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"Light Six" 5-Passenger-$1650

"Sixes" Exclusively

New body styles, refinements of detail and the continued use of the well-tried Chalmers chassis-these are the striking features of the Chalmers line for 1915

The Chalmers "Light Six" is now offered in five-passenger type at $1650 and six-passenger type at $1725, with a new body of latest style and design-in every way a distinguished car. It is a big, roomy car in comparison with high-powered sixes, but not skim ped in design.

The Six-Passenger Model is a car of exceptional grace and roominess, with an entirely new, luxurious and distinctive body. The tonneau is fitted with Pullman disappearing seats. Doors are unusually wide. The body is a new type of exclusive Chalmers design.

The "Master Six" of
Them All

The new 1915 Chalmers "Master
Six" $2400-will be produced in limit-

ed quantities for those who seek the fullest luxury of power and size in a

motor car.

For 1915 the "Master Six" is offered in two body types the FourPassenger Phaeton and the SevenPassenger Touring Car. Both types are unusually beautiful and distinctive. The price of either type is $2400.

The "Master Six" Seven-Passenger Touring Car is a big, roomy car for those who desire an automobile of maximum carrying capacity. The lines of the Seven-Passenger body are the same as those of the Phaeton.

Chalmers Cars

Quality Cars

The Chalmers Company is not competing and never has competed with other cars on a "price" basis. Our past experience has shown us that each year there are enough people to whom "quality" is first and "price" secondary to buy more Chalmers cars than we can make.

Send for Literature About the Chalmers "Sixes."

Chalmers Motor Company, Detroit



"Master Six" 4-Passenger Phaeton-$2400

The "Six" of Super-Distinction

No more distinctively beautiful motor car has ever claimed the admiration of the American automobile field. A foreign, racy appearance has been imparted to the lines of this newest "Master Six" by building the body lower than usual.

Experts concede this Four-Passenger Phaeton a ranking place with the finest European cars to which the motoring world has long turned for originality in design.


New Seating Arrangement In this 1915 "Master Six" Phaeton is offered a new seating arrangement of rare convenience and comfort. front seats are divided by an aisle of ample space and all the seats are slightly sloped to give absolute ease in riding.

Motor Car Goal Attained

This new 1915 "Master Six" presents a perfect combination of all the desirable

features other motor car makers have long been striving to achieve.

The rugged motor possesses wonderful flexibility and tremendous power. Manufactured completely in the Chalmers plant of the finest materials, this splendid car has the strength and quality to keep sweet running and give efficient service for years and years.

Chalmers Refinements

A great, strong torque tube and rod take up all torsion strains and make the "Master Six" Phaeton cling closely to the highest crowned roads and ride with utmost smoothness.

Chalmers "Sixes" are truly silent cars. There's no rattle. No vibration to tire your nerves and tear at the mechanism.

All open cars have electric starter, Chalmers tailor-made top, rain vision windshield, Klaxon-made horn, demountable rims, full electric lights. No car carries better or more complete equipment.

Let the Chalmers Standard Road Drive prove to you the fitness of Chalmers cars. Our nearest dealer will be glad to take you at your con


Chalmers Motor Company, Detroit

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There is just one and only one human motive that causes men to buy things, and that motive is-satisfaction, contentment in possession, use and enjoyment.



Every Winton Six is practically built to order. Your Winton Six will be finished to meet your taste,
giving it a personality and a distinction representative of a discriminating owner. It will be a
car to command respect and win commendation wherever you may drive it, and you will enjoy a
personal satisfaction above any you have yet experienced as an automobile owner. And that
personal satisfaction is, after all, the only real reason for buying any car. Catalog upon request.
The Winton Motor Car Company, 124 Berea Road, Cleveland. Branch Houses in 20 Cities.

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