BIRTHPLACES AND BIRTH YEARS OF LIVING DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL PEOPLE-Continued. PROFESSIONAL AND NON-PROFESSIONAL NAMES OF SOME ACTORS AND DRAMATISTS OF THE DAY AND OF EARLIER TIMES. Thursby, Emma. Brooklyn, N. Y 1857 Tree, Beerbohm.. England... 1853 Tyler, Odette... Savannah, Ga 1569 Tynan, Brandon.. Dublin, Ireland 1879 Wainwright, Marie. Philadelphia.... 1853 1860 Walcot, Charles. New City... 1840 1848 Walker, Charlotte Galveston, Tex.. 1878 1888 Walsh, Blanche.. New York City. 1873 1855 Ward, Fannie,. St. Louis, Mo..... 1875 1850 Ward, Genevieve.. New York City. 1838 Warrington, England 1851 San Francisco, Cal.. 1866 New York City.... 1867 Joplin, Mo..... 1885 New York.. 1859 PROFESSIONAL AND NON-PROFESSIONAL NAMES-Continued. PROFESSIONAL NAME. REAL NAME. PROFESSIONAL NAME. Alda, Frances........Gatti-Casazza, Mrs. Dawn, Hazel. Alexander, George.. Anderson, Sarah.. Barrymore, Ethel. Bayes, Nora... Glullo. Sampson, George. Dazie, Mile.... De Mar, Carrie. De Silva, Ν... Duryea, Mrs. Peter. Edouin, Mrs. Willie. Creel, Mrs. George. Clarke, Mrs. Harry. Beckley, Beatrice M.... Hackett, Mrs. J. K. Beere, Mrs. Bernard... Olivier, Mrs. A. C. S. Bentley, Irene Smith, Mrs. Harry B. Bernhardt, Sarah......Damala, Mme. Bertram, Helen. Bingham, Amella. Blair, Eugenie... Blauvelt, Lillian Booth, Hope. Booth, Rachel. Bryan, Gertrude... Buck, Bernice. Buffalo Bill.. Burke, Billie.... Burnett, Frances H..... Burroughs, Marie... Burton, Blanche... Byron, Oliver Doud. Cameron, Beatrice. Carter, Mrs. Leslie. Cavendish, Ada... Claude, Toby.. Conquest, Ida.. Conwell, Mary B.. Corinne... Courtleigh, William..... Crosman, Henrietta. Dale, Alan.. Dare, Zena..... D'Arville, Camille.. Davis, Fay....... Morgan, Mrs. E. J. Bingham, Mrs. Moyd. Downing, Mrs. Eugenia kin. Mrs. McKee. Rankin, Pendleton, Mrs. W. F. Hearn, Mrs. Lew. M. de. Mrs. José D. Fair, Mrs. Chas. Corthell, Mrs. Herbert. Cody, William F. Ziegfeld, Mrs. Florenz. Townsend, Mrs. S. Deutsch, Florence. Elliot, Gertrude.. Ellsler, Efle. Filkins, Grace. Fiske, Minnie Maddern. REAL NAME. Tout, Hazel. . Forbes-Robertson, Lady J. Weston, Mrs. Frank. ton. Williams, Mrs. Fritz. Hale, Mrs. Swinburne. Foy, Eddle.. Gilman, Mabelle Macpherson, Mrs. R. B. wallis. Payne, Mrs. Wm. L. Graham, Robert E... Granger, Maude Hading, Jane. Haswell, Percy.. tal. Heron Bijou. Kim-Hopper, Edna Wallace.. Humphrey, Kathryn.... Flynn, William. James, Arthur. Cohen, Alfred J. Kohl, Mrs. Chas. E. Crello, Mrs. W. D. .. Lawrence, Mrs. Gerald. Irving, Isabel. Irwin, Beatrice. Irwin, May Jants, Elste. Gardini, Mrs. Dr. Corey, Mrs. Ellis. Zimbalist, Mrs. Efrem. Beresford, Mrs. de la Poer. McGee, Robert E. Courtenay, Mrs. Wm. Pollard, Mrs. Harold S. Jeffreys, Ellis... Sleath, Mrs. Herbert. PROFESSIONAL AND NON-PROFESSIONAL NAMES-Continued. Jeffreys-Lewis, Ida. Jesslyn, Dora. REAL NAME. PROFESSIONAL NAME. Clyde, Mrs. Wm. P., Jr. Phillips, Frank.... PROFESSIONAL NAME. Matnhall, Mrs. H. Perugini, Signor.. Moore, Mrs. Tom. Carroll, Thomas. Pitt, Fannie Addison. Taylor, Mrs. Prescott, Marie. Joyce, Alice. Karl, Tom... Kearney, Elleen Keene, Laura.. Dillingham, Mrs. Chas. B. Potter, Mrs... Keene, Thomas W...... Eagleson, Thos. W. Kellermann, Annette..... Sullivan, Mrs. Jas. R. Kellogg. Clara Louise... Strakosch, Mrs. C. Kellogg, Shirley...... De Courville, Mrs. Albert. Grimston, Mrs. W. H. Kendal, William H...... Grimston, W. H. Kendal, Mrs. W. H. Kidder, Kathryn.......Anspacher, Mrs. L. K. McGuire, Mrs. M. D. Jordan, Mrs. Robt. Allis, Mrs. Gilbert. Kalisch, Mme. Paul. Prince, Adelaide.. Le Moyne, Sarah Cowell. Le Moyne, Mrs. Wm. J. Robson, May... Kimball, Grace. Kingdon, Edith. Langtry, Mrs.. Laurel, Jane. Lawlor, Amber Lee, Jennie... Lehman, Lilli Ritchie, Adele... Leslie, Elste. Roosevelt, Blanche. Rorke, Kate. Russell, Dorothy Russell, Lillian... Winter, Mrs. W. J. Robertson, Mrs. Donald Strachan, Mrs. W. C. Mann, Mrs. Louis. Connelly, Mrs. Jas. H. Prinsep. Mrs. A. Burgess, Mrs. Gelett. Crabtree, Charlotte. Russell, Mme. Ella St. John, Florence. Shannon, Efme.. REAL NAME. Chatterton, Jehn. Robb, Mrs. Thos., Jr. McKnight, Mrs. Ford. Porel, Mme. D. P. P. Yorke, Mrs. Oswald. Marius, Mrs. Claude. Kelcey, Mrs. Herbert. Shannon, Joseph W.....Sendelbach, J. W. Gillespie, Mrs. Henry L. Shannon, Lavinia McAloon, William A. Shepherd, Rezin D. erick E. Shattuck, Truly.. Sherwood, Phyllis... Nickerson, Mrs. Thos. Fred-Slater, Jennie Douglas.. Collier, Mrs. Wm. Matthison, Edith Wynne Kennedy, Mrs. C. R. Matzenauer, Margarethe Fontana-Ferrari, Mrs. May, Edna... McCoy, Bessle... Melba, Mme. Millard, Evelyn Millward, Jessle. Miskel, Caroline Mitchell, Maggie Lewisohn, Mrs. O. Davis, Mrs. R. H. Abbott, Mrs. Chas. Montague, Henry J..... Mann, Harry J. Moor, Mary Moore, Eva Mordaunt, Frank Mordaunt, Mabel. Moreland, Marjorie. Morris, Clara. Neruda, Mme. Norman. Nevada, Emma... Palmer, Minnie... Patti, Adelina. Perry, Evelyn Albert, Mrs. James. Esmond, Mrs. H. V. Norris, Mrs. Wm. Spong, Hilda. Stuart, Julla. me. Perier, Mme. Casimir. Mackay, Mrs. Ed. Carew, Mrs. James. Tiffany, Annie Ward.... Green, Mrs. Chas. Titcome, Heloise... Traux, Maud. Tree, Henry Beerbohm.. Goodwin, Mrs. Nat. C. Trevelyn, Hilda. Forman, Mrs. Alfred. Truax, Sarah. De Frece, Mrs. W. Tyler, Odette. Gleason, Mrs. Jos. J. ..... Albeglini, Mrs. G.. Age. The Famous Old People of 1915. (Age at the last birthday is given. The list was made up for January 1, 1915.) 93. Fannie Crosby, poet and author. 91. Ex-Senator Henry G. Davis of West Virginia, Henri Fabre, scientist. 90. Ex-Vice-President Levi P. Morton, Mrs. A. L. B. Blackwell, suffragette, James Seligman, banker. 89. Sir William Aitken, pathologist; Rear-Admiral Stephen B. Luce, retired. 88. 86. Ex-Empress Eugenie, Charles Andres, ex-Chief Judge New York Court of Appeals. 85. Mrs. Sol Smith, actress; Senator Isaac Stephenson. 84. Ex-President Diaz of Mexico, Emperor Francis Joseph, Salvini, tragedian; ex-Secretary 83. Frederic Harrison, positivist: Sir George Nares, Arctic explorer; Joseph H. Choate, John Langbourne Williams, Bishop John H. Vincent. 82. Maggie Mitchell, actress; Andrew D. White, ex-Ju ex-Justice Shiras, Prof. William Crookes, Com modore E. C. Benedict. 81. 80. George W. Smalley, journalist; Col. J. S. Mosby, ex-Congressman Grosvenor of Ohio. 79. Rev. Lyman Abbott, Charles Francis Adams, Richard Olney, ex-Prime Minister Combes of France, Hetty Green, Andrew Carnegie, ex-Secretary of Agriculture Wilson, Manton Marble, journalist; Theodore Braga, first President of Portugal; Bishop Gray of South Florida, ex-President McCurdy of the Mutual Life Insurance Company, ex-Secretary of the Navy William E. Chandler, Rev. James M. Buckley. 78. Sir Edward J. Poynter, President of the Royal Academy: Prof. C. F. Chandler, James J. Hill, 77. Gen. Horace Porter, W. D. Howells, novelist: Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, John Burroughs, essayist; Miss Braddon, Admiral Dewey, Bishop Tuttle, John Muir, naturalist; Col. Washington A. Roebling. 76. Ex-Ambassador Bryce, ex-Queen Liliuokalani, John Morley, John Wanamaker, ex-President Loubet, General Brooke, F. Hopkinson Smith, ex-Governor McCreary of Kentucky, Archbishop Ireland, Prof. Cleveland Abbe, meteorologist; Count Zeppelin, Count Okuma, Premier of Japan. 75. 74. 73. Cardinal Logue, General Miles, ex-Senator Clark of Montana, Bishop Keane, Asa Bird Henry Watterson, Clemenceau, Palmer Cox, Sir Hiram S. Maxim, Austin Dobson, poet: 72. Ex-Senator Aldrich, James Gordon Bennett, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Sir Charles Wyndham. 71. Justice McKenna, Christine Nilsson, Adelina Patti, Senators Dillingham and Nelson, Henry Sarah Bernhardt, Dowager Queen Alexandra, General Greely, John Hare, comedian; King Lord Charles Beresford, ex-Senator Wetmore, ex-Senator Foraker, Hamilton W. Mabie, Col. 67. Thomas A. Edison, Senator Tillman, Lotta Crabtree, Oscar Hammerstein, Rear-Admiral 66. 65. Frances Hodgson Burnett, author; William Waldorf Astor, Senator Stone of Missouri, Ellen 64. Champ Clark, Duke of Connaught, Senator Lodge, Oscar S. Straus, Rose Coghlan, Pierre Loti, Seth Low, Bishop Cheshire of North Carolina, President Schurman of Cornell, Secretary of State for War, Lord Kitchener; Sir Thomas Lipton, Edmond Gosse, poet. 63. Rear-Admiral Hugo Osterhaus, Felix Adler, Duke of Sutherland, Bishop Beckwith of Alabama, Congressman S. W. McCall, Digby Bell, actor; Senator Burton of Ohio, Stuyvesant Fish, Charles J. Bonaparte, Thomas F. Ryan, Perry Belmont, Osmond Tearle, actor; David Starr Jordan, John E. Redmond. 62. Ex-Vice-President Fairbanks, Lily Langtry, Edwin Markham, poet; John Bach McMaster, historian; Rev. Dr. Henry Van Dyke, Field Marshal Sir John French, British commander; Rt. Hon. Herbert H. Asquith, British Premier. 61. John Drew, actor: James Whitcomb Riley, poet; August Belmont, financier; Senator Crane of Massachusetts, Sir Beerbohm Tree, actor; Sir J. Forbes-Robertson, actor; Thomas Nelson Page, Ambassador to Italy. 60. Pope Benedict XV., Vice-President Marshall of the United States. Rt. Hon. Herbert J. Gladstone, Prince Louis of Battenberg, Senators Clarke of Arkansas, Williams of Mississippi, Overman and Simmons of North Carolina, and Chamberlain of Oregon; Frank A. Munsey. journalist; Francis Wilson, actor; Robert B. Mantell, actor. At what age does one become "old"! Five centuries ago a man was old at fifty. But the hale and hearty gentleman of to-day who has just turned sixty would probably protest against being classed among old people, even if famous. That his susceptibilities may not be wounded, therefore, a separating dash has been discreetly introduced after age sixty-five. 690 DEATH ROLL OF 1914. AGE at death is given in parentheses; vocation, place and time of death, when known, follow: Abbott, John T. (50), formerly United States Allerton, Samuel (85), pioneer packer, Pasadena, New York City, October 20. Amend, Robert F. (51), drug merchant, New Ames, Eleanor (40), newspaper writer, New York Bandelier, Adolph F. A. (74), archaeologist, Bangs, Dr. Lemuel B. (72), surgeon and scientific Barlow, Gen. John W. (76), retired Chief of En- Bartholdi, Mme., widow of Auguste Bartholdi, Barton, Isaac Duell (80), ex-railroad official, Bates, William Miller (80), well-known hotel Baxter, Billy (53), old minstrel, Chicago, Ill., Beatty, William H. (76), jurist, August 4. Bedlow, Henry (93), Monte Carlo, May 25. Bennett, Col. William W. (85), civil war vet- Bentham, George (64), book collector and illus- Bertillon, Alphonse (60), originator of meas- Best, Father Dionysius (52), Roman Catholic August 19. Netherlands, Rotterdam, September 13. bor, Me., August 19. Bradford, Admiral Royal B. (70), U. S. N. (re- Briggs, Gen. Philip H. (84), civil war veteran, Britt, John Gabriel (37), President Board of Brooks, James Byron (75), Dean of the College of Brown, Rev. Charles R. (65), author and pro- (82), associate editor of Youth's Companion, February 14. Bruce, Wallace (70), author, De Funiak Springs, Bryant, Dr. Joseph D. (69), surgeon, New York General in Confederate Army, ex-Governor of Buckner, Simon Bolivar (91), LieutenantKentucky and candidate for Vice-President on the Gold Democratic ticket in 1896, Munfordville, Ky., January 8. Bull, William L. (70), banker, New York City, Burdett, Capt. Samuel (78), ex-Commander-in- Burland, Col. Jeffrey H. (53), manufacturer, (70), civil war veteran and war Burleigh, Be Bennet |