I Will Tell You How-FREE I will tell you gladly and willingly. Why should any woman neglect an opportunity to escape the pain and heartache of being skinny, scrawny, angular and unattractive in body? Misery is not our heritage. Nature planned that you-a woman-should have the rich, pulsing lines of warm, living flesh. Why should there be that pitiful aspect-the face of a woman and the form of a man? Write To Me Today I don't care how thin, or fallen, or flaccid your bust is now-I want to tell you of a new, simple, easy home method that gives quick and permanent success-I want to tell you how you can gain perfect developmentone ounce a day. No physical culture-no massage, foolish baths or paste-no plasters, masks or injuri A New, Simple, Easy Home Method ous injections-I want to tell you of Success. Judge from my picture as to the truth of what I say to you-that the crowning glory of womanhood is a Then an absolutely new method, never before offered or told about-insuring immediate success and permanent beauty-without disappointment. Send No Money Just write me a letter-address it I will figure of beautiful proportions and to me personally, that's all. exquisite development. ask answer it by return mail-and you yourself how much you would like to can have a perfect bust and figurehave such a photograph of yourself, one ounce daily you can be just showing the feminine lines of infinite what you want to be. You may becharm and grace. It would be worth lieve me when I say that you will more to you than a 2c stamp, so let bless me through years of happiness the way to you, and me tell you of what I have learned-for pointing Please let me show you recent pictures of telling you what I know. myself to prove what I say-for if send your letter today to the following address: you will write me today MRS. LOUISE INGRAM Suite 1104, 408 Adams St., Toledo, Ohio 50c Box Free We Want to Prove at Our Own Expense That It Is No Longer Necessary to Be Thin, Scrawny and Undeveloped "Gee! Look at that pair of skinny scarecrows! Why don't they try Sargol?" This is a generous offer to every thin man or j woman reader. We positively guarantee to increase your weight to your own satisfaction or no pay. Think this over-think what it means. At our own risk, we offer to put 10, 15, yes, 30 pounds of good, solid "stay there" flesh on your bones to fill out hollows in cheeks, neck or bust, to get rid of that "peaked" look, to rejuvenate and to revitalize your whole body until it tingles with vibrant energy; to do this without drastic diet, "tonics," severe physical culture "stunts, detention from business or any irksome requirement-if we fail it costs you nothing. a thoroughly scientific principle, this Sargol for building up the thin, weak and debilitated without any nauseous dosing. In many conditions it is better than cod liver oil and certainly is much pleasanter to take. " We particularly wish to hear from the excessively thin, those who know the humiliation and embarrassment which only skinny people have to suffer in silence. We want to send a free 50cent package of our new discovery to the people who are called "slats" and "bean poles," to bony women whose clothes never look "anyhow," no matter how expensively dressed, to the skinny men who fail to gain social or business recognition on account of their starved appearance. We care not whether you have been thin from birth, whether you have lost flesh through sickness, how many flesh builders you have experimented with, We take the risk and assume it cheerfully. If we cannot put pounds and pounds of healthy flesh on your frame we don't want your money. The new treatment is used to increase the red corpusoles in the blood, strengthen the nerves and put the digestive tract into such shape that your food is assimilated and turned into good, solid, healthy flesh instead of passing through the system undigested and unassimilated. It is Send for the 50-cent box to-day. Convince us by your prompt acceptance of this offer that you are writing in good faith and really desire to gain in weight. The 50-cent package which we will send you free will be an eye-opener to you. We send it that you may see the simple, harmless nature of our new discovery, how easy it is to take, how you gain flesh privately without knowledge of friends or family until you astonish them by the prompt and unmistakable results. We could not publish this offer if we were not prepared to live up to it. It is only the astounding results of our new method of treatment that make such an offer and such a guarantee possible on our part. So cut off the coupon today and mail it at once to The Sargol Company, Dept, 200, Herald Building, Binghamton, N. Y. and please inclose 10c with your letter to help pay distribution expenses. Take our word, you'll never regret it. Free Sargol Coupon This certificate, with ten cents to help pay postage and distribution expenses, entitles the holder to one 50c package of Sargol. The Sargol Co., Dept, 200, Herald Bldg., Binghamton, N. Y. MEAN HEALTH Are They Weak or Painful? Do your lungs ever bleed? Do you have night sweats? Have you pains in chest and sides? Do you have pains under your shoulder blades? These Are Regarded Symptoms of Lung Trouble You should take immediate steps to check the progress of these symptoms. The longer you allow them to advance and develop, the more deep seated and serious your condition becomes. We Stand Ready to Prove to You absolutely that Lung Germine, the German treatment, has cured completely and permanently case after case of Tuberculosis, Chronic Bronchitis, Catarrh of the Lungs, Catarrh of the Bronchial Tubes and other lung troubles. Many sufferers who had lost all hope and who had been given up by physicians have been permanently cured by Lung Germine. If your lungs are merely weak and the disease has not yet manifested itself, you can prevent its development, you can build up your lungs and system to their normal strength and capacity. Lung Germine has cured advanced Tuberculosis, in many cases over five years ago, and the patients remain strong and in splendid health to-day. Let Us Send You the Proof---Proof That Will Convince Any Judge or Jury on Earth We will gladly send you the proof of many remarkable cures, also a FREE TRIAL of Lung Germine together with our new 40-page book (in colors) on the treatment and care of Tuberculosis and lung trouble. JUST SEND YOUR NAME LUNG GERMINE CO., 21 Rae Block, Jackson, Mich. We guarantee the above Flashlights to be highest class made, and will replace any showing defects. All prices are net cash, delivered in any part of the world, postage or express prepaid. Telephone 6350 Barclay. 4 MURRAY ST. E. B. LATHAM & CO. New York, U.S.A. MAILING LISTS ALL TRADES, PROFESSIONS Our guarantee means that we refund postage on all mail matter Ask for estimates on addressing, folding, fac-simile letters. United States Addressing & Printing Company SHORTHAND IN 7 DAYS -just what SHORTHAND ought to be a short, simple system. You have only to learn 26 simple strokes, 26 brief word-signs, 6 prefix abbreviations and ONE rule of contraction. THAT IS ALL. Then you will have a system of shorthand with which can be written ANYTHING and EVERYTHING in the language, from the simplest business letter to the most difficult scientific terms. The LONGEST words in the language can be written faster than they can be spoken. Paragon Shorthand is being used in the service of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, and in the offices of the largest corporations-such as the Westinghouse Co., The Standard Oil Co., the big railroads, etc. Also in COURT REPORTING. The public schools of Atlanta, Ga., and other cities are now teaching this system. It Will Raise Your Earning Power Quickly Men and Women, boys and girls, have only to scan the Help Wanted columns of any city paper to see how steady the demand is for stenographers. LEARN PARAGON SHORTHAND AT HOME -during spare-time. Our correspondence course makes this possible. Send a dollar bill for FIRST LESSON and FULL PARTICULARS. MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. Any bank will tell you this school is absolutely reliable. PARAGON SHORTHAND INSTITUTE |