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under these circumstances he will not be required to exhibit the other disadvantages attending this "wonder working" machine.

Whenever Mr. Emslie can produce a lifting or forcing pump, which, worked by one man, will, with a twenty feet lift, raise one hundred gallons of water per minute-then, but not till then, will he be in a position to compete with that which he "considers a perfect fallacy."

There is no violation of any of nature's laws in Mr. Walker's engine, but he has contrived to employ a principle hitherto but partially available; all that has been published respecting it is the result of actual working, free from all theoretical or speculative ideas, and writers may as well attempt to deny the laws of gravity, or of falling bodies, as to gainsay the performances of the "momentum engine."

To all who can, I would say, 66 see it;" to those who cannot, I would merely say, "believe those who have seen it."

I remain, Sir,
Yours respectfully,

29, Alfred-street, Islington,
April 19, 1842.

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"On the Mode practised in India for obtaining Solid Foundations for Bridges, &c., in Sandy Soils, by Means of Wells.' By Captain Goodwyn, B. E., Assoc. Inst. C. E.

Pileing for the foundation of buildings appears to be entirely unknown in Hindostan; the ordinary mode of securing a foundation, where the super-stratum is tenacious, and rests upon loose sand, is to dig a well until water is reached; a curb of timber is then placed, and upon it a cylinder of brick, 7 feet exterior, and 34 feet interior diameter, is built to the height of 3 or 4 feet above the ground. As soon as the masonry has hardened sufficiently, the well-sinker


fixes a plumb-line to the top of the cylinder as a guide, and descends withinside, carrying an instrument called a "Phaora, or Mamooti," somewhat similar in shape to a hoe; with this he excavates the earth until the water is too deep; he then commences the use of the "Jham," which resembles the "Phaora" in shape, but is about 36 inches long and 27 inches wide, and is suspended to a cord passing over a pulley above the cylinder. Upon this instrument the wellsinker descends, and diving into the water excavates with the "Jham" the soft earth under the sides of the curb, and is at intervals drawn up with the instrument. The cylinder descends gradually from 6 inches to 2 feet per day, as the earth is withdrawn from beneath it, and relays of workmen keep it constantly going, lest the sand should settle around it, and cause it to hang up. The natives are very expert in this operation, and not unfrequently remain under water more than a minute at a time. The cylinders have been sunk as deep as 40 feet; but with extreme labour.

A series of these wells being sunk at intervals of 1 foot between them, they are filled with a grouting of lime and rubblestone, and separately arched over; arches are then thrown transversely from the centre of each parallel pair, and another set of arches turned over the adjacent wells longitudinally; the whole is then covered with masonry, and the pier or other building raised upon it: such foundations are found to answer perfectly in situations where almost any other kind would be washed


The communication was accompanied by a drawing of the process, and of the tools used, showing also the modification of the system proposed by Colonel Colvin, of the Bengal Engineers, for obtaining foundations for a curtain, or line of wall, by sinking square masses of brickwork, with two or more wells in each, through which the workmen could excavate the soil.

In answer to questions from the President, Captain Goodwin observed that the greatest peculiarity of this system was that the sinker worked under water: such had been their custom for ages. Upon this kind of foundation, many of the large fortresses in India were constructed, and they stood remarkably well; whereas if timber piles had been used, the white ant would have destroyed them in a short time.

Lieutenant Sale observed that another main reason for not using piles was, that timber was scarce and dear, whereas labour was plentiful and cheap. Hence the general use of the brick cylinders.

Mr. Parkes conceived the most ingenious parts of the proceeding to be, the sinking through the water, and thus avoiding the risk of bringing up large quantities of sand, and the combination of arches, for distributing the weight of the superstructure equally among the brick shafts. Such shafts had been used by the Chinese, and sunk in the same manner from time immemorial.



In answer to a question from the President, Mr. Simpson described the process now so much practised for sinking wells through bad strata by means of cast-iron cylinders; excavating the earth from within the cylinder by an instrument called a "miser," which is a conical iron shell with a valve opening inwards: it is suspended by iron rods 14 inch square, and worked from the level of the ground without pumping up the water it is not uncommon to excavate to a depth exceeding 100 feet in that manThe "miser" can bring up a cube yard of earth each time it is raised. Castiron cylinders are preferable to brick shafts, which frequently hang up, and in that case give much trouble, whereas if the iron cylinders do not descend freely, they will bear the application of considerable force to drive them down. They are frequently forced through the indurated ferruginous gravel. Light planking is also sometimes used, particularly in such cases as in the well he is now sinking at Chelsea, which is 20 feet square, lined throughout with 3-inch planking. It has reached the quick sand at a depth of 32 feet, and will be stopped there.

Mr. Davison had just completed a well at Messrs. Truman and Hanbury's brewery, with cast-iron cylinders, 8 feet diameter, and 193 feet deep, an account of which he promised to present to the Institution.

The President was now sinking a set of cast-iron cylinders through sand which was liable to be washed away; they were to be filled with concrete, and used as the foundation for a lighthouse at the Point of Air. An account of the construction was, he believed, preparing for the Institution.


WILLIAM NEWTON, OF CHANCERY-LANE, CIVIL ENGINEER, for certain improvements in engines to be worked by gas, vapour, or steam. (A communication from a foreigner residing abroad.) Rolls Chapel Office, April 14, 1842.

"The process constituting this invention consists in submitting ether or volatile liquors to the action of heat in order to convert them into elastic vapours, and cause them to act on the piston of an ordinary engine,

and when they have produced their effect, in condensing them to their liquid state, in order to introduce them again into the generators, that they may be a second time converted into vapour, which may act on the piston of the engine, and so on successively. To produce these objects, two methods may be employed. One consists in producing or generating and employing gases and ether at so trifling an expense that they may be allowed to escape into the atmosphere after having operated on the piston of the engine. The second method consists in producing a given quantity of the agent, and employing it over and over again in a machine constructed in such a manner as to prevent the loss and escape of any particle of the same. The second method is preferred, as the expense of employing ether and volatile liquors would otherwise be an obstacle to their being used. The heating and vapourizing of the ether, or other volatile liquor, requires a boiler of a peculiar construction, and a condenser of a novel construction is necessary for reducing them from the gaseous to the liquid state, after they have produced their effect on the piston; and further, a new or improved apparatus is required as a substitute for the stuffing-boxes. This apparatus exerts an elastic pressure on the rods which are to move without any escape of vapour, which pressure may be increased or diminished at will, and any escape of vapour effectually prevented. The facility with which ether and volatile liquors are converted into vapour when submitted to heat, and also their inflammability, render it impossible to expose them to the direct action of fire, as an explosion might be produced by the sudden generation of a great quantity of gas; water and steam must therefore be used as a medium for transmitting heat to them."

The patentee afterwards explains that the substances which he proposes using as "substitutes for steam," (of water) are "sulphuric ethers, hydrochloric ether very pure, and with reference to volatile liquors, ammoniacal gas, which liquifies with great facility." "The ether employed," it is added, "ought to be very pure, otherwise it would corrode the boilers and cylinders."

A description of a boiler follows, (illustrated by numerous drawings) which it is said will "answer the purpose very well." It consists of two parts; first, "an external boiler, which receives the direct action of the fire;" and second, "an inner boiler, which contains the motive agent." The second boiler communicates by means of a pipe with a condenser, "into which any superabundant quantity of gas is conducted when the pressure exceeds the prescribed limit.”

The working cylinders are of the ordinary



form. After the ethereal vapours have done their duty there, they pass through an eduction pipe, to a series of pipes surrounded by cold water, where they are recondensed, or, in other words, reproduced in a state fit for renewed use.

The "new and improved apparatus," which is to be used "as a substitute for the (usual) stuffing-boxes," and on the hermetical closeness of which the efficiency of the whole affair entirely depends, is thus described, (omitting the references to certain illustrative drawings which accompany it): "The cover or upper plate of the cylinder of the engine carries a cone, which is fixed to the plate by its base. Over that cylinder a small cylinder is placed, the cover of which likewise carries a cone. The piston-rod

passes through both cones. A leather, saturated with oil or fatty substance, and thus made pliant, is rolled in a spiral direction round the piston-rod and cones. This leather is held only by a tape or twine, which is wound round it in a helical direction, to prevent it from unrolling. Between the leather and the internal sides of the cylinder there is a space which must be filled with liquid fat or oil. A reservoir contains the oil to be employed in the operation; and there are pipes for conveying the oil as it is forced by a pump into all parts of the apparatus. There is also a reservoir of air compressed by the liquid forced by the pump, the object of which is to render the pressure elastic. A valve is provided for the escape of any superfluous oil; which valve is loaded by means of a lever and weight, and is furnished with a funnel and pipe for reconducting into the first reservoir the oil which escapes through the valve. A meter is added on the compressed air principle, for indicating the pressure produced on the stuffingbox. It is by the indications of this instrument that the engineer regulates the degree of pressure which the weight ought to produce on the valve."

"In order to place the leather on the piston-rod, a rod of the same diameter is employed, and on this rod the leather is to be rolled, having the edges previously pared, well prepared, and perfectly smooth on one side of its edges. Then roll it with the hand and as evenly as possible on the rod, so that it be wound round and round two or three times. The leather thus rolled is retained by means of a tape coiled round it. These preparations made, the cover of the small cylinder is removed, the piston being then at the bottom of the other, (the larger or working) cylinder. Then place the extremity of the rod on which the leather is wound round, on the top of the piston-rod, and slide the leather gently from one rod to the other.

The leather descends until it reaches the cone, (of the working cylinder) which being very sharp at its upper end penetrates a certain distance into the circular cavity formed by the leather, and slightly distends the leather. The cover of the small cylinder is then put over the piston-rod, and as it descends to its place, the cone (attached to it) enters into the cylindrical cavity of the leather. The bolts are then tightened gradually, and the cover of the small cylinder brought carefully into contact with the working cylinder, when the leather covers both cones."

The above substitute for a stuffing-box may, it is said, "be used not only in the before described (gas) engine, but also with any steam engines actually in use."

A contrivance is described for "lubricating the piston when necessary;" and also "a cock or a valve, to be used instead of the ordinary cock for retaining very volatile fluids."

The patentee desires it to be understood "that the boiler containing the water and steam which transmits heat to the ether and volatile liquors, and converts them into vapour, should be provided with safety-valves, water-gauges, proof-cocks, and all other accessaries, generally adapted to steam generators."

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No claim is made. The public are left to gather from the description given what" the improvements" are which the patentee considers to be new; and this is a sort of labour which the Courts have decided a patentee has no right to cast on the public. boiler we do not think is new. tute for the ordinary stuffing-box is new, and, moreover, a very ingenious contrivance, which, though it may never be of any use in its native application to ethereal vapour engines, may probably be applied with advantage to high-pressure steam-engines. The patentee (or, more properly speaking, the foreign author of "the communication" to him) gives us to understand in the introduction to his specification, that he has actually succeeded in obtaining a motive power from ethereal vapours "employed over and over again in a machine constructed in such a manner as to prevent the loss and escape of any particle of the same;" but that the machine he has described is capable, even with its ingenious packing apparatus, of accomplishing such a prodigy, or even of reaching within many degrees of it, we hold to be a most chimerical expectation. There could not fail to be very great waste; and, according to the inventor's own showing, unless there is no waste at all, there is nothing to be gained by the adoption of his machine.

MOSES POOLE, OF LINCOLN'S-INN, GENT., for certain improvements in fire-arms. (Being a communication from a foreigner residing abroad.)-Enrolment Office, April 16, 1842.

The improvements comprehended under this patent relate solely to fire-arms with revolving breeches, and consist, 1. In so constructing them that by simply pulling and letting go the trigger, one barrel is discharged, and the next in the circle of barrels brought round to be fired off; so that the gun may be discharged as many times as there are barrels, without once moving it from the shoulder; and 2. In making the locks of such fire-arms without either hammer or cock.

When the trigger is pulled, it pushes forward a small spring barrel or case, which by means of a connecting collar and link, brings a moveable stop inside of the revolving breech round upon the nipple of the first of the loaded barrels in order to be fired, and by its forcible contact with the cap fixed upon it, causes it to explode. On withdrawing the hand from the trigger, the spring barrel and stop return to their original positions, while the breech, with which the trigger is also connected, (by means of arrangements similar to those commonly adopted in guns of this class, and not necessary therefore to be here described,) revolves so far as to bring up another loaded barrel ready to be discharged in the same way as before. Should it be desirable to cease firing after the discharge of one or more barrels, there is a stop below the lock, by pressing on which the whole of the mechanism is made fast.

The claim is, "1. To the mode of constructing fire-arms with revolving breeches in such manner that the action of pulling the trigger will discharge the gun, and by withdrawing the pressure therefrom, the breech will revolve, and bring up a fresh barrel to be discharged, the other parts returning to their original position.

"2. To the mode of constructing firearms with revolving breeches applied thereto, in such manner as to dispense with the cock or hammer, by bringing each nipple having a cap thereon, successively in contact with a moveable stop, which will explode and so discharge the gun."


Jury Court, Edinburgh-April 1—5. J. B. Neilson and others, v. Househill Coal and Iron Company.

[The Lord Justice Clerk and a special jury commenced to try the issues between

the parties on Friday, 1st of April, and so extensive was the investigation, that the case occupied six days.]

This was an action of damages for the contravention of a patent for "an invention for the improved application of air to produce heat in fires, forges, and furnaces, where bellows or other blowing apparatus are required." The claim of the patentee is in these terms:-" I, the said J. B. Neilson, do hereby declare, that my invention for the improved application of air to produce heat in fires, forges, and furnaces, where bellows or other blowing apparatus are required, consists in introducing into, and applying to the fires, forges, and furnaces, atmospheric air, in the following manner, &c."

The following were the issues :—

"It being admitted, that, on the 1st day of October, 1828, the pursuer, J. B. Neilson, obtained letters patent under the Great Seal used in Scotland, in place of the Great Seal thereof, and duly enrolled a specification in terms of the proviso contained in said letters patent:

"It being also admitted, that the pursuers, other than the said J. B. Neilson, have acquired, by assignment from him, a joint interest with him in the said patent:

"Whether, in the course of the year 1840, and during the currency of the said letters patent, the defenders did, in or at their iron works at Househill, by themselves or others, wrongfully, and in contravention of the privileges conferred by the said letters patent, use machinery or apparatus substantially the same with the machinery or apparatus described in said specification, and to the effect set forth in the said letters patent and specification, to the loss, injury, and damage of the pursuers?"

The damages were laid as follows:-Profits claimed, as at the date of the action, 10,000.; other damages, as at the same date, 2,000.-Total, 12,000.

Mr. Rutherford opened the case for the pursuers in an address of upwards of two hours' duration. The following among other witnesses, gave evidence in favour of the pur

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John George Bodmer, Esq. Engineer, Manchester
William Silverwood, Esq., Civil and Mining En-
gineer, Derbyshire.
Alexander Buttery, Esq., of the Monkland Steel
and Iron Company, &c. &c.

The Solicitor General (M'Neill) then addressed the jury with great ability for the defenders, and afterwards called several witnesses (chiefly from London).

Mr. Rutherford replied for the pursuers in an eloquent and powerful speech.

The Lord Justice Clerk, after giving full directions to the jury as to the law of the case, went over the principal parts of the evidence. In concluding, he informed the jury, that, if their verdict should be for the defenders, they would simply find for them on all the issues; if, on the other hand, they should find for the pursuers, then he considered it would be expedient, with a view to the after-procedure in this important cause, that they should embody in their verdict answers to the three following questions:

"Whether the invention, as described in the said letters patent and specification, is not the original invention of the pursuer, the said J. B. Neilson?

"Whether the description contained in the said specification is not such as to enable workmen of ordinary skill to make machinery or apparatus capable of producing the effect set forth in the said letters patent and specification?

"Whether machinery or apparatus constructed according to the description in the said letters patent and specification, is not practically useful for the purposes set forth in the said letters patent?"

The jury, after retiring for an hour and a quarter, returned a verdict for the pursuers, on all the issues, at the same time adding, in terms of the suggestion of the court, the following special findings:

"And further find, that by the description in the said specification, the patentee did not refer to any particular form, or shape, or mode of construction, of the air vessel or vessels, or receptacle or receptacles, in which the air under blast is to be heated.

"And further find, that by the use of the term "effect" in the specification, the patentee did not state that the form and shape of the air vessel, or vessels, were material for the purpose of heating the air in such air vessel, or vessels.

"And further find, that the terms of the specification respecting the air vessels, or receptacles, and the size and numbers thereof, are not such as to mislead persons acquainted with the process of heating air, so as to direct and cause them to construct the vessels in a form or manner contrary to the ordinary and necessary rules to be attended to in heating air, passed into vessels for the


purpose of being heated under the progress of the blast.

"And they assess the damages at 30601. sterling."

[It was proved in evidence, that the defenders, from the time they began to smelt iron, to the date of the summons executed against them, had smelted 1700 tons of iron, so that the sum of 30601. of damages is at the rate of 17. 168. for every ton of iron smelted by them.]


Impure Air.-Dr. Reid, in his lectures on chemistry, mentions the following simple and satisfactory experiment for the discovery of impure air :A spoonful of lime should be injected into a beer bottle with water, and being placed where suspicion is attached to the quality of the atmosphere, the presence of impurity would be tested by the appearance on the surface of a white and copious incrustation.

English and American Tools. All kinds of moulding planes, more particularly beads, hollows, and rounds, are cheaper in the United States than in England, in consequence of machinery being employed in manufacturing them, to a considerable extent. With these exceptions all other edge tools are dearer in the United States than they are in England. Axes made in England of the American pattern and quality, would pay well as an investment to take out: they may be purchased at 6d. per lb. The best axe and hammer maker in New York is an Englishman, named Standish, in Perrystreet-his price is 3 dollars for a broad axe of 9lb.; this is the lowest. The felling axe, of about 6lb., sells from 1 to 2 dollars. One reason why the American axe is superior to those imported, is because the steel is welded to the end of the iron, instead of being put between two layers of iron, as in England, by which it is apt to peel, when using the axe sideways.-Le Cras.

New Salt.-M. Laurent announces that he has obtained a new salt, the "isato-sulphate" of potash, by treating isatine with the bisulphate of potash. This salt presents a new type of crystals; it is isomeric with the indigo-sulphate of potash, but it possesses different properties. Acids give a precipitate of isatine, and disengage sulphurous acid.

Feeding Poultry.-Professor Gregory, of Aberdeen, in a letter to a friend observes-"As I suppose you keep poultry, I may tell you that it has been ascertained that if you mix with their food a sufficient quantity of egg-shells or chalk, which they eat greedily, they will lay, cæteris paribus, twice or thrice as many eggs as before. A well-fed fowl is disposed to lay a vast number of eggs, but cannot do so without the materials for the shells, however nourishing in other respects her food may be; indeed a fowl fed on food and water, free from carbonate of lime, and not finding any in the soil, or in the shape of mortar, which they often eat off the walls, would lay no eggs at all with the best will in the world. Lay this to heart, and let me know in the spring if the hens lay two, or two for one."Liverpool Standard.

Science in High Life.-A letter from Dublin of the 16th instant, written by a gentleman who was present on the occasion of casting a gigantic speculum which has been undertaken by Lord Rosse (late Lord Oxmantoun), and quoted in the Times, says "Nothing could be more successful than Lord Rosse's operation, nor more beautiful than all his arrangements. The casting was made at nine at night of yesterday, (15th inst.) and byten we witnessed the building up of the monster speculum of 6 feet diameter, and weighing 3 tons, in a hot

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