purposes Uses crude oil, fuel oil, distillate or kerosene. Pays for itself in short time. Does not use Safe, simple and reliable. gasoline. Free from electric ignition devices, carbureters, valves, cams, gears, |